Silver Jelly's art post!

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Hahahaha....was not expecting this at all when I clicked on the thread. You even made the spots on his back the same colour as the background so it looks like his shell leads directly in to the background, haha. When I did that, it was actually a mistake because I accidentally photobucketed the ground the same colour that I had used for the spots, but then I just figured I'd leave it because it was kind of a weird effect.... but now I see it was no mistake - forsooth, truly, 'twas FATE that left ladybug's spots coloured like the background.

Not sure why I broke in to Shakespearean English just there - I think my brain's just too frazzled by the awesomeness of this, haha.
Oh man, shoot...that bug's cute too, haha! Thumbs up-

My new job is completely monopolizing my life and time like, but here's a Centaur just for fennewalde!

I'm sorry I didn't shade it, but you get a greek extra to compensate.


Want to know a good way to catch up and have plenty of inspiration?

Pixel Art of Halforumite Avatars. -wink-


It's still great! I'm going to be changing it again sometime this week though, to reflect the right character too....

It really is pretty sweet though, if you were to do a pixel art on my next avatar, I guarantee I would keep that as mine -grin-
Who knows what the future holds for my spriting...

Because I feel like all I do since I started working is work, eat, sleep, shower and poop.
If things went as they should have, I would have posted a sketch or something each day and, in the final day, I would have unveiled the sprite drawing I had been working on the side during this month.

But I didn't do that.

So, here you have it, a ver very incomplete fight scene between children with superpowers and a horrible abomination:



I seriously, seriously love that fight scene. Seriously. It's fun and creative and looks AWESOME even though it's only half-finished. And I'm being serious right now. The style of this and the creative quirkiness of all the little characters doing all sorts of weird different activities... it's like a Where's Waldo -type thing, and it's just really fun.
Great way to end the month Jelly-
I seriously, seriously love that fight scene. Seriously. It's fun and creative and looks AWESOME even though it's only half-finished. And I'm being serious right now. The style of this and the creative quirkiness of all the little characters doing all sorts of weird different activities... it's like a Where's Waldo -type thing, and it's just really fun.
Great way to end the month Jelly-
I'm glad you liked it ^_^

Is that Nes in the top left corner?
Well, Nes was the inspiration for this drawing. Le's call it an homage.
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