Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd...")

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So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

At a party about two weeks ago, I put my boobs on the line during a beer pong game. If I won, he paid me $20. If he won, I had to show him my boobs and let him cop a feel.

Needless to say, at the end of the night, I was $20 richer.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

20 bucks to take pictures of tits?!?!?!? Wow, I've gotten away with free for all this time. God bless camera phones becoming cheap while I was in college.


Staff member
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

At a party about two weeks ago, I put my boobs on the line during a beer pong game. If I won, he paid me $20. If he won, I had to show him my boobs and let him cop a feel.

Needless to say, at the end of the night, I was $20 richer.
That, dear Droll, surely qualifies as an example of effective assets handling.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

At a party about two weeks ago, I put my boobs on the line during a beer pong game. If I won, he paid me $20. If he won, I had to show him my boobs and let him cop a feel.

Needless to say, at the end of the night, I was $20 richer.
As I guy I have to say that's a mighty depressing story


Staff member
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

At a party about two weeks ago, I put my boobs on the line during a beer pong game. If I won, he paid me $20. If he won, I had to show him my boobs and let him cop a feel.

Needless to say, at the end of the night, I was $20 richer.
As I guy I have to say that's a mighty depressing story[/QUOTE]

Well, you could always offer a crotch-grope if you lose a bet...
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

His abs are eating the rest of him. Proof that crunches are evil.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

At a party about two weeks ago, I put my boobs on the line during a beer pong game. If I won, he paid me $20. If he won, I had to show him my boobs and let him cop a feel.

Needless to say, at the end of the night, I was $20 richer.
I support this use.

And speaking of bewbs.


Philosopher B.

So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

^ What he inquired. That's the best thing I've seen all day.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I've been accused of "personas" enough in my life. Though why my lifestyle is considered a fucked up individual is interesting enough to warrant a "Why?".
Because, the forum goers that frequent here are, for the most part, normal individuals. Yes, they have a few quirks, but idiosyncrasies are normal. Being an asshole is normal for the internet.

With you, however, it seems like a long chain of extremes. It doesn't matter what incarnation of the board it was, it always feels like I'm taking a proverbial double take at something you've posted. There's no rollarcoaster ride...there are no ups and downs. It's just balls-to-the-wall, 300 mphl extreme. In fact, it's so extreme, despite the fact that it seems one way, I have a hard time swallowing it. Maybe I'm too cynical. Maybe I'm too vanilla. Maybe the shocking things blur out the normal shit so effectively that I can't see the forest for the trees.

It was just an observation. Was it an asshole's observation? I did say that you'd probably take it the wrong way.

I don't normally go out of my way to bump heads with you. I'm sorry that I singled you out, whether you feel that way or not.

And for anyone asking if I was "the guy who did _________", no, it wasn't me.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I've been accused of "personas" enough in my life. Though why my lifestyle is considered a fucked up individual is interesting enough to warrant a "Why?".
Because, the forum goers that frequent here are, for the most part, normal individuals. Yes, they have a few quirks, but idiosyncrasies are normal. Being an asshole is normal for the internet.

With you, however, it seems like a long chain of extremes. It doesn't matter what incarnation of the board it was, it always feels like I'm taking a proverbial double take at something you've posted. There's no rollarcoaster ride...there are no ups and downs. It's just balls-to-the-wall, 300 mphl extreme. In fact, it's so extreme, despite the fact that it seems one way, I have a hard time swallowing it. Maybe I'm too cynical. Maybe I'm too vanilla. Maybe the shocking things blur out the normal shit so effectively that I can't see the forest for the trees.

It was just an observation. Was it an asshole's observation? I did say that you'd probably take it the wrong way.

I don't normally go out of my way to bump heads with you. I'm sorry that I singled you out, whether you feel that way or not.

And for anyone asking if I was "the guy who did __The Funky Chicken_______", no, it wasn't me.[/QUOTE]
This should be a forum game.

The Key of J

So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I've been accused of "personas" enough in my life. Though why my lifestyle is considered a fucked up individual is interesting enough to warrant a "Why?".
Because, the forum goers that frequent here are, for the most part, normal individuals. Yes, they have a few quirks, but idiosyncrasies are normal.[/QUOTE]

There's normal on the net? Somebody's been lying to me.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

...let someone take a handful of pictures of her tits, but could not include her face or anything else incriminating. This girl is around 20 years old or so. Her thoughts were that pictures aren't that big of a deal and she's not ashamed of her body...and the thought of someone taking photos of her kind of made her hot, but not for the person taking them.

I've never really had the conversation with other girls I know (this one is a pervert for sure), but I'd find it hard to believe that most girls are the same way, so I was a bit thrown off by the conversation.

No, I do not think she has the hots for me...a) it's me and b) she doesn't like white guys.

Just an odd conversation I had yesterday that seemed fitting for this place.

And no...I will not be getting pictures. I like a handful of boob and she definitely doesn't have that.
If she threw in a boob job...... but then from your post it does seem she's not endowed enough.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I've been accused of "personas" enough in my life. Though why my lifestyle is considered a fucked up individual is interesting enough to warrant a "Why?".
Because, the forum goers that frequent here are, for the most part, normal individuals. Yes, they have a few quirks, but idiosyncrasies are normal. Being an asshole is normal for the internet.

With you, however, it seems like a long chain of extremes. It doesn't matter what incarnation of the board it was, it always feels like I'm taking a proverbial double take at something you've posted. There's no rollarcoaster ride...there are no ups and downs. It's just balls-to-the-wall, 300 mphl extreme. In fact, it's so extreme, despite the fact that it seems one way, I have a hard time swallowing it. Maybe I'm too cynical. Maybe I'm too vanilla. Maybe the shocking things blur out the normal shit so effectively that I can't see the forest for the trees.

It was just an observation. Was it an asshole's observation? I did say that you'd probably take it the wrong way.

I don't normally go out of my way to bump heads with you. I'm sorry that I singled you out, whether you feel that way or not.

And for anyone asking if I was "the guy who did _________", no, it wasn't me.[/QUOTE]

Extreme is relative. One person's extreme is another person's regular thursday afternoon.

I'm not going to say I do any of the same things that Shego does, because I'm a relatively boring guy, but the activities and relationships she's talked about don't seem that unusual to me. Are they deviations from the norm? Yes, but that in itself doesn't make it deviant, especially when it's so hard to define just what 'normal' means.

And just to throw in some pointless anecdotal evidence, I've known people in far stranger, but still very healthy, relationships with even stranger 'hobbies'. And they're perfectly fine people.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I think you are giving the benefit of the doubt, it's social norms or laws that are being violated that makes someone a deviant, now i'm pretty sure murder/torture/sex parties, aren't social norms and some of them are violation of crimes, that's a deviant right there. If you find another problem maybe you shouldn't argue against the word deviant but simply the perception of extreme. Just my 2c, and I'm not stating my views one way or another
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I think you are giving the benefit of the doubt, it's social norms or laws that are being violated that makes someone a deviant, now i'm pretty sure murder/torture/sex parties, aren't social norms and some of them are violation of crimes, that's a deviant right there. If you find another problem maybe you shouldn't argue against the word deviant but simply the perception of extreme. Just my 2c, and I'm not stating my views one way or another
Crime is one of those funnt things. While the LAW is very specific in it's definition of what is and is not socially acceptable, all too often, social mores dictate more often than not. I personally find the idea of adultery reprehensible and irresponsible in the extreme, and it's a crime on the books in Georgia. Can I charge someone with it? Sure - if I don't mind the case getting tossed out on it's metaphysical ass.

While murder is (for the most part - that's another rant) pretty cut-and-dried in it's definition, torture for one person might be foreplay to another. And as for sex parties - hey, as long as it goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults, it's none of my affair. Society functions through the acceptance of the actions of those around you. In the event that those behaviors become unacceptable, you have three choices:
1) Attempt to control/regulate/stop the offending action
2) Leave
or 3) learn to become more tolerant.

Unlimited tolerance breeds anarchy. Unlimited control breeds dictatorship. Unlimited flight breeds a collapsed society. Only through finding a balance between the three does society function acceptably.

In the event of extremes, see rule 1 above. As stated, though, be prepared to figure out what is and is not extreme.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

wait...someone is actually putting sex parties in the same category as murder and torture?
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