Since the old one seems dead, picture time!

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Krisken said:
I'm going to cover all the bases here and say you're all mighty fine looking men and women.


By this I mean the men are fine looking men and the women are fine looking women.

Not to be confused as any other combination, of course.

I AM dressed as an elf here. Some speculation and confusion to my perceived gender is normal.


Staff member
Krisken said:
I'm going to cover all the bases here and say you're all mighty fine looking men and women.


By this I mean the men are fine looking men and the women are fine looking women.

Not to be confused as any other combination, of course.

Oh word...?

How you doin? :unibrow:


Okay, my new favorite game is to go through the photo thread backwards. Meaning: load up a page, hit end, and scroll up slowly so I see the picture before I see the person, and then be surprised! It's fun. Haha. Perhaps... I have a loose definition of fun.
Lally said:
Okay, my new favorite game is to go through the photo thread backwards. Meaning: load up a page, hit end, and scroll up slowly so I see the picture before I see the person, and then be surprised! It's fun. Haha. Perhaps... I have a loose definition of fun.
It's like the online version of peek-a-boo!
It's cool to put faces to names! I think I have a baby picture somewhere, I'll have a look.

Me wearing some girls jacket at a party. I was affy pished here.



Me, shortly before growing facial hair, very very drunk

EDIT: For the scars thing, I have on my right forearm from getting a bone graft, a scar down my back from a skin graft, one at my left eye from when I sliced my face open on a coffee table, and one down my left leg from when I was hit by a car.
I realized I don't have any good pictures of myself. So here is the awkward picture of me holding my new nephew from last year. Babies kinda freak me out.



Staff member
North_Ranger said:
You like my suspenders?

Wanna play with them? :D
I could try and use them to suspend disbelief. I don't think that's what you meant tho.:p


*...edit... I shoulda gone to bed about 3 hours before posting this. I can't even remember writing this too.
North_Ranger said:
Dude, nobody wants to see "before threesome" pictures.

Now, "during threesome" pictures... :sobad:
There's no doubt in my mind he has those stored. I know I have mine on seperate flash drive.


Staff member
Shegokigo said:
North_Ranger said:
Dude, nobody wants to see "before threesome" pictures.

Now, "during threesome" pictures... :sobad:
There's no doubt in my mind he has those stored. I know I have mine on seperate flash drive.
You have aroused my curiosity. Among other things.


North_Ranger said:
Shegokigo said:
[quote="North_Ranger":1p5bu9rc]Dude, nobody wants to see "before threesome" pictures.

Now, "during threesome" pictures... :sobad:
There's no doubt in my mind he has those stored. I know I have mine on seperate flash drive.
You have aroused my curiosity. Among other things.[/quote:1p5bu9rc]Well-aroused as I might say, and no, I dont take pictures of "after" and "during", as I did have a rather nasty past experience with such pics... as they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

The boss and I accepting four awards for marketing excellence at an awards ceremony in Whistler, last June.

Me standing with my buddy Samuel Champlain in Quebec City before the last Van Halen concert with David Lee Roth fronting.
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