Since the old one seems dead, picture time!

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Me & the family.

Back row (left to right):

Me, my dad, my niece, my brother-in-law & my nephew.

Front row (left to right):

My son, my wife, my daughter (DOWN SERA, DOWN!!), my sister and my other niece.

My wife, sister and front row niece all hate this picture. Totally unflattering, they think.


And now we know what your daughter looks like. Dave, we really need to talk about your (lack of) posting filter.


Staff member
Edrondol said:

Me & the family.

Back row (left to right):

Me, my dad, my niece, my brother-in-law & my nephew.

Front row (left to right):

My son, my wife, my daughter (DOWN SERA, DOWN!!), my sister and my other niece.

My wife, sister and front row niece all hate this picture. Totally unflattering, they think.
I like that picture, to be honest... Of course, it's because your family looks really nice.

Say... when are you going to let the young'uns back to Halforum? :twisted:

SeraRelm said:
And now we know what your daughter looks like. Dave, we really need to talk about your (lack of) posting filter.
This is the first time I have ever done so. And the only reason I broke my own ban is because I found out my wife has been posting family pictures on her site. If someone wanted to find my daughter's picture online they no longer need me to slip up. So there's no reason for me not to.

You still don't know her name, although I don't think that would be hard to find out any more thanks to Facebook, MySpace and crap like that which my wife and daughter are both on.


Are you sure you didn't accidentally hide it due to the recent myspace debacle?

Me and my step-cousin. This is my crazy face picture.

This is from a couple weeks ago when my mom was in town.

Just took this at work with my phone.
hudeany said:
You aren't really a happy chap are you?
Why would he be happy when the world is full of pain, down in the deep dark, and all the conformers just want us to live happy Gap conformist lives.

This is the full-sized picture where my avatar is from.

This is the picture I would tell people to use if they ever wanted to put my face on a coin.

New Year's Eve. We are such a happy couple.

Last spring on a motorcycle ride, back when I had long hair.
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