[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

I didn't like the Community finale. It was just WAY too silly and stupid, even by Community standards. Usually, they stick with just one silly theme to go with for a whole episode, but it's like they did five or six in just this one and it was too much.
I didn't like the Community finale. It was just WAY too silly and stupid, even by Community standards. Usually, they stick with just one silly theme to go with for a whole episode, but it's like they did five or six in just this one and it was too much.
I didn't care for it either. The school board guys were way too "I want to punch them in the face" territory. Abed was a super-flanderized cartoon of Abed. Shirley had nothing to do but "would you like some tea?" Just off all the way around.


Staff member
Deadbeat (hulu original)

Pretty funny, but totally braindead. Basically, a bunch of standup comedians got together and made a show that basically amounts to "what if Paranorman grew up to become a stoner".
Man I hate Hulu so much. I don't mind ads, I LIKE the idea of being able to watch a show and support it via advertising but shit, don't show me 4 minutes of ads, half the time the same damn ads every time. This is why people use torrents instead of pay Hulu money to stream annoyingly loud ads.
Amusingly, I actually like that because after the first break I can mute it and at a glance know how much longer the ads are going to go.
The timer is handy. But it's still a shit format that delivers mediocre quality video with a shit ton of ads. It's NOT the future of TV, it's just one way for NBC and Comcast to make some more cash.
The fact that there are still ads on the Hulu that you pay for is inexcusable.
Is it? I mean people want to complain about it, but everyone's pretty fine with ads in other media that they pay for. Cable, movies both in theater and on disk, old print media, etc.

There's enough options out there that if people are really against watching ads in front of current run tv shows they can pay for them in other outlets.


Staff member
Are there ads in Netflix show episodes?

(I really don't know, I've never subscribed to it, I get all my shows via torrent)
I'm more okay with ads before something (like in movies) than in the middle.[DOUBLEPOST=1398098429,1398098369][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are there ads in Netflix show episodes?

(I really don't know, I've never subscribed to it, I get all my shows via torrent)
Netflix and premium channels are ad-free. I think HBO sometimes has brief ads for other HBO shows before things, but I don't mind that at all.
So typical cable and satilite TV showing ads is also inexcusible then?
Yes. Showing ads during a movie is inexcusable. Unless the format gives a place for it it's breaking up the flow of the movie. Put them before or after but if I'm paying for it (obviously if it's free hulu then thats cool) don't randomly throw ads in a movie.

For the record I don't mind the concept of ads on Hulu, but I think the way they do it is total bullshit. The volume is 10x higher, they often show the same ad over and over and there are times where I've seen 3-4 minutes of ads, which is far more than normal television. Even with the paid service I don't mind ads, I just think Hulu sucks at how they do it. Plus I've found that Hulu's software (again, this was when I tested their premium service out a year or two ago) was far buggier than Netflix.


Staff member
I never really minded hulu's ads. They're short and to the point (never experienced 3-4 minutes). They are annoyingly repetitive though.
Yes. Showing ads during a movie is inexcusable. Unless the format gives a place for it it's breaking up the flow of the movie. Put them before or after but if I'm paying for it (obviously if it's free hulu then thats cool) don't randomly throw ads in a movie.
I meant that more about television shows, not movies. Since you pay for cable/satilite and get commericials right in the middle of shows too.
I meant that more about television shows, not movies. Since you pay for cable/satilite and get commericials right in the middle of shows too.
Like I said, I don't mind the concept of ads during a show, I would rather pay a little more to NOT have ads though but I accept them as part of TV programming. Personally though I would avoid watching any channel that showed movies with ads, no matter if it was Hulu or part of a cable package.
Here's the way I'll put it: The Hulu subscription doesn't give enough in return for the price. Access to more shows is nice but the price is way too steep for only that. At least a reduction in ads might make it more palatable, or another tier of subscriptions for ad-reduced or ad-free experiences. As it is, Hulu feels pretty dated of a subscription model. Frankly, so does cable TV.
Supposedly they do reduce ads with Hulu Plus, I know I've never had more than 3 ads when watching. Hulu's a passable DVR for broadcast TV, but I might just switch to Aereo when it comes to the area (Supreme Court ruling pending).
I'm a pretty stringent movie dork, and I'll flat out say that if you watch a movie on TBS or TNT, you actually are not watching the movie at all and driving a nail through your foot in a forest is closer to watching the movie than what you're currently doing
I dunno, when I tried the premium I still got a ton of ads, and like I said, far to often it was the same ad every break. It's all about are you getting what you pay for and for me Hulu isn't worth it. Netflix is far superior in general and with other services like HBO Go, it's just not needed.
To be honest, I don't consider Hulu Plus worth it for me either...but that's because I can use free Hulu for all the shows I want it for. :p With the free service, commercials are about the same as you get on normal TV, so it's not worth it to pay just to shave that down a bit, and nothing I watch on it is behind the paywall.


Staff member
I'm a pretty stringent movie dork, and I'll flat out say that if you watch a movie on TBS or TNT, you actually are not watching the movie at all and driving a nail through your foot in a forest is closer to watching the movie than what you're currently doing
Now there's an interesting bit of imagery. How does the forest fit in? Is there something particular that makes driving a nail through your foot in the forest worse than elsewhere, or is it simply that the scenery is yet one more thing removed from being in a place where you could potentially watch a movie?
I never really minded hulu's ads. They're short and to the point (never experienced 3-4 minutes). They are annoyingly repetitive though.
I think they used to be short, but lately they've been adding a whole lot more breaks and commercials. It used to be 1-2 breaks with 1-2 commercials. Now a 45 minute show can have 4-5 commercials per break and sometimes as many as 6 breaks. That's pretty crazy, but I accept it as I'm not paying. If I was paying, I'd be super annoyed.
Now there's an interesting bit of imagery. How does the forest fit in? Is there something particular that makes driving a nail through your foot in the forest worse than elsewhere, or is it simply that the scenery is yet one more thing removed from being in a place where you could potentially watch a movie?
I just made that all the fuck up, I think I was still thinking of The Grey from the other thread


Staff member
Like I said, I don't mind the concept of ads during a show, I would rather pay a little more to NOT have ads though but I accept them as part of TV programming. Personally though I would avoid watching any channel that showed movies with ads, no matter if it was Hulu or part of a cable package.
This does not bother me. I grew up only seeing the edited for TV versions of most movies. I am still discovering that some of my favorite movies have dirty scenes and f bombs I never even knew about.
Yeah Sony and Apple must have dropped big bucks on HoC, because holy shit they're everywhere. The big PS3 load screen on Frank's TV almost every time you see it, the texting always making the iPhone sounds/looking like the bubbles, etc.
Adventure Time season premiere...HOLY SHIT!
The prophecy has been foretold.

And through wikipedia I learned that the freaking series director and screenplay writer of Tatami Galaxy wrote and director the episode the fourth episode of this season! It'll be released in July because Cartoon Network is fucking stupid- BUT STILL- I am hyped.
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Really? I loved True Detective up to and including the end.
"You're in Carcosa now!" Uhm, what? What what what? That never led to anything. Eventually, though, they were in Carcosa, I guess.

Cohle is no longer a nihilist, in fact, is more optimistic about the state of life than Marty?

There's more I just am at work