Terrible story that had me laughing.

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If the victim of this story was a woman, would we be having the same debate?
I don't know about you, but I would.

Also, it depends on which victim you're referring to. The conversation would take a completely different turn depending on if the victim is the person being stabbed, or the person having their genitals touched.[/QUOTE]

The victim in my supposition was the person who's genitals were being touched. If a woman woke up and found a man in her house, sexually assaulting her and subsequently stabbed him, she would not be arrested. She'd probably be hailed as a hero and have a Lifetime Original "Man bad, Woman Good" movie made out of it.
If the victim of this story was a woman, would we be having the same debate?
I don't know about you, but I would.

Also, it depends on which victim you're referring to. The conversation would take a completely different turn depending on if the victim is the person being stabbed, or the person having their genitals touched.[/QUOTE]

The victim in my supposition was the person who's genitals were being touched. If a woman woke up and found a man in her house, sexually assaulting her and subsequently stabbed him, she would not be arrested. She'd probably be hailed as a hero and have a Lifetime Original "Man bad, Woman Good" movie made out of it.[/QUOTE]

OK, now flip it, if it were the opposite way, the man would be convicted because, hey why the hell would a man stab a woman if she's touching his junk? It can be played out a number of ways. I'm just not rushing to judgement for either party.


In the man-woman dynamic men are typically figured to have the physical upperhand. In a man-man situation it would be considered more equal. Part of the defense would be showing that it wasn't.
Sexual assault is bad (as in, not good in any way at all) no matter the sex. I'm not sure what there is to debate about unless it's to what degree of response the person being assaulted is going to have and honestly, is there a "expected" response to this? If you wake up, to ANYONE sexually assaulting you you respond. Usually not well. My sympathy for the asshole who did this is... um... Let me add this us... 1+4x9, carry the one and divide by... here we go: ZERO.


Sexual assault is bad (as in, not good in any way at all) no matter the sex. I'm not sure what there is to debate about.
Oh you know as well as I do that the real world does not work in terms of equality for the sexes, no matter how much the PC media and retard feminists try to pump our eye sockets full of it.


Society has an interest in dissuading people from stabbing each other regardless of the reason so we make sure self-defense isn't easy to use or abuse. So they are going to charge this guy bring him and make sure that he fits into that window we allow for that defense. Personally I don't think the charge will stick but we have to do the work before just letting people react however they think is reasonable.


Society has an interest in dissuading people from stabbing each other regardless of the reason so we make sure self-defense isn't easy to use or abuse. So they are going to charge this guy bring him and make sure that he fits into that window we allow for that defense. Personally I don't think the charge will stick but we have to do the work before just letting people react however they think is reasonable.
It doesn't change the notion that if it was a woman doing the stabby stabbing, she most likely would not have assault charges pressed against her.


Women get arrested for those things too. I am not sure what you are basing your opinion on... I certainly hope it isn't lifetime movies.
The idea that there is equality among the sexes is wrong. There isn't. When people go out on dates, it is generally accepted that the man should pay for everything. A woman can claim rape against a man with no proof and he'll still be arrested. Woman can dress in men's clothing and no one thinks it weird, but when a guy does it suddenly he's "weird" and should be watched... I mean it was a long skirt and barely showed any leg....



To be fair a man could claim rape against a woman/another man and there would still be an investigation.


Women get arrested for those things too. I am not sure what you are basing your opinion on... I certainly hope it isn't lifetime movies.
Really? Guy breaks into a woman's home and starts diddling her pooter. She wakes up and stabs him in the shoulder. You really think she'd get charged with assault?


Women get arrested for those things too. I am not sure what you are basing your opinion on... I certainly hope it isn't lifetime movies.
Really? Guy breaks into a woman's home and starts diddling her pooter. She wakes up and stabs him in the shoulder. You really think she'd get charged with assault?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm quite sure. But like the guy in this case the charges would probably be dropped or she would be acquitted base on a theory of self-defense.
Again, we don't know if anyone broke into anyone else's house. for all we know, the guys were friends and they both got a little too drunk. I'm just saying we should reserve judgement until we have details. If the guy did, in fact, break into this other guys house and start diddling him, yes, the response is more justified, though I think stabbing someone is pretty extreme unless the guy being diddled was a scrawny little guy and the one doing the diddling was a big biker type guy.


Oh and the woman would definitely get nailed in civil court. Oh poor civil court people always forget you.
Women get arrested for those things too. I am not sure what you are basing your opinion on... I certainly hope it isn't lifetime movies.
Really? Guy breaks into a woman's home and starts diddling her pooter. She wakes up and stabs him in the shoulder. You really think she'd get charged with assault?[/QUOTE]

I know she would not. At least not in a small town in Texas. Like my post on the first page where my friend put the two assailants in the hospital. It was only over a threatened rape, not an actual sexual assault in progress.
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