-Loved how they wrote Smith's shaved head into the story. I think he shaved it for another, completely separate role. Still weird to see him with a completely bald head after years of seeing those long locks.
-I was crying enough as it was near the end, but then they had to go and briefly bring back Amy. Bastards. Though she was pretty clearly sporting a wig, too.
-So, was Tasha Lynn (the leader of the Church) River Song? I'm about 98% it was supposed to be, but they left it a little bit vague.
-How badass was it when he weaponized his regeneration energy?
-Capaldi's apparently the third Scottish actor, but the first being
allowed to use it. That should be interesting.
-Bow ties are no longer cool.

-While already weeping, I was ready for another maybe 30 seconds as we watched Smith shoot out another burst of energy and his face morphing into Capaldi. NOPE! Just a quick head snap back and boom, new Doctor. That took me by surprise.