Summer Resolutions Support Group

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So I have a pretty daunting resolution for this coming summer. My aim is to write two research papers and submit them for consideration in professional journals. I intend to do this one way or another but I thought that if anyone else had any goals they wanted to strive for this summer, we could all suffer together. If you've got a goal you want to work on, post it here and we'll update throughout the summer. We can cheer each other on and prod each other to get back on the horse when we fall off of it.

Who's with me?


Me: Write two academic papers
NR: Lose weight
Dave: Complete three big projects (1 down!)
Gusto: Paint
Officer_Charon: Get into shape, lose weight
ThatNickGuy: Finish noir novel
CanjunGal: Lose an inch around the waistline
CanjunGal: Write 10 chapters
Philosopher B.: Launch comedy site
Philosopher B.: Shop fantasy novel around to agents
CynicismKills: Start drawing again
Cheesy1: Find a new job
Cheesy1: Lose 90lbs
Rob King: Sell one written work
Rob King: Begin research into family history
SilverJelly: Lose weight
SilverJelly: Write thesis
Bowielee: Quit smoking (1 week and counting)
Null: Finish rewrite of graphic novel (by end of May)
Null: Finish zombie horror piece
Math242: Lose weight
Math242: Cut back on drinking
Morphine: Lose some weight
Ross: Get into shape
Necronic: Move
Soliloquy: Write two short stories
Soliloquy: Find a new job
Fade: Complete a RAPID grant submission
Azurephoenix: Bench 200 lbs
Azurephoenix: Fix up car
LordRavage: Finish draft of short crime novel

Woo! This summer is gonna rock!


Staff member
Well, I was thinking of losing some weight... starting tomorrow.

*looks guiltily at the bag of chocolate raisins*


Staff member
Chocolate raisins? My resolution is to fly to Finland and help NR eat them.

Seriously though, my resolution is to complete a few really big projects at work and do so well enough that when the restructuring is completed I will get my promotion. This is a very real chance and it means I'd be a Director.

Element 117

Activate plan beta, prepare plan delta for fall 2011, and proceed with stage seven of the current project.
I'll tag in on this: after going on vacation, my nascent "get-back-in-shape" program fell by the wayside.

Today I went running, then hit the gym. It was.... painful, both physically and emotionally. I have REALLY let myself go, and in my profession, that is a big no-no.

So, yes, Ofc Fatass will be slimming down. The goal? 50 lbs in 3 months (or thereabouts... need to lose it HEALTHILY, after all...).
Hoping to enjoy the summer reading, watching movies, and just relaxing after this crappy school year.

BUT, my number 1 priority is to complete my noir detective novel. *grin*
If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.


Staff member
Get a little reading for pleasure in. I'll be taking two summer classes, so we'll see if that happens. I also wanna rock climb a lot.

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Ok here's a real concrete goal you can take down: I'm going to be very busy this summer, so I'm making it extremely realistic. I want to lose at least 1" off of my waist by the end of the summer. Hopefully it will be more.


Staff member
Phase 1 complete. I just finished the first of 3 major projects. I just received and email from my Executive VP:

First off, THIS ROCKS!!! Congratulations to you on making this a reality! We have been wanting this for quite a long time and it is actually in front of me!

[FONT=&quot]We can talk more next week, have great weekend![/FONT]


Staff member
Oo Oo, I thought of another one! I wanna write 10 chapters. (I'd like to do more, but I'm trying to be realistic with school and work.)

Philosopher B.

I had a Gusto painting as my desktop for a while. Shit's bayootiful. :wub:

As for my summer goals ... I hope to launch the comedy website I've been stockpiling material for ... plus I want to query more agents about my fantasy novel (3 down, dozens to go ...), and maybe work on my horror novel.
I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.


Staff member
I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.
If it's any consolation... I need to lose more than that. A lot more.
Man, I have too many things that I could submit, but I've condensed some into this list of three for now:

Sell at least one written work, and finish at least five
Get into better shape
Begin research into family history


Staff member
I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.
If it's any consolation... I need to lose more than that. A lot more.[/QUOTE]

If I, the layabout queen of carbohydrates, can lose 40, you two can do anything. I'm rooting for you both. :)
Man, I have too many things that I could submit, but I've condensed some into this list of three for now:

Sell at least one written work, and finish at least five
Get into better shape
Begin research into family history
I'm just going to add two per person right now in the OP. Let me know if you prefer a different two.

Element 117

whatever. I don't need your stupid club. I'm going to go start my own!


Staff member
Since this is an encouragement type thread, I'll just post this here. I'm taking the Praxis tomorrow, my goal being to not have to retake either test in the Summer. So wish me luck. I tried to go easy on the studying tonight since I've been working on that for a long time now. I feel like I've retained a lot. Still nervous.

---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------

I have to write my master tesis and lose weight... And if I can write the film I've been developing in "advanced script class", that's even better.
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