The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

Admittedly, this is nothing TOO exciting I guess. However, it is a bit of a tour of where I live, as done by my roommate on his way to class. There's a bit of a twist at the end.

One of my friends posted this on Facebook. I thought it was a pretty awesome music video, considering the goal was to shoot one with a budget of $300.



Staff member
Hahaha, these Motorola Droid ads are hilarious:

Turn your Doid into a taser:

Underwear Analyzer:

Pool Shot Guide:

Philosopher B.

Sweet balls. How much did all that Vital Energy cost, I wonder.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd post this FluffeeTalks video, as it made me laugh harder than even the average FT vid:

Sweet jesus that Vital Energy video is terrible.

My mother hates energy drinks. She gets really sad whenever my brother or I have them in the house. You wouldn't know if we were shooting heroin sometimes by her reaction. She would have taken it much, much better than that woman, though.

I loved it when the son showed up, and the father just left.


Staff member
Sweet balls. How much did all that Vital Energy cost, I wonder.
I'm guessing... nothing-ish. It's a viral marketing stunt. Either these guys are a small start-up making their own energy drinks, and they decided to play a prank on their parents so they could get video to put on youtube and sell their stuff, or it's all just actors working for a bigger company who spent more money renting the house and paying union guys to move the cases than they did on the drinks themselves.
Sweet balls. How much did all that Vital Energy cost, I wonder.
I'm guessing... nothing-ish. It's a viral marketing stunt. Either these guys are a small start-up making their own energy drinks, and they decided to play a prank on their parents so they could get video to put on youtube and sell their stuff, or it's all just actors working for a bigger company who spent more money renting the house and paying union guys to move the cases than they did on the drinks themselves.[/QUOTE]

Given the fact that they look like re-skinned Vitamin Waters, I'm inclined to go with this.
It should also be here, I think. I can't seem to get youtube to play at all so this might not be it.

The video is one of the top 10 on digg for today so it might just be getting way too much traffic.

The Junos are in town. Last night my girlfriend and I went to see the Classical Composer Showcase. One of the composers featured was Marjan Mozetich. He's a professor at Queens College, and a composer of minimalist music. His piece that was played for the showcase was called Desire at Twilight, and I couldn't find a recording on YouTube. I know I might reek of insincere wannabe-cultured-ness, but enraptured isn't even the fucking word. I only realized how hard I was staring at the violinist when I blinked near the end, and the soreness of my own eyes nearly made me wince.

Here is another piece of his. Or rather, a part of it. I guess his stuff isn't widespread enough to have it all over the place on YouTube. But this Quartz company puts up samples of some of the music available for purchase on their website. It's the biggest damn tease, though, because it's not the full piece, and leaves you at a point where it feels like a resolution is coming. It's the musical equivalent to blueballs.

Prodigious Talent + Proper Tools = Awesome. The Internet was born just to bring these things to me (and everyone else).

EDIT: Added one more before I started getting Electone'd out.



okay, this is kind of messed up, but I still laughed.
