Summer Resolutions Support Group

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I want in on this.

I have been toying with the idea of a novel for some time but I end up getting distracted and losing interest. It seems to be my MO to my creativity. I want to just write a short crime fiction novel. I have put down about a thousand words and still pretty good about it. I want to keep going and have it done before the end of the summer.

I will try to keep some of the teeth gnashing to a minimum but hopefully this thread will see me through.

I most certianly will be here cheering on everyone with their summer projects.

Unleash your resolutions and may we fight together to the bitter end of summer!
Ravage: I, too, have toyed with the idea of cranking out something in the literary mien. However, I tend to get distracted by the shinies during it. I can't even finish a NaNoWriMo, FFS.

Is there a Writer's Corner in the Artist's section of the board? I hadn't checked....


I checked. No writers corner. I would like to create a thread but it seems the artist corner is where creative art goes to die. But general discussions on projects and helpful ideas would greatly benefit our storm torn minds. Maybe a stciky thread on the creative process instead of "Here! I made this. Tell me things.".

The novel (Or novelette) is in the serial killer vein. I have been doing alot of research. So far I am having fun with it. Now I just need to keep that going.
I checked. No writers corner. I would like to create a thread but it seems the artist corner is where creative art goes to die. But general discussions on projects and helpful ideas would greatly benefit our storm torn minds. Maybe a stciky thread on the creative process instead of "Here! I made this. Tell me things.".

The novel (Or novelette) is in the serial killer vein. I have been doing alot of research. So far I am having fun with it. Now I just need to keep that going.
Just remember, many serial killers are actually societally well-adjusted, perhaps with a particular quirk or mannerism that most people just write off as being "just that thing they do." *grins*


Staff member
Grrrrrrrrrrr. One of the most frustrating things about my weight goal is the diet part, not the exercise part, I've decided. I have little windows of the day where I'm actually home and can make a meal, but after my last illness when I could barely eat I get full really fast. So basically I can't finish meals. Then in the middle of class or work I get hungry. Now, I always keep healthy snacks in my backpack, but it's just aggravating. Why can't my stomach just let me finish a reasonable portion of beans and rice that will get me through a 4 hour period?
See, you need to take those rice and beans and concentrate them into bar form. Only then can you unleash their awesome power.
Last night I drew the image on the foreground of my dry canvas, and this morning I went to the local art store to get more mineral spirits, canvases, and a couple tubes of paint.

Tuesday or Wednesday will be foreground painting day, and [probably] Friday will be re-inking/detailing day. :)

Then I can start a NEW one. ;)


Staff member
Grr... haven't been too careful with what/how much I'd been eating for the past week. Back on track now, but I'm aggravated that I was careless. Kinda jumpstarting this week by altering my diet to include way more vegetables. I definitely feel better today than I did this time last week.
I fell off the damn wagon with soda. Dad bought 6 2-liters of ginger ale and I caved and had a couple glasses. Shit. Well, time to start over on that.

Also, Wayfinder #3 was out in print this last weekend, featuring a short story I wrote for it.


Staff member
It's hard to pass up ginger ale. Good luck getting back into your good habit. :) We can motivate each other. Tell me to quit being such a weenie and I will reciprocate.


Staff member
Bleh. NSF (nicely) turned me down. They said it wasn't really their type of project. The director did offer a few suggestions for grant money, including a private fund from BP. I also found a BAA that specifically addressed my project type. Oh well. Round 2.
Over the last two days, I wrote 1300 words out of what will be an 8000 word manuscript. It is all very rough but putting in a good 600 words a day does feel like progress. That translates to about 2 pages double spaced each day, btw.


Staff member

Well I'm on track with writing, but I haven't made much head way with my waistline. No change... although, on the bright side, no getting bigger, either. Made some modifications to my routine last week. Hopefully it'll make a difference.
Rob King: Sell one written work
Rob King: Begin research into family history
I've submitted to a few places, but everything thus far has been rejected without comment. In the meanwhile, I'm preparing to submit something for a literary contest at the end of the week, and am working on an application to be accepted for a writing retreat/workshop in the fall with several published writers.

I did start my genealogy, but I wouldn't call that one finished yet, since I've only just begun.
I have the second draft of my introduction written. It still needs some polish but is really getting there now. The student I am writing this with is working on the next section and I will shortly begin the section after that. Since I may be taking a trip to Europe beginning the end of July, we may have only about 3 weeks to really frame up a solid first draft. It doesn't need to be submitted by then but we will want it almost completely written, if a bit rough, by the middle of July.


Grats, I had/have to lose a few inches to get into the navy, I think currently for Monday I need to lose another inch so I can be in by the body fat measurements they do.
Congratulations Cajungal... :)

Guess it's time for my update.

I haven't done squat on my car unfortunately so that one has fallen to the wayside for now.

However... with my other goal, I've been working out constantly and my max press on the bench is now about 185 pounds. Not much higher than my last personal best, but I've built a lot more muscle this time around, just need to condition it and train it. 200 lbs, you're mine!!!!
I guess I painted at all this summer. The result is... mixed. I like it some days and other days I don't.

I'm starting a new painting in the next couple days; that is, I've been planning it and preparing for the last week or so, and in the next couple days I'll be actually applying it to a canvas.
Sent around the first draft of my paper for some feedback. The goal is to send it out in the first half of September and I may be on track for that. As it gets closer to completion, I am getting more and more nervous. How many rejections will I receive before I publish? I'm not going to let that get to me, though. Starting in September I'm going to start on my next paper (which will be half as long.)


Staff member
Congrats, Sin.

To follow up on mine, I spent this summer proving I was right so that I could get funding. Basically doing the work before getting paid to do the work. I met with some industry people in town here Friday, and it went well. Their advice was to screw the grant route. Get a patent and sell it, they said. I don't know about all that. Money is nice, but I'm not quite so capitalist as they are.


So I bought a Yoga DVD and it has really helped with the weight lost, flexibility and strengthening workouts. Which is big cause my shoulder has really been hurting lately but this greatly helps that as well. Go me lost about 10-15lbs and ~6 inches from my waist.


Staff member
Glad your meeting went well, Fade. :) I hope you can get your grant!

Good job, Crono! I loooooove yoga! I have to be careful when doing plank, though. I really hurt my wrist the first time I tried.
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