Since the old one seems dead, picture time!

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GAH I can't help it. Ever since I started watching the Office I'm in total "That's what she said" mode... or "that's what he said." :p My sister and I have contests.


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Me and my friends are beautiful people

also you can thank Blatz for pretty much any goofy face I have


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Juski I just wanna give you a hug.


GODDAMN is that a Vlad t-Shirt YOU SONOFABITCH[/quote]

cost you a dollar

also, yes. 5/5 stars. I makink out just for the kicks. Until you are so nude, etc etc


Hey, another guy with an eyebrow scar? Join the club. I've got two, one on each, though only one's really visible. Wearing glasses = risky business.
Iaculus said:
Hey, another guy with an eyebrow scar? Join the club. I've got two, one on each, though only one's really visible. Wearing glasses = risky business.
EPIC SHATTER!? That's pretty cool. :D

I just scanned a bunch of old pictures yesterday :p

This is me a couple months ago after trying on a tux for my bros wedding.

A couple days ago, I take good pictures if I don't know they are coming but yeah not if I do... so that one is bad.


Gusto said:
Iaculus said:
Hey, another guy with an eyebrow scar? Join the club. I've got two, one on each, though only one's really visible. Wearing glasses = risky business.
EPIC SHATTER!? That's pretty cool. :D
Actually, they were from two non-consecutive occasions. The first involved a slippery floor and a metal TV stand, the latter a hhigh-velocity Year 7.


Cajungal said:
^_^ You're all so pretty.

Well dont forget yourself when it comes to all the beautiful people. :heythere:

*Hugs everyone till brains start oozing from their eyes. :eek:

Iaculus said:
Hey, another guy with an eyebrow scar? Join the club. I've got two, one on each, though only one's really visible. Wearing glasses = risky business.
I've got one on my right eyebrow from falling face-first into playground gravel from the top of the monkey bars on my eighth birthday.


Gusto said:
LordRavage said:
Cajungal said:
^_^ You're all so pretty.

Well dont forget yourself when it comes to all the beautiful people. :heythere:

*Hugs everyone till brains start oozing from their eyes. :eek:
Dude. Boundaries.

Come on.

You didnt say that last night. We had such a wonderful time and you had to ruin it by putting boundaries.

Tease. :D


Staff member
LordRavage said:
Cajungal said:
^_^ You're all so pretty.

Well dont forget yourself when it comes to all the beautiful people. :heythere:

*Hugs everyone till brains start oozing from their eyes. :eek:
Hugs where stuff starts oozing is the best.

oh all you fuckin pretty people

EDIT: I have one scar from crackin my head open at a ripe 2 years, all playin Legos then bleeding everywhere like a badassmofo


Staff member
I have a scar on both my middle fingers. I sliced them BOTH open at one point in culinary school. They kept the most God-awful knives around for general chopping, and if you forgot your set you had to use them. Most people didn't bother to sharpen them; it was almost impossible! Well... oops.
ZenMonkey said:
Iaculus said:
Hey, another guy with an eyebrow scar? Join the club. I've got two, one on each, though only one's really visible. Wearing glasses = risky business.
I've got one on my right eyebrow from falling face-first into playground gravel from the top of the monkey bars on my eighth birthday.

Are you ME?


Albeit at a younger age.



Staff member
Cajungal said:
I have a scar on both my middle fingers. I sliced them BOTH open at one point in culinary school. They kept the most God-awful knives around for general chopping, and if you forgot your set you had to use them. Most people didn't bother to sharpen them; it was almost impossible! Well... oops.
Similar to culinary school, I had a scar for the longest time from a Jalopeno Popper from a restaraunt. I squirted hot cheese onto my thumb, screamed in agony while my friends laughed because apparently I was up to antics. I had this weird burn mark on my hand for only recently disappeared. How or why I DO NOT KNOW.
Cajungal said:
I have a scar on both my middle fingers. I sliced them BOTH open at one point in culinary school. They kept the most God-awful knives around for general chopping, and if you forgot your set you had to use them. Most people didn't bother to sharpen them; it was almost impossible! Well... oops.
I cut and or burn myself just about every shift that I work. My hands are in rough shape, if you really really look at 'em.
Cajungal said:
I have a scar on both my middle fingers. I sliced them BOTH open at one point in culinary school. They kept the most God-awful knives around for general chopping, and if you forgot your set you had to use them. Most people didn't bother to sharpen them; it was almost impossible! Well... oops.
You actually have a greater chance of cutting yourself with a dull knife than a sharp one. You apply more pressure and are less careful with dull knives than sharp ones.

Yeah, I have scars on my legs (mostly from scrap metal), my pinkie finger and my thumb (cutting myself while working in a nursing home kitchen), a scar on my left arm (was playing 'guns' as an 11 year old, crawling on the ground by a fence and cut my warm open- looked too cool to get fixed up!), and a couple on my stomach (probably again from scrap metal).

Hm, I think I should be more careful than I am.


Staff member
Very very true, Krispy. The cuts were all jagged. If it had been my sweet-ass Henckles, it would've at least been a nice clean cut.
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