Talk about the last movie you saw

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Charlie Dont Surf said:
Koko said:
The inaccuracies ruined it for me, would have been fine if they made up some city in Alaska...but it was kinda ridiculous.
it's actually dark there for 67 days
population is 4x the depicted size
it's 60% eskimo pop, where they're all white in the film
the 'darkness' is actually bright twilight
has daily 737 flights

No.... No.... a movie changed facts for a better dramatic effect... no... my god... the horror......
ehhh...making things up is great, but i don't know...changing the facts of life for no reason just pickles my fiddle.
Uhm on Sunday I went out with a Chinese girl (who doesn't speak English) to see a movie....I don't even know the name of the movie because I couldn't read the characters for the title. All I knew was that it was a western movie. I thought we were seeing "Valkaryie", but as the opening credits started to roll and I saw French actor's names...I got a little worried. I asked her if she knew this was in fact, a French movie, she didn't and asked if I could still understand :facepalm:

"Lucky" for me, the voices were dubbed into Chinese (as the older Chinese hate reading subtitles), so I had partial understanding of the movie at least.

It was about some dude that keeps being pulled into some alternate reality by a group of people who believe them to be their king or somesuch. Time stops in the real world when he's gone, but he'll age normally while in the alternate world. There he slowly learns the ropes of handing a kingdom, fighting wars, and keeping his people happy, all while trying to convince the people in the real world that he is, in fact, not insane. It looked to be more of a comedy than anything to be taken seriously, and it wasn't all bad, I guess. I just wish I understood more of it :Leyla:
Twitch said:
Quantum of Solace was fun, you can see every "twist" coming from a mile away but, cmon, it's a James Bond movie.
you can't really see much in the movie because of the extremely shitty camera work by everyone involved, cha-BOOM

and "it's a james bond movie" is no valid excuse for anything. I'm doing a Bond night, one movie a week, watching all of them in chronological order with a bunch of people, and Thunderball and Moonraker rank as some of the worst movies I've EVER seen, much less bond movies. I haven't seen it, but I hear View to a Kill is of the same standard.
LordRendar said:
I watched Taken. It was glorious, revengefilled Violence. Loved it.
It was like "what if James Bond was retired and had a daughter"?

Spectacular action scenes. Plot was poorly paced and a bit nonsensical, but the action totally made up for it.

This movie made Liam Neeson one of the scariest motherfuckers in Hollywood for me.
Watching Taken with a group was great. There was a half hour of laughing about his daughter's retarded run and then an hour of laughing about how he breaks everybody in the movie.

1000 POSTS

Just watched Slumdog Millionaire tonight Just wow. It fully deserved all the rewards and Oscars given to it.

I keep meaning to redo my top 10 favourite movies. Going to have to find room for it on there.


I just got back from adventureland, it was pretty good. Not quite as funny as I thought it would be though there were many very funny parts. One of my biggest problems with it was the fact that the main character looked and was played a lot like Michael Cera and it was kinda weird. It did feel a lot like an indie movie which I didn't really mind and it was a lot of fun.


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I watched Role Models again a few days ago... still great. :rofl: I thought it was going to be worse than it was, but Paul Rudd did really well. And I always love that weird blond woman... whatever her name is. She's really funny. The only thing I didn't really like was that joke with the bagel dog. Mreh...
Cajungal said:
I watched Role Models again a few days ago... still great. :rofl: I thought it was going to be worse than it was, but Paul Rudd did really well. And I always love that weird blond woman... whatever her name is. She's really funny. The only thing I didn't really like was that joke with the bagel dog. Mreh...
Jane Lynch. She's fantastic. Also, Paul Rudd is definitely one of my favorite actors. He's great in I Love You, Man too.


Race to Witch Mountain: It's ok, but -very- heavily Disney-fied, if you know what I mean.

Monsters vs Aliens: Fantastic. I loved this movie. It was better than Bolt by far and better than The Incredibles by a large margin.

The Haunting in Connecticut: Terrible movie which would have been at least slightly better had they not fucked up the ending with a happy little "miracle". Very heavy handed with religion.
I really want to go see Monsters vs Aliens but a group of my friends went today and said it was mediocre at best and they were pissed they spent the $15 on the 3D crap.

I am either going to see Adventureland or Fast & Furious tonight. Probably Adventureland.


Possibly just a difference in taste, I suppose, but I enjoyed MvsA better than the others. (It's still not as good as Wall-E though.) :D


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Charlie Dont Surf said:
Cajungal said:
I watched Role Models again a few days ago... still great. :rofl: I thought it was going to be worse than it was, but Paul Rudd did really well. And I always love that weird blond woman... whatever her name is. She's really funny. The only thing I didn't really like was that joke with the bagel dog. Mreh...
Jane Lynch. She's fantastic. Also, Paul Rudd is definitely one of my favorite actors. He's great in I Love You, Man too.
THANK you!... guess I could have just looked it up, but thank you! I can't wait to see I Love You, Man. I love both of those guys.
Just watched The Incredibles, Monsters Inc. and Wall-E back-to-back-to-back. I love all these movies for different reasons, and enjoy them all equally.
HoboNinja said:
I am either going to see Adventureland or Fast & Furious tonight. Probably Adventureland.

This is unquestionably the right decision. Also - Monsters vs Aliens in 3D made me feel like a 5 year old in all the right ways


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Charlie Dont Surf said:
Twitch said:
Quantum of Solace was fun, you can see every "twist" coming from a mile away but, cmon, it's a James Bond movie.
you can't really see much in the movie because of the extremely shitty camera work by everyone involved, cha-BOOM
I thought the same thing! During that first car chase, I was so confused. I still liked the movie and everything... it was exciting, but sometimes I just got lost.

Philosopher B.

The Man With the Golden Gun

WHAT. A PILE. OF SHIT. Now, going into a Roger-Moore-as-Bond film, one has to expect a certain level of lameness, and a whole lot of belief-suspension if you want to enjoy yourself, but this was just too much. First off, I don't know why people could describe the hitman villain Scaramanga's third nipple, but not apparently his face. As far as acting went, Christopher Lee as Scaramanga was probably the best actor in the film. Of course, that's not saying much. Furthermore, aside from the odd coolness of the golden gun, he wasn't even that great of a villain, really. Maybe I'm just fed up with Bond villains in general, but he could have killed Bond a hundred times by the end of the film, which makes him a damned lousy hitman. I know he wanted the challenge of going one-on-one with Bond in the end duel, but ... I dunno, it was just awkward. Especially when Bond visits Scaramanga on his island and they walk around for ten minutes. Scaramanga not only passes up a chance to shoot Bond, but disarms himself, after which Bond not only fails to kill Scaramanga, but watches stupidly as Scaramanga blows up his plane.

Bond himself felt strange in this film. Though Roger-Moore-as-Bond films usually have a sillier approach to things, Bond did an awful lot of slapping women around in this one. Really, more so than any other Bond picture, I felt embarrassed for any women who had anything to do with this film. Aside from being slapped around, hurled under bed covers and thrown into closets while the man they were going to get busy with was getting busy with another woman, the one actress spent the last twenty minutes in a bikini for absolutely no reason. There was a throwaway line by Scaramanga abut how you can't conceal weapons in a bikini, but that just made his character seem freaking creepy.

Hell, speaking of characters taken in an odd direction, M was an angry little bitch in this movie. I thought he was going to strangle Bond at several points.

The film was just filled with illogical scenes and plot points (yeah, I know saying that about a film like this is redundant, but STILL). At one point Bond was going to have dinner with Scaramanga's boss, but instead of showing up and being blown away by Scaramanga, he is met in the garden by sumo wrestlers and a dwarf in a mask with a trident. After enthusiastically groping the GIANT NAKED ASS CHEEKS of the sumo wrestler, Bond gets conked out. The man he was going to meet, rather than letting him be killed with few witnesses deep in the heart of his heavily-guarded fortress, instead sends Bond to his martial arts school. Where, apparently, people are trained by killing the shit out of each other. I guess you've got to be a pretty damn good student to last very long. What follows is actually one of my favorite parts despite the stupidity, because we see Bond get the shit kicked out of him. He survives, unfortunately, by flying through a wall. The building full of specially trained martial artist killers empties, but Bond's Asian friend with the nieces pulls up. After which the nieces, who look about fifteen and are skinny as all get out, beat the crap out of a dozen guys twice their size while Bond stands there for the most part like a dumbass.

Another completely unnecessary addition to the film is the redneck sheriff, who is rather like W.C. Fields, if you took W.C. Fields and made him twice as obnoxious (yes, it's apparently possible). He follows Bond around for the stars know what reason, saying some of the stupidest lines ever uttered in a Bond film. I ASSUME he was supposed to be comedy relief, in the same way that Jar Jar Binks was supposed to be comedy relief. There is even one line in which he incorrectly identifies a Democrat symbol. The way the scene played didn't seem as though it was part of some gag, so I'm forced to assume that the script writers were just outright ignorant.

I actually wanted to shoot the character. With a missile launcher.

The best/most horrid part was in the very end, after Scaramanga has been dispatched insanely easily in his Funhouse. Bond and the last remaining female character are snogging on a ship they stole from the villain. A magic panel comes out of the floor with a magic phone that magically has the magic M on the other line. How he knew they were on the ship, or how he knew/called the secret phone panel on the ship, I'll be damned if I can tell you. After calling the woman's name ('Goodnight'), Bond informs him that 'She's just coming, sir!'

I laughed, because by that point I didn't know what else to do. I laughed similarly when they said 'Bottoms up' and the scene switched to a giant shot of a woman's ass. It's just so damned idiotic you can't help but laugh.

I won't even go into how weird it is to tie murderous dwarfs up in a cage tied to the topmost part of your ship. Or how odd it was that the villain's evil plan was basically to switch everyone over to solar power (OH STARS THE HORROR).

Worst pun of the whole thing: Bond (after ripping off a fake third nipple he'd used to impersonate Scaramanga): "I think he found me quite ... titillating!" Runner-up: Bond (when told about Scaramanga's third nipple: "What an interesting anatomical titbit!"


Seriously. What a pile of unrepentant ass. Since I intend to see every Bond film ever, I hope they don't go much lower than this. I'd rather watch Moonraker again.

Philosopher B.

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Golden Gun is pretty awful. You left out how they ruined a completely amazing car stunt scene with a slide whistle too.
Oh yeah. I couldn't believe they did that. I had to rewind the DVD and watch it again. o_0
I love you, man is pretty hilarious. I watched it after hearing horrible news, and still laughed my ass off. Bromance at it's best.
phil said:
I love you, man is pretty hilarious. I watched it after hearing horrible news, and still laughed my ass off. Bromance at it's best.
All the Rush stuff slayed me in this movie. I came home and played it on Rock Band immediately. Also, all of Paul Rudd's feeble attempts at bro-speak.


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I rented Ce-Cycle. Then, not halfway through, I remembered that I shouldn't watch horror movies by myself. But the first 20 minutes were interesting.

We watched Tropic Thunder last night and holy shit you guys were right. I literally can't remember the last time I laughed so hard (or for so long) at a movie as when [spoiler:1xi7lbgt]the director blew up.[/spoiler:1xi7lbgt] Funniest movie I've seen in a long time.

I kind of can't believe Robert Downey Jr. was nominated for an Oscar, given that blackface is one of the great taboos, but my god did he deserve it. He was genius (down to the Russell Crowe impression).


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Faintheart...cute little britcom about a Viking Re-enactor trying to sort his life out. The worlds first Myspace movie, apparently.

Not the most original of scripts, but certainly not as bad as some of the vicious British Press reviews make it out to be. I enjoyed it, but then I'm a Re-enactor myself :)
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