Summer Resolutions Support Group

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They are plyometric: Start in the regular pushup position, go down bounce up, put left hand forward right hand back go down, then reverse, bounce up, and go to close hand position go down back to regular pushup.

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 PM ----------

5 second push ups are start out in the leaning rest, go to down position count to five, then come back up then count to five :)


I think I'll join in

I've got four goals for this summer:

1) write these two short stories that I've been mulling around in the back of my mind for a while, now. One's a sci-fi story (which I haven't started) and one's a fantasy story (which I've got a good amount done with, but need to edit it so that it's actually interesting to read.)

2)find a new job, now that my internship's over (i'd prefer to finish at least one of my stories first, though)

3) get started on a graphic novel project a friend and I want to do (a clockpunk fantasy about the transition from the medieval age into a technologically advanced world)

4) get more work done on this screenplay that I've been thinking about for years (a post-apocalyptic neo-noir story.)


Staff member
What was your goal again?

After avoiding my writing goal and focusing completely on my other one, I'm using the rest of the night to buckle down. So away I go!

Wasabi Poptart

Time to feel the burn! This next set of exercises will work more than just your core muscle group. They are also a little higher on the difficulty scale.


Exercise 1 - Modified Side Plank
Start in the side plank position. (Mr. Wasabi is a bit bent at the middle in this series of shots, btw. What you want to do is keep your body in a straight line from head to foot.)

Next, raise your top leg.

Put your right foot in.

Take your right foot out.

Put your right foot back.

And to center again.

At this point you might be shaking all about. But this ain't no hokey pokey! Do 10 reps of these and then switch sides (front, center, back, center counts as 1 rep btw).

Exercise 2 - One Legged Squats/Pistol Squats
Stand straight, arms extended at shoulder height, and raise one foot about 3 - 6 inches off of the floor.

Now bend the leg you are standing on and sit as low as you can, keeping your back straight and lifting your raised foot higher.

Push yourself back up to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps, alternating which leg you stand on and which you have raised.

Are you cursing yet? :heh:

Wasabi Poptart

That's music to the P.T. Coordinator's ears from what I know. LOL! He tries to push me like that when I'm exercising, but I get the giggles when it hurts instead of cursing.
OK, now that the semester is officially taken care of, I can attend to this thread. I updated the list of goals people have announced. If you meet a goal, I'll strike it off. If you were forgotten on the list, I missed your announcement. Let me know and I'll add it.

Today I begin the arduous writing process. The first step is to begin organizing my sources. *dread*
Took the APFT This morning... I've been slipping overall score of 275/300, PU: 77 (I stood up after I maxed them), SU: 63, Run Time: 13:41 2mile. No real improvements =/
Took the first steps today in organizing my thoughts and the relevant past research. I'll finish sorting articles tomorrow and then I have a hell of a lot of reading to catch up on.
Update time!

Yesterday I reviewed 12 articles (taking notes) with the intention of repeating that today. I am doing a pretty thorough review of the literature in order to get a solid grasp on what is known and what is not. It will likely take me about 2 weeks to get through all of the literature if I keep up this pace. I'll plan for three weeks.


Staff member
Get NSF CAREER grant.

Also, proposing an NSF RAPID grant to support research on the oil spill, which is a big part of the reason I haven't been on here. Someone's gotta clean up this thing.


Staff member
8 chapters to go, and still Summer's just begun! Woot! Also, I broke 20,000 words tonight... finally.
I haven't had a whole lot of time to paint (much to Amy's chagrin) but I have been drawing and doodling a lot more so I guess I'm on the right track...!?

Element 117

painting = drawing doodling = art making.

post it.

I did not fall off the climbing wall today.
Ahem. I have lost six pounds. I think the Insanity, while it damn near killed me, helped shave some of that weight off. The walking and calorie couting is helping even more.

So, in short, GO ME.
Yes indeed, go you! *respek knuckles*

Checked my weight this morning... I've lost 10 lbs since I started the P90x program, and that's with me slacking the first week and basically blowing off the second week (hangs head in shame). I'm re-doing week 2 (provided my back hasn't gutted this week, as well *grimace*) and I'ma see how things end up.

Wasabi Poptart

Awesome LS!

And you,'s that 2 foot long sammich tonight? *lifts a brow at him like only a mom (or Spock) can*
Digesting nicely, now that there's 10 fewer pounds to hold it back *grins*

Honestly, I think most of the loss is coming from simply cutting out the sodas and counting calories.
We had our second wedding reception (for those that didn't want to fly to Oregon) this last week and visitors came to town. I got very little done. :( Tomorrow I kick it into gear again, though.
Cross-posting my recent painting news from my Art Thread:

So tonight I finished a painting!

The interesting thing about this one is that I kept switching between focusing on the top and bottom, and even sometimes the side edges, and as such, I kept rotating the canvas on the easel. As a result, I can't tell whether it looks better in portrait or landscape, or which side should be on top, or anything!

So here's the picture I took. One of them has the flash on to get a better idea of the colours, but it's clearly still wet and reflective. The other doesn't have the flash so the colours look a little more washed out, but it gives a better idea of the actual brushstrokes. I'll take a better OFFICIAL picture when it's dry.

I like it. If the wife goes for that style, I might have to commission a piece...

In my world: I was analyzing data earlier this week and it wasn't coming out well, as in delaying my writing until possibly the fall. I struggled with how to construct a narrative to explain the results I was getting and ultimately ended up redoing some new analyses on a lot of the experiments I will be reporting. This was a very different approach than I had been considering but it provides a clearer understanding of what I want to convey, it demonstrates consistent results in the data (which I was struggling with using a poorer analytic method), and it consolidates a lot of the methodological problems I thought I had. In summary, my research looked like a mess and I fixed almost everything with one single change and no set-back in my writing whatsoever. In fact, I have a clearer understanding of my research and can draw stronger conclusions than before. Progress!

In that case then... I have two summer goals.

1. I've been working on this for a while... but I want to be able to bench press 200 lbs... hopefully this summer is the time!

2. I really really REALLY want to get my project car that's been sitting idle for the past year and a half fixed up, tuned, stereo installed and ready to rock and roll instead of just taking up space in my garage.


Staff member
The first week of school did a number on the routine I'd put together. I'm having to make adjustments, but I think that all will be well.
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