South Africa 2010

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A World Cup U.S. win would definitely be a boon for the sport in the U.S.
yeah, that is not going to happen, I fear it will be difficult for the USA against Germany or even Ghana or Serbia. Unless they get much more efficient in scoring goals


Well, the results for group D are in, 1st Germany, 2nd Ghana. I believe USA is more than able to get past Ghana... now Germany x England will surely be interesting...
USA won't have such an easy time against Ghana, I wouldn't get too cocky.
I have to agree, Ghana is a seriously aggressive team, and today not withstanding, our guys (as a team) haven't done so well defending. Howard is a great goalie, but the odds are against him if the defense can't back him up.


Staff member
US gets Ghana and if they win that they will get either Uruguay or South Korea - both of which are winnable. The semis will probably be (in my breakdown) where they meet their hardest match in either the Netherlands or Brazil. I don't see them beating Brazil but the Netherlands is doable.

I can really see the USA making it to the Semis and then playing for 3rd place against possibly Denmark.
You think USA can beat Uruguay!?

Dude, come on. Uruguay is one of the "new favorites" that rose up after most favorites disappointed.


Dude.. no. That's just

I'll admit that this is the best US soccer team ever, but that's still not enough to be good enough to beat a World Cup motivated Netherlands.


that is probably a bit to optimistic Dave, I give them a chance against Ghana but Uruguay and South Korea have better teams in my opinion, okay maybe they have a chance against them too. But neither Brazil nor the Netherlands is doable. Again in my opinion, off course maybe if they start playing better everything is possible but they will have to play a lot better.
Take the best game the USA has had this world cup, the very best. Add even a bit of luck to that.

That's still not enough to beat the Netherlands. No way.

Uruguay? Maybe a snowball's chance in hell, but not much more.
Pray that we get past Ghana first, then pray we get South Korea. Uruguay will run circles around us, but we have a mild chance against South Korea.

If we actually get that far, I will be more than satisfied. We made it to the quarters in 2002 before getting slapped down by Germany, and we got murdered in 2006.


I don't think the USA will get past Korea either, they have the drive and the fitness to win against the USA to, but it is easier then Uruguay on paper.


(...) But neither Brazil nor the Netherlands is doable.
Well, I do remember them scoring twice against us in the last Confederation's Cup... sure, sure, that's a totally different tournament, but Tim Howard is a hell of a goalie, and Landon Donovan would have a place in any football team here in Brazil.
I'd say Mexico is still better than the USA at football. It's a contested match, yeah, but I think we still edge up.


Create your own syllogism.
I'd say Mexico is still better than the USA at football. It's a contested match, yeah, but I think we still edge up.


Create your own syllogism.
Not a chance Mexico is better than the US team right now.

Ghana hasn't scored a goal in the run of play yet, it was the best possible scenario other than Australia for the US team in the second round.

As for Uruguay/South Korea? Really, I know Uruguay made Mexico look silly, but the US is a good step ahead of team Mexico.

This is the best chance for the US to make the semis since 1950. One of Uruguay/South Korea/US/Ghana will, and I'd give the US team at least even odds against anybody in that foursome.

This team played even with England, a team better than any of those 3.
As for US v. Ghana: Ghana beat the US 2-1 in the 2006 World Cup in which we crashed out in the first round. Also it looks like Ghana will be the only African team to make it past the first round, as such I wouldn't be surprised if they had the entire continent behind them from now on. So yeah, US v. Ghana is going to be a tough match, but if the US wins there's no telling how far they can go.
A World Cup U.S. win would definitely be a boon for the sport in the U.S.
yeah, that is not going to happen, I fear it will be difficult for the USA against Germany or even Ghana or Serbia. Unless they get much more efficient in scoring goals[/QUOTE]

They scored 3 (and were credited with 2) goals in 45 minutes against a Slovenia team that gave up 4 goals in the entire qualifying run. Just because they should have routed Algeria 6-0 with the chances they created and only got one in isn't indicative of the team's scoring quality.

That doesn't mean they can win the World Cup. Their defense is suspect, especially in the first 20 minutes.


Trust me, I happen to know one or two things about football... It will be their hardest game so far, but USA is more than capable of beating Ghana.

This team played even with England, a team better than any of those 3.
You mean based on current form, or reputation? For the latter, maybe. For the former, no chance. England suck at the moment.[/QUOTE] Have faith. I saw today for the first time an English team playing their game, instead of trying to emulate the continental or the South American styles. And while I dislike the English style of play, I must admit, it is very effective for them.


Yeah they are capable if they play better then they played so far. They have a very wonky defense and for all the chances they have they don't score enough, they don't have a striker who finds the goal and you can't hope that you'll get so many chances against a team like Ghana so every chance will count. If they do that I say maybe with a bit off hard work the semis are possible but I don't see Altidore and Dempsy improve in 4 days.
Did anyone else watching the BBC coverage of the england match see this piece of mindnumbing stupidity beforehand?

bravo bbc. a fake viral outbreak newsflash. any more bright ideas?
Hmm, it does seem rather unbecoming of the BBC. I'd expect something like that from Channel 4, maybe.

Lineker's deadpan "I think I've got it" was nice though.
Yeah they are capable if they play better then they played so far. They have a very wonky defense and for all the chances they have they don't score enough, they don't have a striker who finds the goal and you can't hope that you'll get so many chances against a team like Ghana so every chance will count. If they do that I say maybe with a bit off hard work the semis are possible but I don't see Altidore and Dempsy improve in 4 days.
Altidore and Dempsey, especially, score much better than they showed against Algeria. Calling the US team one striker and a goalie really sell guys like Altidore, Dempsey and Bradley short. I'd feel better about their chances if Onyewu and especially Davies were 100%, but this is probably the best squad of 11 the US has ever had.


Calling the US team one striker and a goalie really sell guys like Altidore, Dempsey and Bradley short. I'd feel better about their chances if Onyewu and especially Davies were 100%, but this is probably the best squad of 11 the US has ever had.
Oh, that is a fact, that's the best football team ever assembled in the USA.

BTW keep in mind that Donovan is no mere striker. He's a classic, 10-shirt bearing, midfielder.
If they score one goal, I'll be happy cause that's what I predicted in the forum game... and probably so would they cause maybe they'd squeak through.
I think it was!! Oh man, such a close call... I'm not sure, but I think the ball did completely cross the line for a tenth of a second.
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