[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

The one where Superman is possessed by a star conqueror for over a decade and no one notices or figures it out? That was dumb as hell, and if they didn't make Barbara and Bruce have a thing for each other it would probably be one of the worst things on the show.
No way. The two-parter with the Justice League and the Ra's episode saved it.
Oh, I thought those were season 2.

Okay, it had 10 shitty episodes out of 13. Why they introduced that stupid Cobra thing, I don't understand. And then the dinosaur people ... why not bring back Blight? I was surprised all of season 2 went by without his resurfacing.

And in season 4 of Breaking Bad ...

Skylar clearly didn't watch Reservoir Dogs. If you're telling someone a bullshit story, memorize the facts and tell as you do. Don't write an exact fucking script or else you risk it sounding scripted.

EDIT: Continuity error! Nobody shut the door. I kept thinking "close the door, somebody close the damn door"--no one did, but in the background it's closed. WORST SHOW EVER.

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The one where Superman is possessed by a star conqueror for over a decade and no one notices or figures it out? That was dumb as hell, and if they didn't make Barbara and Bruce have a thing for each other it would probably be one of the worst things on the show.
And how about that one Justice League Unlimited episode?
Penny Dreadful is shaping up to be a good horror show with interesting takes on Gothic characters.

The last few minutes of the second episode has one of the best shocker moments ever and I am now officially watching the rest of the series to see where it goes. Won't spoil more than that.
I managed to get halfway through episode 1 before my kids interrupted, and I have to say that the effects are brilliant and well used. Hopefully I can finish it tonight. The bad news is that my wife can't stand gore, so this is definitely another show I'll be watching alone.
And I have seen every episode of Batman TAS I haven't seen. For a second I was going to complain that the Creeper was only in one episode, but than I remembered Freakazoid existed. Replace reporter with tech nerd and pretty much the same guy.
And I have seen every episode of Batman TAS I haven't seen. For a second I was going to complain that the Creeper was only in one episode, but than I remembered Freakazoid existed. Replace reporter with tech nerd and pretty much the same guy.
They really need to put the whole thing on Blu Ray, with the episodes in order. It's been a long time coming and would certainly have more merit than whatever shitty theatrical releases WB has planned.
Breaking Bad

So, is Walter supposed to be one of the least redeemable characters on the show? Because the people he should respect, he consistently treats like shit, and his only rare likable moments are when he aims his assholery at someone who actually deserves it.

But at this point, yeah, I love Jesse.
Breaking Bad

So, is Walter supposed to be one of the least redeemable characters on the show? Because the people he should respect, he consistently treats like shit, and his only rare likable moments are when he aims his assholery at someone who actually deserves it.

But at this point, yeah, I love Jesse.
If you are looking for a hero's journey, you will not find it.
Walt is probably the best anti-hero that's been depicted on TV in a long while. The only other time I found myself rooting for someone who constantly does despicable things was Vic Mackey from the SHIELD but he wasn't nearly as sympathetic as Walt.
Season 4 finale reactions:

Yeah! Fuck yeah!

Then ...

Well, there goes that.

Then ...

How is there still another season of this?

And finally ...

Are you fucking kidding me? I hate you, Walt.
Hannibal season finale.


My socks weren't on tight enough, because they have been blown completely off my feet, along with my feet.
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I have to wait for my wife to get back from her trip tomorrow to watch the finale and it sucks.

In the meantime, Breaking Bad appears to have become The Mike Show. I approve.

Also, fucking hell, Walt, she's clearly not in the fucking mood.
So far, season 5 of Breaking Bad has felt like season 2 of Death Note.

I'm near the end of episode 8 and I have a feeling that if I want a happy ending, I should turn off my Netflix right now ... but fuck, I'm gonna keep going.

EDIT: Yup. Fuck.
Finished it.

So much didn't need to happen, but fucking Walt's pride. It's amazing how much of what happened led back to stuff in the first season and makes me wonder how many little things were planned, not just in plot, but about intricacies of Walt's personality that would shape how he acted. Really great show.

Also got to watch the season finale of Hannibal.

I had a feeling that's what Beverly had seen in the basement. As for the big plan:

That went about as badly as it could have and now we have to wait until next season to find out who's alive. Gillian Anderson's character warned them that Hannibal would see any plan before it happened. They were careful, sure, but who could anticipate his smelling Freddie on Will? There was no way they would take that into account in preparing for this big moment.

As for Hannibal himself, I'm guessing they're jumping right from Red Dragon material into Hannibal, since I believe he was on the run in France during that book, plus they've already set up Mason Verger.
Finished it.

So much didn't need to happen, but fucking Walt's pride. It's amazing how much of what happened led back to stuff in the first season and makes me wonder how many little things were planned, not just in plot, but about intricacies of Walt's personality that would shape how he acted. Really great show.
Those are always the key words when talking about Breaking Bad.


Staff member
This season's Boondocks isn't quite as good as previous ones. I suppose it is to be expected, with creator Aaron McGruder having parted ways with the production.
Finished it.

So much didn't need to happen, but fucking Walt's pride.
This is the entirety of the show. It is a story of pride, and the destruction it wroughts. It's basically a Greek tragedy.

Everything that happens to Walt is brought upon by himself. He wasn't cooking meth to fight his cancer. He didn't want to fight his cancer, he wanted CONTROL. He had an out, he could have taken the offer from Schwartz to completely pay for his treatment, but that's not what he was after. And everything after is just his pride growing more and more, and leading him into the abyss.
This is the entirety of the show. It is a story of pride, and the destruction it wroughts. It's basically a Greek tragedy.

Everything that happens to Walt is brought upon by himself. He wasn't cooking meth to fight his cancer. He didn't want to fight his cancer, he wanted CONTROL. He had an out, he could have taken the offer from Schwartz to completely pay for his treatment, but that's not what he was after. And everything after is just his pride growing more and more, and leading him into the abyss.
Yeah, I saw it as his pride in not wanting to take charity at first, but later understanding what happened to him with Grey Matter, taking the money from them wouldn't have just been charity--it would've been a slap in the face.

Not to mention the downhill things went with money. Nothing was ever good enough for him, and eventually he couldn't settle for the $700,000 he said he needed. Once he thought he was going to keep living, he wanted to keep raking it in, be his own boss, be the best in his field, and so on, and so on. He just couldn't stop.
Yeah, I saw it as his pride in not wanting to take charity at first, but later understanding what happened to him with Grey Matter, taking the money from them wouldn't have just been charity--it would've been a slap in the face.

Not to mention the downhill things went with money. Nothing was ever good enough for him, and eventually he couldn't settle for the $700,000 he said he needed. Once he thought he was going to keep living, he wanted to keep raking it in, be his own boss, be the best in his field, and so on, and so on. He just couldn't stop.
Walt really sums up the whole process in the first episode.

Walter White said:
Chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change.
Now, just think about this.
Electrons, they change their energy levels.
Molecules change their bonds.
Elements, they combine and change into compounds.
Well that's... That's all of life, right?
It's the constant, it's the cycle... It's solution, dissolution, just over and over and over.
It's growth, then decay, then transformation.
It is fascinating, really.
Another thought:

It's never really mentioned what exactly happened at Grey Matter. Walt obviously feels he was wronged, but we don't know what happened. We know that Walt was dating Gretchen, and it's implied that he loved her. And we know that Gretchen is now married to Schwartz, so my best guess is that Walt left the company because Gretchen left him. Grey Matter happened to get huge with government contracts soon after he left, leaving him feeling bitter about the whole thing.
Ravenpoe said:
Another thought: * SPOILER *
It actually is covered.
The company wasn't really making money, and Walt was broke, I assume he was with Skyler and Walt Jr. had just been born. He sold his share to the other two for $5,000. Pretty soon after that, the company hit it big and Walt could have been rich.

He was talking to Jesse about it trying to get him to not quit.
It actually is covered.
The company wasn't really making money, and Walt was broke, I assume he was with Skyler and Walt Jr. had just been born. He sold his share to the other two for $5,000. Pretty soon after that, the company hit it big and Walt could have been rich.

He was talking to Jesse about it trying to get him to not quit.
But that doesn't explain the relationship between him and Gretchen, or what happened to it, which I imagine has to be a big part of why he chose to sell.
Considering Gretchen asks about whether this at all has to do with their history in season 1, I'm leaning toward Ravenpoe's idea, especially when he wouldn't take a job with them. He saw an opportunity to be the master and took it.
I would like to pipe in and say you should listen to the Breaking Bad insider podcast. They are very open about the writing process, and production. its a degree of transparency you very rarely see from a tv production. I dont think they ever confirmed the nature of Gretchen and Walt's relationship though. I think that was left intentionally kind of vague.

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My wife and I started watching Bob's Burgers last week. I really hate the drawing style. Otherwise this is a pretty funny show. I know Tina is the internet star, but Louise is my favorite character.


Staff member
My wife and I started watching Bob's Burgers last week. I really hate the drawing style. Otherwise this is a pretty funny show. I know Tina is the internet star, but Louise is my favorite character.
As the middle child, I'm drawn to Gene. I remember fighting for attention and being irritating because of it when I was a kid too.
As the middle child, I'm drawn to Gene. I remember fighting for attention and being irritating because of it when I was a kid too.
Oh, I didn't even pick up on that with him. Though we're only five episodes in.

Tina has aspects I can relate to from being the oldest kid, but Louise has a sense of humor that locks with mine and my little cousins.


Staff member
Oh, I didn't even pick up on that with him. Though we're only five episodes in.

Tina has aspects I can relate to from being the oldest kid, but Louise has a sense of humor that locks with mine and my little cousins.
It gets more apparent. There's even an episode later where you get to see all the "personas" he's gone through, insisting that "this is ME now!" Also I kind of fangirl out any time Eugene Mirman does something.