South Africa 2010

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Let's be honest, as time moves on the more evident the lackings are in the game of soccer. To BAN replays because it instigates crowds is beyond asinine. Fix the problem, there won't be any issues afterwards. This game is flawed.
Let's be honest, as time moves on the more evident the lackings are in the game of soccer. To BAN replays because it instigates crowds is beyond asinine. Fix the problem, there won't be any issues afterwards. This game is flawed.
The game isn't flawed, the ruling committee is a bunch of dim-witted doofuses that can't see that a change is needed at the highest level of the sport to take advantage of modern technology. It's possible that MLB baseball and FIFA are bastard children of the same father, snobbish "traditionalists."
To play Devil's Advocate, if you're in this tournament now, and you're not going to change things in the middle of the tournament, well. Turning off the replays makes a lot of sense.
You are right, but looking further ahead than the end of the championship probably no change will come from this. The discussion is not new...
I don't think anyone here was for changing the rules for this WC, but for using it for the next, at least that is what I was suggesting. The rules are set for this year, but there have also been some really glaring examples of poor calls that shouldn't have stood upon review. The technology is there for the on-field ref to be able to review a possible goal, even a way for a "video judge" to signal that the ref needs to review. I think that getting the call right is more important than the "tradition" that the ref is always in the right.
You think so, you go make your own international sport committee association thingie. THEY obviously don't think so. And THEY'RE the association running the, literally, most important sport on this planet.
They severely lack the ability to fix these issues due to their stubborn traditional ways. What they feel they are trying to preserve is being shat on because they lack the integrity to do their jobs after half a dozen game outcomes were ruined by flagrant terrible calls. At work, people talk about the games but no one is going, "Wow, Argentina is amazing!" or "Germany really is going to win this one", what I heard all day? "How the fuck did they miss that England goal?" "I don't get it, are imaginary offsides only called against the Italian team?" "First the hand of God, now the offsides, FIFA loves Maradonna like Maradonna loves coke."

I got a link to both replays in email by the time I came in. That's what everyone was talking about most of today.

So is FIFA sucking a dick? I think so.
You think so, you go make your own international sport committee association thingie. THEY obviously don't think so. And THEY'RE the association running the, literally, most important sport on this planet.
Exactly, which is why we don't want to watch silently as they fuck it up.
Absolutely. It's so aggravating they have fucked up the WC this bad. Everywhere I go, this is all that I hear and see.

Soccer fans like the controversy. The game for them is like a soap opera. They like to suffer, like to argue and that is why they keep watching the game.


Soccer fans like the controversy. The game for them is like a soap opera. They like to suffer, like to argue and that is why they keep watching the game.
Oh yeah? I happen to know more than a few football fans... Not a single one of them enjoy those shenanigans...
That is not like it looks from where I am. And I am the only who is not a soccer fan in this city.
The mistakes and the controversies are good topics to talk about and argue about and watch again and again, but that doesn't mean they're desirable.

It's like saying people want cars to crash because then they'll have something interesting to talk about.
Great game between Portugal and Spain!

Another controversy though? Red card on Costa... for what reason?
5 minutes to the end, when Spain was dominating the match... No, not so important.
Also, I think it was not because of that (nonexistant?) foul itself but because he had already been called out by the referee or something.

Anyway, yeah, good match! A pity that Portugal didn't try and attack more (besides counterattacks). If they had been more agressive they could have scored by the end of the first half. I think.

(I actually have no fucking idea about football)
Alright, I just heard an actually decent reason to the lack of technology in FIFA approved football...

If they made it a rule, it would leave out lots of poorer countries that could just not afford the infrastructure needed to implement the technological checkings. Think of countries where football is the national pastime but are still poor as hell, someone like Trinidad & Tobago, they would have to leave FIFA if they wanted to continue playing football in their local league. Which would mean no international tournament inclusion, no FIFA-approved league, no way of their players playing in other countries... it'd be pretty bad.

I'm not saying it's the only reason they would need, they could just require the technology during international tournaments, but it's the first time I've heard an actual reason for their lack of technology that makes some sense.
having 10 players instead of 11 didn't affect the game?

What Tegid said, Spain didn't use it to their advantage and there was too little playtime left to really matter all that much. Sure it's still a mistake and maybe in those 5 minutes Portugal were about to flip this game around and score a goal, but I have a hard time believing that it would happen.

In any case I loved this match, very eager play from Spain and not a boring minute.
Alright, I just heard an actually decent reason to the lack of technology in FIFA approved football...

If they made it a rule, it would leave out lots of poorer countries that could just not afford the infrastructure needed to implement the technological checkings. Think of countries where football is the national pastime but are still poor as hell, someone like Trinidad & Tobago, they would have to leave FIFA if they wanted to continue playing football in their local league. Which would mean no international tournament inclusion, no FIFA-approved league, no way of their players playing in other countries... it'd be pretty bad.

I'm not saying it's the only reason they would need, they could just require the technology during international tournaments, but it's the first time I've heard an actual reason for their lack of technology that makes some sense.
I have heard that a couple of times before. It is absurd! As you say, you only need to require the technology on the higher levels of the game, like international tournaments. I don't know how it is in Mexico, but here the lower category leagues don't have 4 referees... Well, it's the very same for an even higher level.

Did you read my post about there being 6 referees in some European matches?


plus in tennis they don't use hawkeye in every tournament only in the really big ones and even then they don't have the system on every court, it's not a problem there so it shouldn't be a problem in football.
Most football arenas in the States aren't exactly loaded with video replay technology, and at the high school level and lower, pretty much none of them are. We still require it at the national championship level. It's a non-argument.
People, we're talking about CHANGING THE RULES OF THE GAME here...

The game CLEARLY forbids... not ignores, FORBIDS... the referee and players to watch replays of an ongoing game.

Imagine, for instance, the recent-ish Challenge rule in the NFL. I think it's a brilliant way to address the problem... but what if it couldn't be used by every stadium in the NFL? How is that fair? Am I sucesfully transmitting my point here? If they change the rules to accommodate only the countries with the means to follow them, they're leaving all those others with an unfair disadvantage.

Again, I'm aware it's not the greatest of arguments, but I'm playing Devil's Advocate here.


Staff member
What if it's only used during the World Cup? That way it only affects those who get there. Problem solved.
It's a retarded system with critical Windows Millenium-like flaws in their mentality that guarantees nothing but a bunch of fail.
If they change the rules to accommodate only the countries with the means to follow them, they're leaving all those others with an unfair disadvantage.
How so? Putting in the replay option would allow refs to see clearly whether a player is or isn't violating the rules and whether a goal is or isn't legal with perfect clarity according to the current rules?

If the Olympics and all their internationally recognized sports associations that send people to the Olympics can manage it every two years with a lot more countries, I don't see why FIFA can't manage it every 4 for the WC.


The fifa president is older than the instant replay. almost as old as dave. maybe the man fears technothingamabobs past the invention of the wheel.

Element 117

man I am despondent in ways that people here who hate me could only dream of inspiring. My teams are out, and all the teams I wanted to win- man. out. Damn. Why WC Football? Why do I let you tease me into thinking it'll be different this time? Why?
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