Okay, I watched MoS and BvS finally. Ready the torches and pitchforks: I didn't hate them. They were far better than I was led to believe. I know, I know. I'm a comic book fan and I'm supposed to be burning Snyder in effigy, but they weren't that bad. Especially MoS. Sure, the gritty dark take wasn't great for Superman. But on the other hand, there were some really nicely done scenes, and Snyder can paint a great picture. I particularly liked Zod's arrival. That was nice, though I think it would work better for Braniac. At least the oddball animated universe version of Brainiac. BvS was not as good, and yes, this Lex Luthor was just awful. There's no denying that. But the mutant fight from DKR was immediately recognizable in film form, even if it was repurposed for parademons. The death of Superman was suitably poignant. Alfred was...odd. The weakest point (other than Luthor) was Batman, who apparently gave up his no guns/no killing rule, which I get was because of the DKR influence again. I saw the Ultimate Edition, and the 3 hr runtime was a bit excessive. I did like how they immediately answered the property damage from MoS by having it be a motivator for Batman. Anyway, not terrible either, though not as good as MoS.
I just started JL, and I had to take a break. So far, weakest of the 3. The Flash is probably my #2 superhero behind Spider-Man, and I really dread seeing what they've done with him. There seems to be some casual racism in that Silas Stone apparently can't make a cyborg on his own. It had to be done accidentally with some Kryptonian tech that basically did everything for him. The other 2 geniuses, Luthor and Wayne, seem to have their skills intact by contrast. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I didn't like that.