The disappearance of the NSFW forum

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I think Adam's idea for having it invisible unless you're granted access will work better than having it be password protected if we're trying to pretty the place up for potential content providers. If someone comes in and sees the NSFW forum there and don't like it being there, he/she probably isn't going to click on it and then find out it's password protected.
Invisible till privledges are requested sounds good, but how to let new members know that WOULD want to see it, to know about it?
And on the chance of going against myself; having a password-protected NSFW area you can only get to after registering makes it seem much bigger and dirtier than it actually is :confused:. I mean, the fora I frequent with a hidden, pw-protected NSFW part are usually huge porn archives with free downloads; not just a place to chat about whether or not a finger up the ass is fun during a romp. And I'm certainly NOT advocating turning it into a huge free porn archive; on the contrary.
Shegokigo said:
Invisible till privileges are requested sounds good, but how to let new members know that WOULD want to see it, to know about it?
Put it in the site rules (the post at the top of every forum that says "READ FIRST") - if they can't be bothered to read this post then chances are good they aren't interested in contributing good discussion to the NSFW area anyway.

I support the idea of giving access to people who ask for it.

Alternatively, the mods and admin could give users access when they determine a user is truly interested in sharing and contributing meaningful discussion in the NSFW forum. Sort of like, "Okay, you've shown you're not an asshat, can can be trusted with the NSFW board, so here you go."
I use the phrase "meaningful discussion" rather loosely, of course. I define it as pretty much anything other than "OMG SHOW MI DA BOOBIEZ LULZ."


Staff member
bhamv3 said:
I use the phrase "meaningful discussion" rather loosely, of course. I define it as pretty much anything other than "OMG SHOW MI DA BOOBIEZ LULZ."
Gotcha. I was gonna say, as interesting as "do you like a thumb up your ass during some fucken" may /be/, "meaningful discussion" may not be the best word that applies.


I think that having the NSFW section mentioned in the sign in agreement, and granted access only by mod decision would be best. That way it's out of the way for people who would like to ignore it, and it's as if nothing's happened to those who read and post in it.

I'm surprised I didn't notice it was gone...turns out most of the time I don't mind about things nsfw....
I didn't notice it was gone since my bookmark goes just to the general forum and I never look around in the others. And from what I did see, the "meaningful/intelligent" conversation thing is a bit of a misnomer. Maybe it's more uh, relative to the rest of halforum at best.
Well, to be fair, the NSFW was the forum I checked first whenever I came here - and yes, for the *posts*. There were very few, it was clear what they'd be about, and rthey were usually somewhat witty/funny (or interestin :unibrow: :eyeroll: ). Less of a mixed bag than General.

And how can "not be an asshat" be a requirement to get in, if Shannow's a mod? :tongue:
I suppose with the NSFW forum becoming more of a secret room and less of a general board discussion area, I can dispel a myth.

I've never posted a picture of my genitalia in there.
Tinwhistler said:
I suppose with the NSFW forum becoming more of a secret room and less of a general board discussion area, I can dispel a myth.

I've never posted a picture of my genitalia in there.
Tinwhistler said:
lol, the picture wasn't even of someone else's genitalia. It was a picture of a stuffed animal.
Dude, you can call it your "stuffed animal" all you want, I'm still not gonna look.


No, no, I didn't.
Technically, see.
I said "I'm sure you see my understanding is legendary". That's not a promise or anything :-P
I never split hairs. I couldn't, I'm bald. Is that it?! Are you making another crack at my baldness? That's just mean! Again and again! You know I'm sensitive about it, and yet once again, you go there immediately! You just want to make me feel bad, don't you?! :waah:


Staff member
ElJuski said:
bhamv3 said:
I use the phrase "meaningful discussion" rather loosely, of course. I define it as pretty much anything other than "OMG SHOW MI DA BOOBIEZ LULZ."
Gotcha. I was gonna say, as interesting as "do you like a thumb up your ass during some fucken" may /be/, "meaningful discussion" may not be the best word that applies.
I was just curious. :tear:
Hey, I think it's absolutely legitimate discussion. I don't see why talking about that is any more or less "meaningful" than talking about, say, the new race for the Horde.


Staff member
Cajungal said:
ElJuski said:
bhamv3 said:
I use the phrase "meaningful discussion" rather loosely, of course. I define it as pretty much anything other than "OMG SHOW MI DA BOOBIEZ LULZ."
Gotcha. I was gonna say, as interesting as "do you like a thumb up your ass during some fucken" may /be/, "meaningful discussion" may not be the best word that applies.
I was just curious. :tear:
:) And curiosity is a good thing. But we're not mincing words; we're not discussing Moby Dick. We're discussing Moby's dick. Which really, Bubble, is probably just as masturbatory as the new Horde race. I don't think I ever implied that was "meaningful discussion" either.
Hey, I'm not arguing it *is* especially meaningful discussion, far from it. To me, it came off as if you were saying discussion there was, inherently, less meaningful than the discussion here, which I disagree with.
Otherwise, of course, I do agree that we won't exactly be talking Shakespeare there. Sooner Shaking Spears.


Staff member
I'm saying that all discussion on this board rarely raises the bar towards a further understanding of the human condition, and just making sure you all damn well know it :zoid:
You'd be wrong.
La condition humaine can be observed in all human communication, so even - and even, especially - the so-called "meaningless" chatter on these boards can give insights and allow a fuller understanding of the problem that is life.
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