The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Philosopher B.

Posted by a rad dude on Twitter:

Edit: Holy SHIT, that Must Be the Place cover is fucking radtastic. Fucking rad video, as well.

Double-Edit: Dig pregnant women? She Gotta Bump.
That was pretty cool! I remember seeing Hey Rosetta! two or three years ago at the Messqurade at MUN.I got their Plug your Ears EP kicking around somewhere.


I wanted to share this and couldn't think of another place to do it.

if you havent seen a Fish Called Wanda it may not make sense but it should be funny.


Staff member
My cousin is going to do a slamma jamma on Pluto!

He's been in several commercials before (Healthy Choice, car insurance, Axe body spray, etc.), but it's always fun to see him on TV. He's in the red shirt with the blue 9 on it.



Staff member
Aw, MAN. Why couldn't he just let the kid be a single lady?! :(
Dude pulled the video. Guess he didn't realize the power of viral video. He should have taken a cue from the "Dave after dentist" kid and made a shitload of money.


Staff member

The Fort Wayne Indiana Carroll High School has a powderpuff football team. For those of you who don't know, this is a for-fun thing where the cheerleaders get into pads and play football. Not to be outdone, the football players themselves usually take over the cheerleading duties for the game. It's all in fun and everyone laughs.

Sometimes the football "cheerleaders" also get to put on the pep rally. That's where these guys come in.

I give you...the Carroll High School Powderpuff Chearleading Squad Pep Rally!



Staff member
Jocks in cheerleader outfits... creepy.

Choreography... nice.

The guy prancing daintily off the screen in slow motion... creepy.