The disappearance of the NSFW forum

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What? You want meaningful discussion, I can give you meaningful discussion. I tend to turn off half my brain when entering here, that doesn't mean it isn't there :-P

Want to talk about how Victor Hugo is a greatly skilled artist at language, because he succeeds in making stories that last the ages, written beautifully and melodically, evocative, strong, and yet, still manages to use only relatively simple words, avoiding the more upclass, more flowery verb tenses and phrase turns in French? (This makes him great in an educational environment, btw :-p)


Staff member
You're completely missing the point, champ. I'm not making a call to arms for entirely intellectual debate. I'm just calling what we do with what it is. To rationalize it otherwise, I think, is completely masturbatory and time consuming. Whenever there is something that goes on that requires more than two brain cells and a certain appreciation for intellectualism (and that does happen here too), then that's fantastic too.
Oh, sure, but in that case, we're in full agreement, mind. Like I said, the only reason I objected was because I thought you were negatively comparing the quality of discussion there, with discussion here.

You're perfectly right, otherwise.

So, Moby's Dick. What a dork, huh?

(+5 points for getting that one)
It seems like we keep having this debate about should we or should we not have a NSFW forum and if we do, what do we do with it. Why not just have a final vote or something? Seems like everyone has already decided if it's a legitimate place for not work appropriate discussion or just another porn dumping ground.

After that we have to have our bi-monthly "how many subforums should we have?" debate.
I vote we make a theater hopper discussion area as a subforum in general and get rid of the comic talk area all together. each update gets a new thread in the th area.

nsfw should be like the podcast discussion area, where you need special permissions to see it. if you want to be able to go into the nsfw board, you have to ask or something.
Yeah, i was expecting at least 10...

Also, who/how does one ask for permission?! Or is the NSFW forum gone for good?!
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