The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Philosopher B.

^ That was great.

I love this song, lol:

This video is worth it for the last bit alone:

I love this guy's videos. Click to 1:13 to see an awesome contrast of old school vs. new school rapping:

He does tons of awesome challenges. One involved a sky-diving rap:


Philosopher B.

Get down with your bad celery!

00:35 Just about made me bust a gut laughing.


Staff member
I saw it on The Daily Show last night. Apparently, this video has become quite the internet sensation. He even got onto Jimmy Kimmel. I always wonder if people like this get why they've become famous.
I don't know if it qualifies as awesome for anyone else but me, but will post it anyway because It's the best that could happen to a Rihanna song! :cool:

Let's just agree they are all aroundawesome, whatever they do is awesome and everything gets much better with Rock'n'Roll


Staff member
Even though the media can claim "no bias" and "equal time" it's rather simple to chat congenially with someone before they get taped and get them into a different mindset than they intended to be in when they go on TV. It may well be that he's a blathering idiot, but it takes a certain amount of effort (including some large number of signatures) to get on the ballot at all.

The interesting dichotomy here is that people want politicians to appear "real," but they hate hearing them spout off idiotically.

Those who want to be successful have to master the ability to completely change their demeanor and mindset at a moment's notice, and this often appears like acting: fake and unnatural.

I feel sorry for the guy, but I can't tell whether he spoke this way because he is terminally unprepared, or because someone got him all flustered about a few hot button topics and he couldn't switch back to the "I'm addressing my electorate as a whole and must stay on track, etc, etc, etc" mode in time.

I did this to some degree last night in a short presentation to a group of peers - I went off for a minute or two about how some tool I was using was terrible for the job at hand, and I should have instead used that time for something productive, rather than complaining about something that I couldn't change. Fortunately I didn't waste a lot of time on it, but man that tool is frustrating!

Still, that guy has a snowball's chance in kiln of getting elected.

As far as I know, the context here is basically "here's some time to say what you like". This is not his first or last time acting like this, either. He refers to himself as Basil Here's a retelling of some of his other exploits: A Fond Adieu to Tennessee’s Basil - TIME NewsFeed

I don't know that it's a lack of preparedness so much as a lack of competence. I couldn't find TN's candidacy requirements, but I imagine you're probably right. He probably managed to strike a chord with certain people. Especially military, given his background. But lest ye think it's just this speaking session, I also present his website:

Interestingly, and I'm not just trying to be contrary, I don't think I'm personally familiar with this desire for politicians to be real. In fact, most people I know wouldn't want someone in charge who didn't act like someone in charge. The demand I've overwhelmingly seen for politicians is for honesty.

I know we all flub speeches sometimes, but there's a difference between going off on some tool you should've used versus saying you're going to make electrons stationary and protons mobile in electric wires because that's the way it should be.
Fuck, man. Fuck. This is intense. I love it, though, it's just an amazing piece of work both musically and visually.
Yes. I was brought up to think that Eminem was simply a worthless shock-value rapper, but the more I've listened to his stuff, the more I've actually come to respect him as an artist. He deals with shit that I don't, and brings me places I wouldn't otherwise.

This is a song about an abusive relationship. I have never been in one, but I seriously feel like I understand just a little bit better because of this song/video. Same thing with "When I'm Gone."

Seriously. I don't care how this sounds anymore. I'm ready to admit it. I actually really, really, really like Eminem.
Fuck, man. Fuck. This is intense. I love it, though, it's just an amazing piece of work both musically and visually.
Yes. I was brought up to think that Eminem was simply a worthless shock-value rapper, but the more I've listened to his stuff, the more I've actually come to respect him as an artist. He deals with shit that I don't, and brings me places I wouldn't otherwise.

This is a song about an abusive relationship. I have never been in one, but I seriously feel like I understand just a little bit better because of this song/video. Same thing with "When I'm Gone."

Seriously. I don't care how this sounds anymore. I'm ready to admit it. I actually really, really, really like Eminem.[/QUOTE]

On top of the song/video content, it's being performed by two people with incredibly violent, out-of-control relationships.

Also, the first video/single he released from the newest album is pretty awesome, too.

Philosopher B.

Fuck, man. Fuck. This is intense. I love it, though, it's just an amazing piece of work both musically and visually.
Yes. I was brought up to think that Eminem was simply a worthless shock-value rapper, but the more I've listened to his stuff, the more I've actually come to respect him as an artist. He deals with shit that I don't, and brings me places I wouldn't otherwise.

This is a song about an abusive relationship. I have never been in one, but I seriously feel like I understand just a little bit better because of this song/video. Same thing with "When I'm Gone."

Seriously. I don't care how this sounds anymore. I'm ready to admit it. I actually really, really, really like Eminem.[/QUOTE]

Eminem is an effing fantastic mc. He is not only one of the most skilled lyricists in the hiphop game, but his ability to tell a story, to explore those issues important to him, and to create characters and riff on themes throughout multiple albums is impressive. Even before he became fully formed as the hiphop juggernaut he is today, his skills on the mic were more than capable, as was evident from his Infinite album on which he was still trying to find his unique voice.

Also, the first video/single he released from the newest album is pretty awesome, too.
Apart from his trademark raw emotion and awesome lyricism, my favorite part of that song is the bit in which he says:

Let's be honest, that last Relapse CD was 'ehhh'
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground

I cannot think of many other rappers who would make similar concessions about their less-than-stellar efforts.


Staff member
Yessir. Ray Bradbury is one of the 20th century's greatest authors period. No need to qualify with "sci-fi". Dandelion Wine isn't sci-fi, and it's one of the most poignant novels I've ever read. Hell, I'd blow Ray Bradbury. And oh yeah, did he deserve that Emmy for Halloween Tree. It really is such a dark and delicious movie. It's too bad it hasn't been released on DVD (last time I checked).


Staff member
Me: Honey, want to see the Chinese military do Beat It? It's hilarious!

Her: That was so stupid. I want 4 minutes of my life back.