[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

IMO Enterprise gets a bum rap. It was better than voyager, Mellencampish theme song and all.
It's later seasons were. But it's got a lot more just... god awful, really fucked up episodes than Voyager. Sure, Voyager had Threshold, but it doesn't have the sheer disposable savagery that is Dear Doctor.
IMO Enterprise gets a bum rap. It was better than voyager, Mellencampish theme song and all.
Say what you will about the song, but it'spretty catchy.

It's actually even the reason why i stopped the channel hopping to see what the show was...

That being said, when the Klingon showed up is was still surprised, even tough i saw the name of the show already...

I was all like "Wait, this is the STAR TREK Enterprise after all, not just a name coincidence ?"