South Africa 2010

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The only thing I would change is the players rolling around on the ground for the last 5 minutes of the game, trying to draw it out. Other than that there seems to be great case for instant replay to be utilized, even if both the goal calls don't get overturned they were so close on video, that they must been nearly impossible to see in person.


I would like to see some more video use and maybe a system like in rugby where they can stop the time when there is a serious injury, but then they can't play overtime.


Gah, what an horrible game...

Brazil is playing for the 0 x 0, they DESERVE to lose... GO PORTUGAL!


Worst. Game. Ever.

Well, Brazil was without the two main strikers and worse, without the midfielder...

Anyway, Brazil 1st, Portugal 2nd. Let's see how Spain does now...
I turned the TV off out of boredom and disgust halfway through the Brazil-Portugal game. Seriously, what the hell was that? I thought that would be one of the best matches of the group stages.


Staff member
Nothing they did would change the outcome. Even if Brazil beat Portugal the Ivory Coast would have had to beat Korea by 7 goals to leapfrog.

So I don't blame them if they didn't want to push thmselves and risk injury.


Staff member
Yes, but as soon as Portugal started actually playing, so would Brazil. Brazil had nothing to lose by waiting and Portugal was probably looking at their bracket if they won. Winning means that they'd meet either Slovakia or the Netherlands in the quarters. By coming in second in their pool they have weaker perceived opponents in the Quarters (Japan or Paraguay) if they get past whomever wins Group H.


Ok, let's forget about that Brazil x Portugal, Spain x Chile is nothing short of spectacular!!!
That right there is another reason I could never play soccer. If someone did that to me I would make sure there was a reason for him to be writhing on the ground.

Players that flop should be fucking ashamed of themselves. They are an embarrassment to all of sports.
I remember hearing a commentator on a game once decry someone for diving. If I recall correctly, it went something like: "The only way it could have been more obvious that that was a dive was if he were wearing a damn snorkel."


Ah, what an intense game between Uruguay and South Korea! Things are certainly different when nothing but a victory will do...

Uruguay 2 x 1 South Korea, USA x Ghana is next.
Uh, guys, look at that gif frame by frame... totally by accident the Chilean player's knee hits Torres' foot just as it's up, so it pushes it against his other leg.. of course after he feels the impact he exaggerates the fall, but he would have tripped anyway. Not deserving of the yellow card since there was no intention, granted, but the player would have fallen. Didn't the network where you watch it show it??
Hmm...if you look really closely the right leg does get knocked to the side and hits the calf on the left leg.One would defenitly fall from that.But that jump was still a little over the top.

0-1 ghana
I think Ghana and the USA are pretty evenly matched so far, though Ghana seem to be growing stronger as the game goes on.
What do you mean you disagree? I was watching it on the ABC feed and the AMERICAN commentators were all like "oh, yeah, uh, diving is a strategy and he used it brilliantly on his team's favor..." while they were playing the replay. It was obvious.


What do you mean you disagree? I was watching it on the ABC feed and the AMERICAN commentators were all like "oh, yeah, uh, diving is a strategy and he used it brilliantly on his team's favor..." while they were playing the replay. It was obvious.
Really?? Well, I'll watch it again latter. Of course, diving is not a strategy, diving is cheating.
Exaggerating the extent of a hit can arguably be called strategy... a little kick that would barely even be felt through the shin guards could still count as a foul, and the referee can't be close enough to notice there was a hit every time unless he sees a reaction. Coaches instruct their players to seek the foul call by making it noticeable when one is committed, make no mistake. It's always been that way, all over the world. You'll never see a player get kicked and not fall down, unless he deems it a better strategy to continue a dangerous play or something.

Diving when there was no contact whatsoever, on the other hand, is unarguably cheating.
If Mexico wins (they won't) Monday is gonna have a looooot of people calling in sick to work. A looooooooooooooooooooooot.


Exaggerating the extent of a hit can arguably be called strategy...

(...) Diving when there was no contact whatsoever, on the other hand, is unarguably cheating.
Ah, ok, so you agree that in that penalty for the USA, there WAS a fault?
No, of course not, he dove without any reason whatsoever. He cheated his way onto that penalty.
I am sorry but I am going to have to Disagree. That was not a dive. He got taken down by the Ghana Players back leg. Watching the replay he did not start falling until he was hit by the other players leg. Embellishment, Yes. Dive, No.

On another note I like how we took a play from hockey and had the goal keeper out of the box and up trying to score. Keeper v Keeper


I saw a penalty too, but I was watching in a bar so not really the best place for objectivity

to bad the US lost

and the keeper v keeper thing is not that extraordinary in a tournament, off course when you just play for the points it's not word the risk but when you need to win then the keepers do that a lot
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