Spayce Murh-reens!


Staff member
It’s been forever and a day since I updated this. The whole renal failure and transplant thing really did a number on my ability to hobby out.’s what’s happened since.

I basically bought a Space Marine army. There’s a lot of assembling to do.

I also bought up more Death Guard stuff since I bought a bunch of starter sets with their models. I actually managed to paint some - partially - before shit got crazy.

I had also gotten into Chaos Marines, and the Start Collecting sets were solid and cheap at the time on Amazon. A few of those were basically an Iron Warriors army.

Then, after the surgery and when I started healing up, I decided to build a small Tyranid army - Warriors and Monsters.

I also got into Kill Team. Small squads sounds like a great way to ease back in and get some stuff painted. So that’s my current focus. Lord knows I have enough factions I can build for it...