The Dream Thread

I was on a date with this tall, thin, Latina woman who was a powerful career woman. We were touring a multi-building traveling museum exhibit on Egyptian culture. Between buildings I mentioned that I needed to stop in the restroom, she did too. We went into the separate rooms, which were really rundown, like 1970s high school stadium ones built decades before.
When I was finished some slack-jawed yokel came in and started flirting/intimidating me, with clear intent. Just as I pushed passed him, 20+ people poured into the room of different sexes and started their own traveling orgy. I pushed my way outside to realize I was stuck in there for over an hour. And my date was gone.
I looked around the campus looking for her and ran into friends I had from high school a man and a woman. They guy knew of my situation because we kept in touch over the years, but the woman I had not seen since graduation. As we were leaving the exhibit, my male friend goes off on a Tarantino-esque rant about how much he hated Dora the Explorer.

I said, "I have a differing opinion, since I was just on a date with her."

Female friend, "Ewwww."

"What? She's like 30 now?"
Dreamt that I needed to commit suicide to jump to a new reality. Like a Sliders + Groundhogs Day mash up. I kept jumping worlds looking for my family / home world. I tried crashing a car to die and fucked it up and killed some bystanders. I didn't have ID or insurance and I was getting ready to be jacked up by the authorities when I woke up.
I've caught another cold, which includes a sore throat and a fever, so I woke up this morning at around 4am with my throat on fire and feeling cold and generally not well. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, not sure if I was awake or asleep, the only consistent thing was a song that kept playing in my mind.

Espresso, by Samantha Carpenter.

Not Samantha Carpenter's version, though. No, it was the Domingo version.

My brain must really hate me or something, because having this screechy, off-key version playing non-stop in my mind for several hours was not fun.
Just woke up and want to get this out before I forget it.

So, in the dream, I meet this woman through Facebook Marketplace because I'm selling some books. She comes over to my place (which is something I wouldn't do for a Marketplace meet-up like this, but whatever, dream logic). And she's immediately flirtatious and kind of in my face. She talks about borrowing my other books that aren't for sale. I should also mention she's VERY pregnant. Like, you're surprised she hasn't gone into labour pregnant. The books she's interested are animal books, and tries to get me to guess why. I think cute animals for her pending baby, but no, it's something more than that. She never tells me what it is.

She's also really flirtatious, as I mentioned, but to the point of wanting to rest her head in my lap or crawling under the covers of my bed because she was cold. I eventually decide that's too many boundaries being pushed and ask her to leave.

She later messages me to apologize and asks me out for dinner. Her treat, as a way of an apology. I begrudgingly accept.

Before the date, I learn it was actually kind of a set up by my best friend. He wanted to introduce her to me and thought this would be the best way to do it. She told him that I'm nice but not "boyfriend material."

On the date, she's also oddly not pregnant anymore, so some time must have passed since the first meeting. I unleash everything about what I learned her. I tell her I don't appreciate the duplicitous nature of her and my friend. She's not crying, but she's clearly very disappointed in herself. I end the date there, and leave to get my bike. She follows me and starts walking beside me. I tell her I'm absolutely not interested.

And that's when I woke up.
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I dreamt I met this really arrogant guy who had a pet snake he kept in a pouch on his belt, and he insisted that it was quite safe because the snake wasn't venomous, except I noticed that the snake had the distinctive triangular head of a venomous snake, so I asked him if he was sure, and he said he was absolutely sure and even allowed the snake to bite him once to prove it, and then he died.


Staff member
I dreamt I met this really arrogant guy who had a pet snake he kept in a pouch on his belt, and he insisted that it was quite safe because the snake wasn't venomous, except I noticed that the snake had the distinctive triangular head of a venomous snake, so I asked him if he was sure, and he said he was absolutely sure and even allowed the snake to bite him once to prove it, and then he died.
That sounds like something that would happen on Great Hero Yoshihiko.

I had a terrifying nightmare that I was being haunted by the ghosts of the The Brady Bunch.

I have barely watched that show and yet somehow in the dream I knew that it was them.
I had a terrifying nightmare that I was being haunted by the ghosts of the The Brady Bunch.
I have barely watched that show and yet somehow in the dream I knew that it was them.
X-Files did it.

Last night, I dreamt I was on my way back from ... someplace where I'd been working/vacationing. I had borrowed one of my in-law's vehicles for this (which was some kind of Jeep/Volkswagen Thing type of vehicle), and even though I had made it back to almost being close to home, somehow I had lost the passenger door to either theft or it blowing loose while I was driving. I wasn't sure which had happened, just that now I was going to have to replace the door.
One of the last things that I did on my way home was to stop at a hotel-/convention center-type place that was famous for also being a brothel/bordello on the down low, but famous for it in that "everyone knows but nobody talks about it" kind of way. They were also known for being extraordinarily discreet about it, with even the means of accessing that portion of their facilities being ridiculously convoluted and isolated from the rest of the place. When I checked in, they offered a selection of companions for the evening in absolutely THE most sex-positive way possible, but I declined, telling them that the reason I had booked my stay with them on my return trip home was not because I was looking for a night of fun, but rather because I knew it was the only place I could go where I would be guaranteed a day/night of completely uninterrupted peace and quiet before I returned to my normal routine. They seemed a little surprised at that, but also completely accepted the explanation, saying they understood how that could definitely appeal to some.

Oh I forgot the best part. They sent someone to wake me up in the morning, someone who claimed to be there "because they wanted to make sure I didn't want to take advantage of the other services they offered," but I knew it was just their polite way of letting me know that it was getting close to time to get ready to leave, and I had been thinking about getting up anyway, and so I politely declined. And then I woke up.

...and turns out it was only 2 min before my alarm was set to go off. Amazing service. I would have tipped extra, but that would've meant having to go back to sleep and of course by then it was too late.

My dad passed about 6 years ago. My mom is in a nursing home and has convincing dementia. I have been dreaming a lot about the over the last few months. But mostly it is about breaking up their house and belongings amongst their heirs.

And strangely about taking them out to night markets in various cities in East Texas where those have never existed.
My wife said that a few nights ago, before bed, she asked me if I would be making scrambled eggs for breakfast the next morning, and I said I wouldn't, because we'd already planned on having a dish with eggs in it for dinner, and we shouldn't eat too many eggs a day. She was saddened that I wouldn't make scrambled eggs.

The reason I'm posting this in this thread is because I don't remember this conversation at all, and I'm pretty sure my wife dreamt that I denied her scrambled eggs.
Couple of nights ago, I dreamt there were four women who were pregnant, and they had to be kept pregnant, because the idea was that once they gave birth, their wisdom teeth would be harvested (for transplant, I assume). I remember waking up from this dream and wondering, "When did I subscribe to the GasBandit channel?"



Staff member
Couple of nights ago, I dreamt there were four women who were pregnant, and they had to be kept pregnant, because the idea was that once they gave birth, their wisdom teeth would be harvested (for transplant, I assume). I remember waking up from this dream and wondering, "When did I subscribe to the GasBandit channel?"

... I don't even know where to start with this one.
Night before last, I dreamt that I was at an Iggy Pop concert in a small rural church. I sat down in a pew before the show and soon the crowd started filling the place up, and a guy sat down next to me and it was Eddie Vedder. We chatted a bit. The concert got going and it was a great show. Eventually the crowd got huge and the place was way too packed. I was squished up next to Eddie and I said hey Eddie can you do something about this? He said, 'hold on" and left and then like 2/3rds of the people were forced to leave and the concert continued. Eddie came back. I have him a fist bump and we continued to rock.

When I woke up I felt like I really rocked out with Eddie which was great, but I also felt bad b/c I immediately took advantage of his celebrity alright after meeting him.
I had a dream where I was bike touring across the US and stopped to crash at @GasBandit's place, on his invite.

We walked down the street from where we met up. He pointed out another Halforumite that lived down the street who was a lawyer ("Fairfax," apparently, who is, as far as I know, a Halforumite made up entirely by my brain). We went in his house, he showed me around. There was a younger boy there, younger than the teen living there in real life. I don't know if it was supposed to be a kid Gas doesn't have in real life or a neighbor, but they didn't say. He was obsessed with the 2002 Masters of the Universe series. I tried to convince him to watch the Netflix She-Ra show, but he just made ugly faces at the idea of that.

And that's about when I woke up.

Why yes, my brain is weird. Why do you ask?


Staff member
I had a dream where I was bike touring across the US and stopped to crash at @GasBandit's place, on his invite.

We walked down the street from where we met up. He pointed out another Halforumite that lived down the street who was a lawyer ("Fairfax," apparently, who is, as far as I know, a Halforumite made up entirely by my brain). We went in his house, he showed me around. There was a younger boy there, younger than the teen living there in real life. I don't know if it was supposed to be a kid Gas doesn't have in real life or a neighbor, but they didn't say. He was obsessed with the 2002 Masters of the Universe series. I tried to convince him to watch the Netflix She-Ra show, but he just made ugly faces at the idea of that.

And that's about when I woke up.

Why yes, my brain is weird. Why do you ask?
Stop conjuring me more dependents! I'm trying to spin off the one I have already!
We had our company banquet last week (it's a Chinese tradition to have a banquet before or after the Lunar New Year) and the theme of the banquet was "karaoke". The organizers put together a game, where they put a section of lyrics up on a screen and had people guess the song, and if you got the song title right and sang a section of the song, you would win a prize.

For some reason, I dreamt that I was back at this banquet again, and up on the screen there were the lyrics:

Say Drake, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to cell block one

And I'm all like, oh I know this song.

So the people around me were all like, go on then, go up there and sing a section of it.

And I'm all like, no I will not.
I dreamt that I was at the capybara enclosure at a zoo, and I was explaining everything about capybaras to this really hot girl, and my explanation was so interesting that she fell in love with me, and she asked me for my number so that she could ask me more about capybaras but in fact it was just to have my contact info. Picture that meme image of a guy mansplaining stuff to a woman, except instead of an expression of boredom or distaste, the woman was actually fascinated and entranced.

The weird thing is that I don't actually know a single thing about capybaras.