The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member
I only watched long enough to see Mouse Trap fail to fire properly, thus vindicating my childhood.
You turn the crank
Which snaps the plank
Which boots the marble right down the chute
Then watch it roll
And hit the pole
Which dumps the marble in the rub-a-dub tub
And puts the man
Into the pan
The trap is set
Here comes the net! except it stops halfway down and jams up and the mice all get away with the cheese.

Mouse Trap! I guarantee, it never fucking works, just wait and see.
Everyone else: “Some good, some bad, some burnt, eh it’s a solid 4/6/8/3/7”
Dermot & Martin: “This is just a proper Sunday afternoon, right?” “Can’t argue with that logic.” *CLINK* <glug> <glug>

I admit it looks a little weird watching people ride "comfy" bikes across a field, but it makes for a good martial tune.

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Staff member
Regular Car Reviews documents how Cash For Clunkers ruined everything (but especially the used car market)

It's a 45 min video, so maybe save it for when you get home and are comfy.

I mean, I haven’t watched the video, but who thought manufacturing millions of inefficient metal behemoths was a good idea? And then whose brilliant idea was it to turn around and put out a call to scrap them all? It’s almost the definition of “busy work,” but blown up to incomprehensible macro scale.
It’s almost like if McDonald’s decided to make a duplicate of every incoming order but throw it away JUST so they could hit that “99 Billion Sold” milestone in half the time.

And yes, it meant that a lot of original purchasers just dumped their otherwise functional vehicle down the disposal rather than let it enter the used market.
