The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Philosopher B.

I've probably intimated it a billion effing times already, but Jon Lajoie is the fuckin' shit.

For reals, yo. This shit had me in stitches. It still had me in stitches the third time I watched it.
Ron Livingston cosplays Keyboard Cat:

Holy shit, that is Ron Livingston. Do you understand that I already loved Ron Livingston at a level dangerously near to the gay-panic threshold? You've ruined my heterosexuality forever.

But on the flip side of things, it also introduces into my life the worry that one of my favorite humans might have a drug problem ...

Philosopher B.

Here's a funny vid from a guy who used to go to another forum I also used to frequent:



Philosopher B.

I didn't realize that Sassy Gay Friend was a series!

Also, new live video from Garfunkel and Oates (includes banjo!):

I don't speak the language. At all. But it doesn't matter. I can STILL figure out what's being said tons better than what actually transpires in this video. Seriously, you'll be apoplectically beside yourself after watching this video. Your brain will probably refuse to comprehend it.

Another website gave me insight on how (some of) the trick is done, the above fills in a lot more, but even knowing how (a lot of) the trick is done, the guy still has some mad skills to pull it all off right in front of your face like that.

I can't really explain why, but I keep watching this. It's a Bollywood-themed music video about MMO gaming, with Felicia Day:

That would not have been anywhere near as awesome if I hadn't seen Bride and Prejudice to get the context of the whole Bollywood thing.

As to why you like it, Piotyr, it is because the video is full of colorful imagery and music built around lyrics reassuring you that it's OK to be happy while you a) game b) be goofy c) look 'average'. A good message all the way 'round.


Philosopher B.

Alphacat does Old Spice. It was only a matter of time:

Also, I came across this the other day. I knew he did a video before, but I hadn't seen the second one:

I got a chuckle out of this Straub video that popped up unexpectedly in my subscriptions:

My pots do that! Lol.

I can't remember if this has already been posted in this thread, but it's by the same guy who did Shatner On the Mount and it is pretty much the best video on YouTube:

Meanwhile, dcigs is angry at Starbucks:

Lol, sweet moves.

I can't really explain why, but I keep watching this. It's a Bollywood-themed music video about MMO gaming, with Felicia Day:

Man, that reminds me, I keep meaning to finally watch the Guild.



Staff member
Haunted pots? No, living sausage!

Also, Disk Drop:

and I love blobbing, but I've never seen anyone launched quite this high:
About 30 seconds into that video my fingers began instinctively tapping out a beat on my desk. That poem could be a rap, and that just adds to it's greatness. :)
My thought: There are more lightsaber ignitions in episode 1 than in episode 4,5 and 6 combined. Episodes 2 and 3 have even more.

Because you knew what had to happen and who survived, it was just walking the steps to get to where you knew you were supposed to be.