My husband's job is giving everyone an extra $25 a month for internet expenses since everyone is mandatory work from home until at least January. We decided to upgrade out home Internet to gigabit, which actually saves us $3 a month because how the plan worked out. Being locked in to a new contract hardly matters because there's not likely to be another better option in the next year. But the actual rant is that the setup of the new plan claimed out current modem was fine, but that turned out to be a lie, as it can only pull 600/5 and not the up to 1000/35 we are actually paying for. (And there is a 600 plan, so they can't even try that nonsense) We can't open a ticket on it online until our current order goes through, and neither one of us has the desire to be on hold with comcast right now, so I guess when we go in to swap the TV equipment, we'll just bring the router too. The closest office is in Longmont anyways I think, and those guys never have anything to do because everyone there uses Nextlight anyways.