[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

And I am finished season 2, DAMN I can't wait for season 3. Season 2 was twice as good as the first, I can't wait to see what they do next! Also-
WAAAAAAAAAAAH! SHOTBOT PRIME! You will live on in our hearts you mechanized angel. Angel in the metaphorical sense of course, PRAISE THE DARK FORCES!
Community gearing up for season 5 finale. This will be the third season where they had to make like the show would never be coming back, just in case. My wife thinks the finale is going to send up The Goonies. My prediction for how it goes down in the end:

The treasure doesn't save Greendale, but they trash the school in the process of hunting for it, thus making it worthless again so Subway won't want it anymore.
Just started Young Justice. 4 episodes in, and HELLO, MEGAN is already driving me up a fucking wall. The action and the story seems pretty good so far, but the running gags are pretty awful.
Just started Young Justice. 4 episodes in, and HELLO, MEGAN is already driving me up a fucking wall. The action and the story seems pretty good so far, but the running gags are pretty awful.
HELLO, MEGAN is annoying, but it stops after awhile.

Just like the actual show, that was cancelled for... I don't know, not selling enough underpants. Warner Brothers doesn't seem to have any faith in their shows anymore.


Staff member
Just like the actual show, that was cancelled for... I don't know, not selling enough underpants. Warner Brothers doesn't seem to have any faith in their shows anymore.
Rumor is that they were all geared up for a male demographic, and all their merchandise plans were aimed at tween/teen males. When the show was more popular with a female audience, they just scrapped it, rather than come up with products to sell to their actual audience.
Rumor is that they were all geared up for a male demographic, and all their merchandise plans were aimed at tween/teen males. When the show was more popular with a female audience, they just scrapped it, rather than come up with products to sell to their actual audience.
Yeah, they straight up had no interest in a show like that that appealed to girls.

Even with the buy more toys time jump I still really wanted to like that show.
Rumor is that they were all geared up for a male demographic, and all their merchandise plans were aimed at tween/teen males. When the show was more popular with a female audience, they just scrapped it, rather than come up with products to sell to their actual audience.
This sounds likely... and even if they did come up with new products, they likely had contracts with the action figure people and warehouses full of figures. Honestly... stuff like this makes me wonder if the only reason we don't have a Super Best Friends Forever show (based on the shorts) is because they didn't know how to market the toys.
Rumor is that they were all geared up for a male demographic, and all their merchandise plans were aimed at tween/teen males. When the show was more popular with a female audience, they just scrapped it, rather than come up with products to sell to their actual audience.
Paul Dini has said as much when he showed up on Kevin Smith's podcast, Fat Man on Batman. He also said that's the reason why Teen Titans Go! is that stupid, wacky approach rather than the better story approach of the original series: the want to cash in on young boys with wacky humor like Adventure Time.
Having watched more of Teen Titans Go!... I don't hate it. Try as I might, I can't. It's not a GOOD show, but I get why they are doing what they are doing.

I simply choose the hate the executives who canceled Young Justice and canned Batman: The Brave and the Bold in favor of a (good) show that canned before it could even air all of it's episodes instead.
On the topic of dumb comedy- THE NEW TOM AND JERRY SHOW! Anyone see that besides me? If not...yeah you are lucky. Not the worst thing I've seen but the energy just felt fifteen kinds of wrong.
Except that vapid, empty humor, where heroes do villainous thing with no consequences or afterthought is the exact opposite of the wit found in Adventure Time.
This is my biggest complaint with the show. The dumb humor could be fun, but most of the shows that do that kind of humor WELL (Adventure Time, Regular Show) have persistent universes. Nothing that happens on these shows is in a bubble (except when it clearly is)... when Mordecai and Margarete broke up, that has stuck for every episode after it. Whenever Finn gets a new sword, the old one is GONE.

... where as Teen Titans has basically every episode end with the villains winning.
The show is such a mean-spirited parody too, shown almost completely in Robin who is just the same "WAH I HAVE NO POWERS!" joke we've been hearing since the damned 90s. I will admit the show can make me laugh, but the only reason I ever consciously watch it nowadays is the show I'm watching is in in 15-30 minutes and there is nothing else on.
And just finished rewatching/watching all the episodes I haven't seen of Young Justice. A lot better than I remember, Robin's over-analyzation was always funny to me, and is a straight up solid team story. On the one hand I'm annoyed they don't have season 2 on Netflix, but on the other hand that was when they introduced Lagoon Boy...yeah I can wait.
Finished s2 of Young Justice.


Wally dies and then FUCKING DARKSEID and then there's no s3. Why can't DC do anything right?
Finished s2 of Young Justice.


Wally dies and then FUCKING DARKSEID and then there's no s3. Why can't DC do anything right?
Because they are incompetent fools who blame a show's audience for the sins of their own marketing team. I can not believe they couldn't sell toys for this show, there were a million awesome looking characters and "The Team" had like four costumes each! "Oh well our higher girl audience-" toys have to nothing to do with who the audience is or how good the show is, just look at half the Transformers toons! Hell, the closest thing to a Young Justice toy commercial is this-

Thats right, fucking mini-board happy meal toys. The actual action figures had no commercials, yet the felt the free toy kids get when they go to any of over a million Macdonalds felt needed advertising. Just...just ugh.

In lighter news I saw the series premiere of Clarence last night, pretty good. Made me feel nostalgic for shows in the 90s which were just about kids doing kid stuff ala Weekenders or Hey Arnold.