I have a completely wide-awake mini panic attack right before all of my call centre shifts, like I'm going to completely forget how to talk on the phone. I totally get it.I dreamed I completely forgot how to do my call center job. That is completely ridiculous, of course, because it is a job a trained monkey could do. It was a real nightmare but had no teeth.
I had a dream that Jake told me he thought he might be an exhibitionist. So, like a good girlfriend, I found a support group that helps ease you into that lifestyle. That is the second-largest amount of johnsons I've ever seen in a dream.It was like we were in a therapy room with a group, and then it became this holodeck situation where it turned into a forest right next to a highway. It's fun to wake up giggling.
I once thought there was a zombie outbreak happening outside Best Buy. Then it turned out there was just a Wal-Mart next door.It's been said that some of the most boring things you can talk about are your dreams. If you concur, there's the door. I really like hearing about others' dreams, so go for it here.
Here's one of mine to start. I have a lot of zombie dreams. I remember one which was clearly patterned after the new Dawn of the Dead. I was stuck in a Best Buy with some others at the beginning of the zombie outbreak. I believe I'd made it there somehow. I have vague recollections of the beginning of the dream, and hiding under floorboards, etc. Anyway, the BB was secure, but a horde of zombies knew we were in there. We had to get out before they got in. I had discovered that you could rig up an LCD screen to emit a frequency of light that would destroy a zombie. So we spent the night modding a bunch of digital cameras (to use as grenades), TVs and monitors. It so happened that there was a vehicle of some sort in the BB as well. We rigged up a bunch of the tvs and monitors all over the vehicle, and threw a generator in the back. The whole thing was controlled by a laptop (mac of course) that could flash each monitor individually, or in a panic, all at once.
Anyway, we busted out... there's dim spots to the dream ... somehow the zombie war ended, and we one. But as we celebrated, the inevitable horror movie gotcha happened. There were stragglers, and one wandered out into the ocean. It was attacked by a shark, who became infected. The carrier shark swam north, and froze. The dream ended cinematically, with a boat carrying the frozen shark back toward a futuristic city, as the shark began to thaw...
I have had nightmares that I was back at my old call center job. Not even anything out of the ordinary, just that I was back at my desk, talking on the phone all day. I woke up screaming.*I dreamed I completely forgot how to do my call center job. That is completely ridiculous, of course, because it is a job a trained monkey could do. It was a real nightmare but had no teeth.
I sometimes have nightmares about fucking something up terribly at work. Those are always the ones that scare me awake.I used to have nightmares about failing school until I got fired from a job. Now I have nightmares about that job.
Well I'm not a cop. No one could DIE as a result of my bad consultation. The worst they could do is lose millions of dollars.I sometimes have nightmares about fucking something up terribly at work. Those are always the ones that scare me awake.
and then kill themselves.Well I'm not a cop. No one could DIE as a result of my bad consultation. The worst they could do is lose millions of dollars.
Lives, millions of dollars, potato, potahto.Well I'm not a cop. No one could DIE as a result of my bad consultation. The worst they could do is lose millions of dollars.
Why does everyone have dream #1 there? http://xkcd.com/557/Dreams I frequently have:
1) Being back in high school but at my current age, because I somehow didn't complete ONE class that was required to get my diploma, and it's final is today and I haven't attended all year.
2) Being back at the part time job I held in high school at Best Buy, where they promptly chew me out for absenteeism because I haven't been to work in years and years.
3) Oh god there are pennies between my teeth all my teeth have pennies between them oh god don't pull them out everything will just come out.
4) I am playing the video game I am currently playing most, and everything is progressing as normal, ad infinitum. Games that have triggered these dreams - Everquest, DAOC, WoW, Warhammer Online, TF2, Supreme Commander, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Orcs Must Die.
5) Same as number 4 but everything is going to hell in a handbasket and I can't make any progress.
6) I have a loose tooth. I try to hold it in.
I no longer have this one, but 10 or 15 years ago, I used to frequently dream of walking to the supermarket, buying mundane items like deodorant or bread, and walking home. I would wake up from that dream feeling cheated because it was so drab and pedestrian.
Dreams about teeth coming out are supposedly indicative of secrets. What aren't you telling us? What aren't you telling... yourself?Dreams I frequently have:
3) Oh god there are pennies between my teeth all my teeth have pennies between them oh god don't pull them out everything will just come out.
6) I have a loose tooth. I try to hold it in.
♫ I see you dreaming in bed, alarm starts to buzz, and I'm like "sleep through". ♫Don't remember seeing anything... Just remember hearing a lot of Cee-Lo Green.
Was it.. Dave's cyclops?Yeah, we fondled each other's moobs.
But seriously, I was then tackled by a cyclops. Interpret that how you will.
It looked just like this:
Oh wouldn't *I* like to know.Dreams about teeth coming out are supposedly indicative of secrets. What aren't you telling us? What aren't you telling... yourself?
She knows...Then I thought, "I wonder if the Monarch has some machine that turned him evil." Then I woke up.
I figure bolus is pretty common, and teratoma is unsual, but not unknown, especially on the interwebs. Hyperdontia I'll give you, although we had a lovely picture and discussion about it in the Not So Funny Picture thread.Someone take drifter's medical dictionary away. There's WAY too much jargon in that paragraph.
That show was way too hip for the room.Hah! Teratoma always makes me think of _Lucy, Daughter of the Devil._
Are you sure you weren't playing an old school adventure game?I had a dream I kept running into stray cats and having to fight them.
I know this is theoretically English, but I have no idea what any of it means.I often lucid dream that Maynard James Keenan is my dad and that I fly around Merkin Vineyards, dropping bombs on paparazzi and trespassers who get onto the property. I'm pretty sure Maynard would love to have me for a daughter. Aaaaand when I start having a nightmare, I just "change the channel", which lately defaults to being a mermaid in a huge glass hotel filled with water.
I am the goddess of my dreams.
Oh thank God. I thought I just wasn't awake enough to read it right.I know this is theoretically English, but I have no idea what any of it means.
Great, now I'm worrying what bizarre effect she's having on me because I understood all that.Oh thank God. I thought I just wasn't awake enough to read it right.
Lucid dream: ability to control one's dreams. She does this every night and it's no wonder she hates getting out of bed.I often lucid dream that Maynard James Keenan is my dad and that I fly around Merkin Vineyards, dropping bombs on paparazzi and trespassers who get onto the property. I'm pretty sure Maynard would love to have me for a daughter. Aaaaand when I start having a nightmare, I just "change the channel", which lately defaults to being a mermaid in a huge glass hotel filled with water.
I am the goddess of my dreams.
I rarely ever have sex dreams. At least I don't remember them. My dreams are usually freaky in a bad way.So are any of these wet dreams or should I just not bother reading anything in this thread, come on guys show me the good stuff
but the boobies are my favorite part of the drawings.I want to draw that...[DOUBLEPOST=1341780945][/DOUBLEPOST]Except, you know, without the boobies part
Boobies: The favorite part of all thingsbut the boobies are my favorite part of the drawings.
Around this time I looked over to Steve, confused and horrified. He's rolling his eyes. "Not another zombie movie. All of Disneys movies are like this since they reanimated Walt. Hollywood is shit."
Oh, so you're the one who has been causing glitches in the Matrix these past few years. We've been looking all over for you. Would it have been that bad just to eat a bit of cotton candy?Another I had when I was twelve years old, was something of a prophetic dream - I dreamt that we were going to Disneyland Paris with my entire family, including cousins and granpa and granma, where I ate some cotton candy and went through the Haunted House. A week later, I was notified by my mom that ''Surprise! We're going to Disneyland because granpa and granma are celebrating their fifty-year anniversary!'' I don't think I ate any cotton candy while I was there, though.![]()
Clever girl...I dreamed that I was trying to get Jet into a private a school and I was being given a tour of the futuristic facilities. The power went out during the tour due to a sudden volcano in the sky (WTF?) and we had to wait to be evacuated.
The staff was starting to act weird, all nervous and shit..then there was this ROAR. Turns out they were also cloning dinosaurs in the school and the power being out took down the fences. Due to the raining lava outside we couldn't leave so Jet and I spent time using the staff as canon fodder while we tried to excape. I talking gecko led us to the underground cave where we met the lead Utahraptor who decided to let us stay as long we operated the doors for them.
So. Yeh.
Sounds like it would have been an interesting novel, with the right writing.I had a dream the other night that it was some undefined time in the future where there were large telescreens in public places constructed from hexagonal tiles. We were watching as a comet called The String slowly made its way toward the moon. After a few months, The String struck the top of the moon, which happened to be full at the time. The moon turned red, I guess because its albedo changed with the impact. A D-shaped sliver broke off in slow motion as we watched, and began to fall toward the Earth. The telescreen showed everything zoomed in, but we could see it happen behind the screens to the actual moon, which drove home the reality of it. Over the coming months, we watched this red sliver fall, and scientists projected possible trajectories. No one knew where it was going to hit. The sliver was dubbed The Damocles. I remember reporters talking in solemn voices, and just not wanting to watch anymore. When it got closer, we could see the sliver looming in the sky, hazy behind the blue, but in full 3D detail. No one wanted the sliver to hit their part of the earth. We all knew, but wouldn't say, that it didn't matter where it hit anyway. There were mass organized suicides by people who didn't want to experience the terror of the Damocles crashing into them. I woke up then, so I don't know what happened.
Is your light fixture still on the ceiling, perchance?I dreamt I got stabbed last night. It was terrifying. I woke up in actual pain, and breathin heavily and sweating and everything.
I usually enjoy my so called nightmares, and am glad I tend to slip back in to them after briefly waking up. They're fun. But this one was different, it wasn't a horror-y thing where I was being chased by some villain or anything.
It was night in the dream. I was hanging out with 3 of my friends from college, in the backyard of one of my neighbour's from back home. We were just hanging out, shootin' the shit, and someone came up with the idea to walk down to the beach. Someow in my dream, I lagged pretty far behind my friends and lost sight of them briefly in the dark. I don't know how that happened, they just walked way faster than me. But my road back home is right off the beach, so it's not like I was lost or anything. Made it to the beach, and my friends were there, with two other people, all facing the lake. One of the other people I recognized as another of our friends from college. The last one, though, was a big guy (presumably), wearing a hoody, and I never saw his face. I ran up to join my friends, who it seemed must know this other guy, and as I crossed the street and joined them, I asked "What's up". They just backed away from me. And then the guy in the hood turned and rushed me in the blink of an eye, bodychecking me and driving a knife into my gut. And I woke up in pain.
This... kinda happened to me tonight too, but with the added twist that my ridiculous subconscious likes to give me "meta" dreams.I dreamt I got stabbed last night. It was terrifying. I woke up in actual pain, and breathin heavily and sweating and everything.
I had an uncle in theater that had a similar situation... turned out the chick was on some AP internship program from a montessouri school to participate in theater. He had to run flailing his arms as fast as possible.I guess the moral of the dream is if you're dating a chick from your college, double check that she's not a concurrent student from one of the local high schools.
I leave the violence to my sibling, I'm more like Wolf:Last night I dreamt, among other things, that 'Gilgamesh' was some kind of title here and we were having the annual contest to see who was the next Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh(Jiarn) didn't want to give it up and he was like the bad guy (his previous avatar) that wanted to win the contest really bad and was violent about it or wanted to kill other contestants or something like that (don't remember this part very well, I think the contest was something physical in some sort of digital world).
Yes.The other night I had a dream that the police came to my dojo to recruit help against a new plant-controlling supervillain named Chloro Phil.
Sheki, the PVP Troll? Or Shego, the HF one-woman army?Okay, that was weird. Had a dream about Sheki last night. It was after midnight and she called me to ask if I could drive her to a Denny's. I said okay and when I arrived she was covered in dirt and blood. She said she'd just gotten home from a Zombie Run. We went to Denny's, she cleaned up in the rest room, got pancakes and bacon, and while we ate she was bitching about other students in the nursing program she was enrolled in. Then I woke up.
What the fuck?
I h ope this clarifies matters.At first my dream started out normal, loose [...] Hooters waitresses [...] I sat down on a couch where a big black [censored] and a brown [redacted] were next to me. I [censored] string to which [*****] bit my hand [...] in that [...] s***y way that [censored] do, and the [nope] just cuddled up beside me.
Whats odd is this isn't the first [redacted] dream I've had like this where one comes up and playfully bites me, I remember a few months or maybe even a year ago I was in this really crowded place like a fair and in the middle of a crowd there was this [censored] the same kind of biting, all playful and s***y way. I wonder what it means.
GRAMM4R NASI! WE DUN N33D UR TIEP HEAR U HERE.I h ope it does to. BAM-Mickee mocks grammar for once!
Sheki, the PVP Troll? Or Shego, the HF one-woman army?
That was my first thought upon waking... that and "Nyquil is awesome."Behold the cave of Caerbannog!
You shut your whore mouth.CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Must... keep... naughty...comments...to... self.And you loved EVERY minute of it too, I bet!![]()
Last night I drempt that Cheesy1 pushed me ...
And you loved EVERY minute of it too, I bet!![]()
But I mustn't!Must... keep... naughty...comments...to... self.
Labs think everything is a chew toy.[DOUBLEPOST=1392938739,1392938493][/DOUBLEPOST]My lab thinks it is a chew toy.
You think it's funny, butt it's knot.If I laugh my 4 year old is going to want to see what's so funny. I am dying.
I had a dream like this once when my husband was in Africa for 7 months. It was about a friend of mine and was so incredibly real. We weren't living together, but we were in this place that was full of soft filtered morning light, warm blankets, marshmallowy pillows, etc. It was amazing. When I first woke up, but wasn't entirely awake, I felt like I was on cloud 9. When I fully woke up, felt like a cheating jackass and hated myself for the rest of the day.*snip*
Thanks brain.
The dream felt so good, that I would rank it as easily one of the best dreams I've ever had.
Neurosis dreams. I KNOW THEE WELL.My subconscious doesn't like me very much. This is one of my recurring dreams:
I'm driving through dense city traffic at way too high a speed, trying to get my friend (sometimes a local friend, an ex-girlfriend, friend from college, sometimes an online friend I've met that doesn't live nearby, sometimes just my mental image of an online friend, etc) to a hospital. But every direct route is blocked, and they keep getting weaker from sickness or blood loss, or something, and I can't get them there, and I'm just plowing into things, running people down, out of control, and just making it worse. I can't stop, and I'm not getting any closer, and when I try and reassure them that we're almost there, just hang on, they start cursing me out for being a useless burden that they've never liked, only pitied, and as the car crashed and begins to roll, they tell me they regret ever wasting their time on me.
And then I wake up.
This is a recurring dream. Someone keeps slashing the tires on my sportscar. They only puncture one tire in each dream (haven't noticed if it's the same one or different each time). In every dream, I have a hard time replacing the tire because it's out of stock or has to be special ordered. Actually, when I was dreaming it today the salesperson was rather rude about it since I am always coming in for the same tire that they never have. I'm also still living next to my parents. My house doesn't have a garage. My parents have a two car garage with my mom's car and dad's motorcycle in it. They said they won't let me park my car in their garage because they're convinced the same person will mess with their tires. In today's dream I was trying to figure out where I could put a camera or how I could sit up all night to catch the person doing it.[DOUBLEPOST=1397328601,1397328051][/DOUBLEPOST]
I had a dream like this once when my husband was in Africa for 7 months. It was about a friend of mine and was so incredibly real. We weren't living together, but we were in this place that was full of soft filtered morning light, warm blankets, marshmallowy pillows, etc. It was amazing. When I first woke up, but wasn't entirely awake, I felt like I was on cloud 9. When I fully woke up, felt like a cheating jackass and hated myself for the rest of the day.
I realise this sounds like claptrap, and I can only say anecdotally that 'it worked for me,' but with recurring dreams, a strategy I tried was to write it down, as detailed as possible (from whatever point of view; personal, third-person, whatever you want). Do it first sometime in the day when it's clear to you.My subconscious doesn't like me very much. This is one of my recurring dreams:
I'm driving through dense city traffic at way too high a speed, trying to get my friend (sometimes a local friend, an ex-girlfriend, friend from college, sometimes an online friend I've met that doesn't live nearby, sometimes just my mental image of an online friend, etc) to a hospital. But every direct route is blocked, and they keep getting weaker from sickness or blood loss, or something, and I can't get them there, and I'm just plowing into things, running people down, out of control, and just making it worse. I can't stop, and I'm not getting any closer, and when I try and reassure them that we're almost there, just hang on, they start cursing me out for being a useless burden that they've never liked, only pitied, and as the car crashed and begins to roll, they tell me they regret ever wasting their time on me.
And then I wake up.
I'd fist bump you but, I'm worried for your fingers.I had a dream where a large armadillo somehow got in the house, and I had to tackle it and carry it outside. It gave me leprosy, and my hands started rotting off. I can't help but think @ThatNickGuy is somehow responsible for this.
Let me tell you, in the dream, it hurt like hell. I was sort of surprised after I woke up that my hands weren't covered with cat scratches or something.I'd fist bump you but, I'm worried for your fingers.
Are you saying it was...DILLiberate?!I had a dream where a large armadillo somehow got in the house, and I had to tackle it and carry it outside. It gave me leprosy, and my hands started rotting off. I can't help but think @ThatNickGuy is somehow responsible for this.
You're really obsessed with unlocking that "most Halforums members met" achievement, aren't you?I had a Halforums dream a few weeks ago. The majority of you all were in it. We were at a hotel convention hall for some tech-type convention, and we all happened to be there without realizing we were all going to attend it at the same time. Once we realized it we all hung out together. I remember seeing a bunch of you guys. It was weird to have a dream about a bunch of people that I haven't met.
I had a dream last night that an assassin was after me. I thought my wife and I had gotten away, but I secretly knew better. I was in the middle of the country in an old house, and I kept checking the window at night, sure we'd been followed. Finally we fell asleep, and there was a noise in the house. I woke up not only in the dream, but in real life, having heard my wife whisper my name in the way she does when she's scared at night.
The thing is, my wife and kids are at her mother's in FL for the week, so that was a bit unsettling. I was so certain I had heard her.
There can be only one!You're really obsessed with unlocking that "most Halforums members met" achievement, aren't you?
Sounds like you're projecting your inner Stephen King.I'm constantly dreaming of the same weird beach. There's no gentle slope from shore to water. It's just this sandy plateau that drops off into often shark-infested waters. The water is murky and full of seaweed and strange gelatinous masses that sort of look like jellyfish, but not really. I always look over into the water and almost jump in, but then I don't because I see the sharks. The sand is cold and kind of a sick-looking yellow. If there's a beach house, it always looks like some dilapidated Escher homage.
So, followup to this, today I decided to defy my wife's orders and send this girl a message on Facebook. Our conversation was as follows:I have a female friend who's the epitome of purity and chastity. She's only had only boyfriend in her life, in a relationship that lasted only about two weeks or so. Since then she's had a string of men interested in her, and she's been interested in some guys, but nothing serious has ever developed. She doesn't actively avoid topics or issues related to sex, but instead she gives off such an aura of purity that when you're around her, dirty topics simply never come up. You guys know the type?
Anyway, she's studying in the UK right now, and we joked that she'll return to Taiwan with a British boyfriend in tow. She nodded serenely and said that it's certainly possible, we'll see what happens. But we all knew that she'd probably never end up with a British boyfriend. She's simply too pure to be sullied by a masculine touch.
So, a few nights ago, I dreamt that I happened to run into her on the street. Everything about her was normal, except she was wearing a BDSM slave collar. I asked her about it, and she said, in her pure and serene manner, "Oh yes, I met a guy and now we're exploring my submissive side. He likes it when I wear this in public."
I WTF'd so hard in my dream I woke up right then and there. I wanted to email her and tell her, "Hey, I dreamt you're in a BDSM relationship" but my wife thought it'd be a bad idea.
I consider this the most likely possibility.4. You've been taking too much of @bhamv3 's tiger penis.
What the hell do you eat before going to bed, Yoshi?I was in my kitchen with my parents, brother, and one of my best friends. THEN- I saw two gradually shape-changing green monsters outside , who when I went to talk to them were there to ask me to join a college called "Mary's university." I said I'd think about it, but then after they told me I would have to have a weapon at all time because it was in a dangerous place. Also by this point we were in my pool for some reason, also we started fighting. I punched one of them and he turned into a monkey, and the other turned into a box with a plant in it. The next day in my dream I was in some sort of warehouse that I think was setting up for a concert, it looked a little bit like a larger version of the Electric factory. Than after I told this guy moving stuff " MAGIC IS REAL! PRAISE TO THE DARK FORCES!" I began to lay down on a couch because I felt sick. Probably from touching the monsters.
One of the spiciest pasta dishes I've ever had. Also I was drunk, love me drunk dreams.What the hell do you eat before going to bed, Yoshi?
Same here. That's wholesome family entertainment.One of the spiciest pasta dishes I've ever had. Also I was drunk, love me drunk dreams.
They are so old now that would likely work.I dreamed I was part of a massive prank the rest of the rolling stones played on Mick Jagger. For a week, I'd just hang around wherever they were, dressing rooms, green rooms, recording studios, just fiddling with things and not saying a word. Mick Jagger would be "who the hell is this guy? What's he doing here?" And the other guys would all say things like "Who are you talking about? There's nobody here but us, Mick." Mick Jagger slowly goes madder and madder because I'm always hanging around and nobody else acknowledges I exist. Even the roadies and managers and whatnot seem to be in on it.
The grand climax comes when they go on stage for a concert. First couple songs are normal, then in the middle of the third song I come out from the side of the stage just doing the "haters gonna hate strut" slowly from one side of the stage to the other. Naturally the band pretends I don't exist, Mick Jagger doesn't want to look like he's having a psychotic break on TV and in front of an audience of thousands, so I continue unimpeded as a slowly do the fat-guy-strut from stage right, right across in front of Mick, and on to stage left. The audience is confused but the bystander effect keeps anybody from doing anything that would tip Mick off.
Finally, after the concert, one of the reporters asks "Mick who was that guy who came out on stage during your third song?" and Jagger just flips his shit "MY GOD YOU CAN SEE HIM TOO?!"
I dare say it would have worked when they were younger, too.They are so old now that would likely work.
It means you're needed in Narnia. Quick, to the nearest wardrobe!I had some awfully uncomfortable dreams about a talking lion last night. I also happened to turn on the television to a nature documentary on lions this morning. I don't know what this means.
Do you have a lot of people concerning themselves with your personal life lately?[DOUBLEPOST=1422738551,1422738416][/DOUBLEPOST]I keep having dreams where people walk in on jake and i having sex, and they're just talking to us as if everything is normal. Sometimes they're also peeling an orange playing with a baseball while chatting...acting obnoxiously nonchalant. 4 dreams like that this week alone. I think we need a weekend away or something.
Yeah I had a dream not too long ago that involved the HFA2 craziness. Funny and yet disturbing.I know I've been spending way too much time in here when you guys start showing up in my dreams. I need another hobby.
I know I've been spending way too much time in here when you guys start showing up in my dreams. I need another hobby.
Yeah I had a dream not too long ago that involved the HFA2 craziness. Funny and yet disturbing.
Not really. The only major change I can think of is I've been a bit more aloof at work since I'm sort of looking around for another job, and that's been making people approach *me* more in an "are you all right" kind of way...Do you have a lot of people concerning themselves with your personal life lately?[DOUBLEPOST=1422738551,1422738416][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah I had a dream not too long ago that involved the HFA2 craziness. Funny and yet disturbing.
Go on.Last night I dreamed I was in pursuit of an elusive animal: the titweasel. That's right. The titweasel. It's a weasel with human breasts. Specifically it is bald on the chest region with full, Caucasian boobs. There was even a titweasel society complete with a cartoon mascot.
At first hurried glance, I thought it said "Dr. Dre," and I was imagining a very different scenario.I had a dream last night after hanging out with some married friends who are expecting a child that I was in a bubbly bathtub, spooning her and trying to talk her out of cheating on her husband with me until we both decided that a BJ wasn't cheating. She was VERY pregnant in the dream.
I had a dream last night after hanging out with some married friends who are expecting a child that I was in a bubbly bathtub, spooning her and trying to talk her out of cheating on her husband with me until we both decided that a BJ wasn't cheating. She was VERY pregnant in the dream.
FTFYOr maybe you just want to bone her
That would have involved choking her and throwing her down stairs, I'm pretty sure.At first hurried glance, I thought it said "Dr. Dre," and I was imagining a very different scenario.
Reminds me of the D2 Power Paladin Party. 8 Paladins, all with different maxed-out auras.The effect was, the larger and more diverse your group, the more powerful each individual member was, by far.
Heh, back in the day, in DAOC, they had to nerf Paladins healing chant/aura. DAOC's group size was 8 players... put 8 Paladins in a group, they all chant heal... individually the heals were small, but together (with a cleric buffing them from outside the group) they were able to largely tackle anything because they could outheal the damage, and the healing also kept aggro on the group. So one group of paladins could basically spearhead the way through any dungeon or RvR keep with dozens of hangers-on following in their wake.Reminds me of the D2 Power Paladin Party. 8 Paladins, all with different maxed-out auras.
Oh god. I've had dreams like that, except they're all through my body, and when they poked their heads out, basically my limbs were just coated in a mixture of blood and pus.Last night I had a dream that parasitic worms were crawling around just under the skin on my feet. It was very disturbing. I even tried pulling them out with tweezers, but I could never get one more than halfway out before it would wriggle its way back inside. I woke up feeling like I needed to go to the doctor and just ask for a broad spectrum parasite detection lab or something.
That's just a few green right-brackets away from creepypasta right there.I had a dream that someone was banging on my front door in the middle of the night. I went to see who it was, and I saw children through the peephole. They were shouting, "Let us in! Let us in!" So I started to open the door, and then I got a chill and thought better of it. The door was already partly open and I had to fight against these kids who were incredibly strong. They were all pushing with both hands, saying "Let us in! Let us in!" almost like a chant. Then I woke up. The weird thing is that my cats were both nosing around the front door.
I once had a dream where a fairy wanted me to come live in fairyland with him. When he talked to me, I felt like I was under some kind of glamour, and couldn't think of anything other than saying yes.I had a dream that someone was banging on my front door in the middle of the night. I went to see who it was, and I saw children through the peephole. They were shouting, "Let us in! Let us in!" So I started to open the door, and then I got a chill and thought better of it. The door was already partly open and I had to fight against these kids who were incredibly strong. They were all pushing with both hands, saying "Let us in! Let us in!" almost like a chant. Then I woke up. The weird thing is that my cats were both nosing around the front door.
That's some Cat's Eye level shit right there.I once had a dream where a fairy wanted me to come live in fairyland with him. When he talked to me, I felt like I was under some kind of glamour, and couldn't think of anything other than saying yes.
But before I said yes, I woke up to my little brother's cat sitting on my chest with his nose touching mine, hissing.
It was a bit disturbing.
I haven't seen it since I was a kid in the 80s, but 6 year old me thought it pretty nifty.Maybe I should watch it so I get the reference
This is fantastic. Straight out of Spike & Mike.I had a dream about clown porn. The male clown took off his clown suit and underneath was an all white clown suit with multicolored chest hair. Then, from his crotch, a long balloon inflated while he stood hands on hips. He tied balls in the end. The female clown made a disappointed face so the male thought for a second, made the aha face. He took off his giant shoes and replaced them with even bigger ones, and the balloon got bigger.
I woke myself up laughing then, but I'll bet if it continued, the female clown's boobs would have honked like a bike horn. And nine months later she would've given birth to 27 full grown, fully clothed little person clowns, tipping their hats to the doctor clown. Then when it was time to cut the cord, the doc would just keep pulling and pulling the cord, which would be made of multicolored handkerchiefs.
2spoopy4me, dudeThis was a few nights ago but I'm still kind of freaked out about it. I dreamt that I was at home and there was a knock on my door. I opened it and it was three of my neighbors - they weren't my actual neighbors, they were just three random people that were my neighbors in this dream - and they had a warning for me. They told me that another neighbor had mentioned that he was going to kill everyone in my house. The actually terminology was "I'm going to kill them throughout the night." This happened three or four times and I can't remember anything happening between the knocks on the door, but I definitely remember answering the door several times. I eventually suspected that they weren't there to warn me, but were there to watch it happen. The last time I opened the door, a fourth man showed up. He was older. Balding, glasses, a cardigan sweater - and a knife. He said "it's time to start the show"...I slammed the door shut. He proved to be much stronger than me, and forced it open...that's when I woke up.
I got up for work. I showered and let my dog out per my normal morning routine. And that's when I realized I had left my keys in the door after coming home the previous night.
You know, that would probably sell. Got any sculpting ability?I had a dream that I invented and successfully marketed cleavage charms. They were little things you put in your cleavage while wearing a low cut shirt, and they ranged all over the place in style. Since I started the campaign on Halloween, the first one was a gargoyle who was designed to look like he was being compressed between the breasts, with his hands out and a funny little oof face. The whole dream was all 80s business success movie style. Montage, obligatory magazine cover.
And you were...? The Bond girl? The villain? Q? Innocent Bystander #21546?This is going to sound strange, but my dream last night was like I was in a James Bond movie.
And yes, it was Daniel Craig as Bond.
I'm betting Bond Girl.And you were...? The Bond girl? The villain? Q? Innocent Bystander #21546?![]()
I feel really bad for one of my friends. She was married to a real piece of shit, so after 2 kids she decided that she wanted to get her tubes cauterized so she can't have any more kinds with that dick. She finally divorced him and ended up with a guy that she really loves and is good to her who wants kids of his own, and now she can't have any. She could have it reversed, but it would cost a small fortune.My husband is getting a vasectomy in an hour, and every dream I can remember from last night is me trying to talk him out of it. I really don't want to go back to having completely dependant children again, but my biological clock so does not agree. The 5 billion baby pictures my cousins keep posting is also killing me.![]()
Might want to check your pillow.Couple nights ago I dreamed I was visiting my parents. Apparently they had some kind of insect problem, because my stepmother had decided the best way to deal with it was to let loose hundreds of tarantulas in the house. On every surface, every piece of furniture - walls, floors, couches, chairs, tables, ceiling, TV, kitchen, all of it... big hairy spiders all over everything. Not doing anything aggressive or anything, but I just turned around and said "I'll be staying at a hotel. Call me when you want to go get something to eat... at a restaurant!"
I had a dream that we moved into this new house I'm buying, and we found out it was huge inside but dated. The previous owners had left a lot of valuable things like furniture. Especially in what appeared to be a little boy's room. There was a TV and some (albeit older) video games, etc. Anyway, we're trying to figure out why they left all this stuff. Then the boy who used to have the room pops up at the window and pushes it open from outside. He plops himself down on the bed and starts playing with the toys. Apparently, the old owners had only moved down the street. Anyway, he's playing happily and talking to us. Then, his happy expression falls, and he looks at me and says, "Have you heard the voices yet?"
What follows gets jumbled and difficult to remember, but I do recall the house being dark, and unusually cool inside, and there being strange creaks and bangs just out of view in the dark.
If it's anything like the ones I've had, the music you play is incredibly awesome, but then when you wake up, you can't remember any of it. At all. Even just to hum it. Which is frustrating.Oh man, I overslept. First time in a great while, years probably, that I've slept till noon. I must have needed it. And I had this intense dream.
I dreamed I was working on-location producing a TV series that was kind of like Game of Thrones meets ancient Greek myth, but during the course of that work I discovered my true hidden talent - I could play any guitar-like instrument, intuitively and instinctively, while riding a bicycle. I discovered this somehow with the use of a shamisen.
So I held an impromptu concert in the parking lot of an abandoned megastore just off the interstate, and thousands of people came to watch me ride in a circle on a bicycle while shredding sick metal riffs on an electric ukelele.
At one point some notable metalhead celebrity whose name I can't recall because I think my subconscious made him up appeared in a limo and amped up the crowd.
The Chipotle next door to the parking lot complained about the noise.
And then I woke up.
Next time you dream it, make sure you dream that the installation is free, and not billed at $50/hr along with having to buy a $99 wiring harness.I dreamed I won an inexpensive car stereo in a raffle, which I was happy about because my current car stereo is in the process of dying. I was mildly disappointed to wake up and find out I had not, in fact, won a 60 dollar car stereo (which I could easily just go buy).
About two weeks ago I dreamt that my uncle, who has some property up in the Poconos and some earthmovers and what not to work on it, found something while he was digging a trench for a new septic system. He described it as being like an old gun and bayonet of some kind, and he wanted me and my dad to take a look. So we drove up there, and got to the edge of the hole, while my uncle had the digger running to keep the hole from filling in, supposedly. My dad said, "Look down in there, can you see it?" I looked and said, "No-" and that's when my dad hit me in the back of the head with a shovel, then kicked me into the hole. I managed to get onto my back and was looking up when my uncle started pushing the mound of earth back into the hole.
Like you would get past the picket defense of jogging redheads in yogi pants in my neighborhood.Last night, I dreamed that, while I was at work each day, @HCGLNS would break into my house and steal a component from my computer. One day it'd be the video card, the next a hard drive, and so on. Finally when there was nothing left but the motherboard and the case, he just beat the shit out of the whole thing until it was warped, bent, and broken, and left it out on the curb.
So I went to canada to confront him. I went to his house. Squidleybits was very nice but the hobo was completely unrepentant, so I dropped trou and took a dump on the floor.
I woke up and was ever so briefly terrified that the dream might have made me shit the bed for real, but fortunately it did not.
What did Ashera look like? Salma Hayek?I had this weird dream that I was God, and the dream's plot was basically a rom-com. I remember being concerned that my divine omnipotence looked like hokey special effects, and because of decades of conditioning into thinking that look meant low production values, no one would believe who I was.
You have the gift of clairvoyance!I had a dream that on November 9th, right wing militia assholes decided to protest Trump's resounding defeat by shooting up the college I work at "cuz that's where they turn people in them educated liberal queers". The college's lockdown plan essentially pooled most of the students in a few large common areas that weren't even remotely secured, and these guys didn't just have small arms, looking out a window I saw 4 trucks in the lot with mounted machineguns (M60, Browning .30 cal) laying down fire on anyone using the exits.
Yeah, pissing dreams are my sub-consciouses way of saying "HEY! Dumb ass! Y'gotta pee!"Last night I dreamed I went into a public restroom to take a whiz. I went into a stall, started doing my business, and then the wall in front of me just... wasn't there anymore. Instead was just an open gap looking out into a busy shopping mall, right adjacent to the inside of the entrance. People walking by, noticing me. I frowned mightily and PISSED HARDER. To assert dominance. Made eye contact with every one I could. And they started turning and running.
I am just so, SO glad that I didn't piss myself for real in my bed.
I did jolt awake, frantic to scramble for the bathroom, but it turns out I didn't really have to go. So there must have been something else at work there...Yeah, pissing dreams are my sub-consciouses way of saying "HEY! Dumb ass! Y'gotta pee!"
Doesn't sound like it to me...She is white
I just wonder if my subconscious is really opposed to Syrian Refugees...
Syrians are literally Caucasians, far more so than most people we consider as such - "Caucasian" is a bad name to use for "white". They're also fairly light skinned, in general. They're not Arabs, ethnically.Doesn't sound like it to me...
I constantly have those same dreams, except I also always forget I'm supposed to be working but no one cares and my job is still there the next time I remember it exists.Every so often, I dream that I just happen to walk into a place where I used to work a long time ago, like Best Buy (where I worked in high school) or Oracle (where I worked in Colorado Springs), and somebody yells at me "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? We've been waiting for you for SO long! Here's what we need you to do today..." and then I'm stuck there working for the rest of the dream, or until I remember "Hey wait, I quit/got let go from this job years ago," but that almost never happens.
I get that reoccurring nightmare too, finding myself working at my first high school job again and I'm in trouble because I've been missing shifts due to not realizing I worked there again.I'm glad I had a dream about best buy that didn't have me working there, again... I worked there in high school, and every so often I still have a dream where I go into a Best Buy and get chewed out for being 20 years late for my shift, and then they make me work the floor.
Are you sure you weren't just remembering last Saturday night at the club?I had this weird dream about rape zombies. They all wore victorian era suits, and were fully sentient/sapient. They had red irises, and spouted cheesy come-ons, and had a habit of pelvic thrusting while they walked. If they caught you and did the deed, you'd become one, too. I saw it happen. His eyes turned red, and he grew out a skeezy moustache, and started spouting pickup lines.
Sounds like Nick's Prom Night.I had this weird dream about rape zombies. They all wore victorian era suits, and were fully sentient/sapient. They had red irises, and spouted cheesy come-ons, and had a habit of pelvic thrusting while they walked. If they caught you and did the deed, you'd become one, too. I saw it happen. His eyes turned red, and he grew out a skeezy moustache, and started spouting pickup lines.
I think you need to either cut down on the spicy wings before bed or start a collection of short stories. You have the perfect title already.Alright, so, last night I dreamed I came to this forum, and made a post talking about how when I was in the first grade I jumped off the roof of a garage, through the garage's attached basketball hoop, and landed in the driveway without hurting myself, all to impress a girl.
Of course, now that I am awake, I definitely know I did no such thing, but I "remembered" it clearly during the dream. Thing is, the "garage" in my dream was actually modeled after the garage on my own father's house in Colorado (right down to the basketball hoop), which he did not buy until I was almost out of Jr. High, and the girl I was impressing was a girl who was nothing more than a classmate and passing acquaintance... in the second grade... when I lived in Maryland.
At any rate, the dream did not stop there. After I made that post, I apparently decided to go revisit that garage out of nostalgia, and when I arrived I saw a policeman chasing someone around on top of the garage, shouting something about the man having a bike with an "illegal kickstand." I looked lower, and saw a bicycle at the corner of the garage, and its kickstand was mounted to the side of the rear tire - which is obviously a bad idea for a number of reasons, but not illegal per se.
Right behind that, was another bicycle I knew to belong to the policeman.
So I stole it.
The policeman quickly abandoned his pursuit of the guy on the roof to chase me, but as I had his bicycle, he stood no hope of catching me.
Then I woke up.
So... howbowdah.
The only correct Freudian interpretation is that you're worried about your weird testicles, the kickstand to your bike-penis. So you pass off the cop's bike-penis as your own. Meaning you plan to pass someone else's dick-pic off as your own. But since you're on the internet, you'll get away with it.Alright, so, last night I dreamed I came to this forum, and made a post talking about how when I was in the first grade I jumped off the roof of a garage, through the garage's attached basketball hoop, and landed in the driveway without hurting myself, all to impress a girl.
Of course, now that I am awake, I definitely know I did no such thing, but I "remembered" it clearly during the dream. Thing is, the "garage" in my dream was actually modeled after the garage on my own father's house in Colorado (right down to the basketball hoop), which he did not buy until I was almost out of Jr. High, and the girl I was impressing was a girl who was nothing more than a classmate and passing acquaintance... in the second grade... when I lived in Maryland.
At any rate, the dream did not stop there. After I made that post, I apparently decided to go revisit that garage out of nostalgia, and when I arrived I saw a policeman chasing someone around on top of the garage, shouting something about the man having a bike with an "illegal kickstand." I looked lower, and saw a bicycle at the corner of the garage, and its kickstand was mounted to the side of the rear tire - which is obviously a bad idea for a number of reasons, but not illegal per se.
Right behind that, was another bicycle I knew to belong to the policeman.
So I stole it.
The policeman quickly abandoned his pursuit of the guy on the roof to chase me, but as I had his bicycle, he stood no hope of catching me.
Then I woke up.
So... howbowdah.
What, "Illegal Kickstand?"I think you need to either cut down on the spicy wings before bed or start a collection of short stories. You have the perfect title already.
I'm a bit concerned how that started off as pure nonsense and slowly worked its way to halfway plausible.The only correct Freudian interpretation is that you're worried about your weird testicles, the kickstand to your bike-penis. So you pass off the cop's bike-penis as your own. Meaning you plan to pass someone else's dick-pic off as your own. But since you're on the internet, you'll get away with it.
Throwing yourself through the basketball goal with a girl nearby is clearly an attempt to "score", with the hoop (notice you focused on the hoop twice, rather than the goal as a whole) being the vagina. The fact that she's a hometown girl means you have an unexplored thing for someone either close to you or associated with some place you know.
That accurately reflects my thought process.I'm a bit concerned how that started off as pure nonsense and slowly worked its way to halfway plausible.
Is your workplace getting competitive?I dreamt I was training as a Sith. There was an academy and the tests were brutal. We were thrown out of a boat at night into tumultuous waters, and told we had to obtain a ribbon from the top of a wooden spire sticking off a half submerged wooden shipwreck. I was almost to it when a fellow classmate pulled me down. The master yelled that I had to unleash my hatred and anger on my colleague's arm before she reached the ribbon. I did and forced her arm back as she reached it, but the teacher said that it was not good enough, yelling over the storm. She said I had to focus on my colleague's elbow and tear away her arm if I truly wanted to win. So I let every aggressive feeling flow and I could feel the power as I tore her arm. Afterwards I felt sick but strong. Like the way heavy stress or too much coffee makes you. I knew I was sick because the dark side was unnatural. It was a really interesting first person experience of the Dark Side.
You bastard! At least it wasn't a liquid.Oh, and that I had been leaving urine at GasBandit's house.
Whoever it is just wants you to get a head start on that saltpeter manufacturing against the coming apocalypse.Last night I dreamed that somebody left a bottle of crystallized urine on my doorstep every night for 6 nights.
I'm not sure Diplomatic Immunity covers that.I was awoken by a nightmare where a south african broke into my house and attacked me with broken glass.
Do you watch Better Call Saul?Last night I dreamed I was granted the title of PhD. My "Thesis" was submitted online (no defense of it was required), and it was a crappy unsourced page and a half describing the AI characteristics of the computer controlling Annie from League of Legends in co-op botmatches. It really ticked off a number of people, including some of the bona fide PhDs on this forum. And of course, I had to milk it for all it was worth, despite (or perhaps because of) my knowledge that it was, after all, a complete and utter sham.
Ah, so a typical thesis first draft, then.Last night I dreamed I was granted the title of PhD. My "Thesis" was submitted online (no defense of it was required), and it was a crappy unsourced page and a half describing the AI characteristics of the computer controlling Annie from League of Legends in co-op botmatches. It really ticked off a number of people, including some of the bona fide PhDs on this forum. And of course, I had to milk it for all it was worth, despite (or perhaps because of) my knowledge that it was, after all, a complete and utter sham.
I don't! Does my dream run similarly?Do you watch Better Call Saul?
Ah, so a typical thesis first draft, then.
A man with a shady law degree, and a lawyer brother that hates him for it...I don't! Does my dream run similarly?
Mr. McDonough?For two nights in a row now I have dreamed about being back in my 10th grade english class. I can't even remember the teacher's name.
No, the teacher was female...Mr. McDonough?
No, it was a million to one shot at guessing your teacher's name.No, the teacher was female...
And if that's a reference to Denis McDonough I'm not sure I understand it![]()
I mean... I suppose I could dig out the yearbook and look it up... but... meh.No, it was a million to one shot at guessing your teacher's name.
Did you have to take a big poop afterwards?Pretty weird dream last night.
In the dream I was pregnant - This all seemed pretty normal in the dream despite the fact that i'm a guy.
Towards the end of the dream I could even feel it kicking inside me.
And then I wake up
What the hell?
You should check your grandma's last will to discover she's left you a treasure, in the form of old antique weaponry, that can pay for a maid for the rest of your life...But your Chris Farley-esque physique is holding you back and slows you down?Last night, I dreamed I found a strange, ornate antique pistol - or rather, it looked like it was an antique, made of wood, bound in brass with gold etchings, all that stuff... except it closely resembled a Colt 1911, magazine in the grip and everything. Also strange was that it didn't have a trigger. There wasn't even a gap for the trigger to poke out of, it was like the trigger guard was a solid piece of brass all the way around and it was never intended to have a trigger. But the gun still went off at random times for mysterious reasons.
To add another layer of confusion, I learned the gun was actually a tranquilizer dart gun. I discovered this when the gun went off by itself and I found I had accidentally shot Chris Farley in the side with a dart.
Fortunately, we were not far from my home, so I shouldered him and helped him walk there. As we approached, I saw my front door was slightly ajar. Oddly enough I wasn't concerned about a home invasion, as perhaps I should have been, instead I was more worried my cat had gotten out. But after I helped Farley through the door, I found my living room was... clean. Tidy. More well tended than it had been in years. I couldn't remember the last time my home was so spotless and orderly. So I assisted Chris to the couch to wait out the tranq, and turned around with a start to see my grandmother, dead 19 years ago, sitting in a beanbag chair I left behind in Colorado when I moved to Texas a similar amount of time in the past.
She chided me about the state in which she found my abode, then directed me to the dining table, where she took out a gigantic manila envelope - talking 18" by 11" at least, and put it on the table before me. "You didn't think I'd forget?" She asked.
And then my alarm woke me up and I'm really wondering what my past is trying to tell me.
Heh, maybe a tad too literal on the weapon, but there might be something to the rest of it. I do grow increasingly frustrated with the weight I've put on since Pauline's cancer, and I think I've spoken before about a legal battle my grandfather has ongoing, about my departed grandmother's stolen share of an oil legacy in Oklahoma. I don't know, maybe it means something and maybe it's just noise bubbling up from the ol' subconscious.You should check your grandma's last will to discover she's left you a treasure, in the form of old antique weaponry, that can pay for a maid for the rest of your life...But your Chris Farley-esque physique is holding you back and slows you down?
I dunno, I'm really bad at explaining dreams![]()
You need to clean up your living room more often.Last night, I dreamed I found a strange, ornate antique pistol - or rather, it looked like it was an antique, made of wood, bound in brass with gold etchings, all that stuff... except it closely resembled a Colt 1911, magazine in the grip and everything. Also strange was that it didn't have a trigger. There wasn't even a gap for the trigger to poke out of, it was like the trigger guard was a solid piece of brass all the way around and it was never intended to have a trigger. But the gun still went off at random times for mysterious reasons.
To add another layer of confusion, I learned the gun was actually a tranquilizer dart gun. I discovered this when the gun went off by itself and I found I had accidentally shot Chris Farley in the side with a dart.
Fortunately, we were not far from my home, so I shouldered him and helped him walk there. As we approached, I saw my front door was slightly ajar. Oddly enough I wasn't concerned about a home invasion, as perhaps I should have been, instead I was more worried my cat had gotten out. But after I helped Farley through the door, I found my living room was... clean. Tidy. More well tended than it had been in years. I couldn't remember the last time my home was so spotless and orderly. So I assisted Chris to the couch to wait out the tranq, and turned around with a start to see my grandmother, dead 19 years ago, sitting in a beanbag chair I left behind in Colorado when I moved to Texas a similar amount of time in the past.
She chided me about the state in which she found my abode, then directed me to the dining table, where she took out a gigantic manila envelope - talking 18" by 11" at least, and put it on the table before me. "You didn't think I'd forget?" She asked.
And then my alarm woke me up and I'm really wondering what my past is trying to tell me.
I don't need a dream to tell me that.You need to clean up your living room more often.
I'm pretty sure @LittleKagsin has offered to clean my place wearing no pants... can you make a similar offer?I'll send over the doomweasels.
I guarantee that the doomweasels will also not be wearing pants.I'm pretty sure @LittleKagsin has offered to clean my place wearing no pants... can you make a similar offer?
Somehow I knew this was coming.I guarantee that the doomweasels will also not be wearing pants.
You're a smarty every day.Somehow I knew this was coming.
MY OFFER STILL STANDS.I'm pretty sure @LittleKagsin has offered to clean my place wearing no pants... can you make a similar offer?
I been waiting to use this one for a while, actually -where's that "guys cleaning glue off the floor" gif when you need it?
Grandma wanted you to have a 17in MacBook Air?[Grandma] chided me about the state in which she found my abode, then directed me to theshe took out a gigantic manila envelope - talking 18" by 11" at least, and put it on the table before me. "You didn't think I'd forget?" She asked.
And then my alarm woke me up and I'm really wondering what my past is trying to tell me.
FTFYNettoyage with me Emrys!
It was a nightmare!I had this dream last night that the Predators were in the Stanley Cup final.
...Then I woke up and realized it wasn't a dream.![]()
??? Who/what did I look like? And were you a giant can of beans when you defeated me?
I... can't quite remember what you looked like. A guy. Not Batou. And no, I wasn't a can of beans??? Who/what did I look like? And were you a giant can of beans when you defeated me?
I don't think that's it.You're feeling subconciously threatened by Eriol's recent displays of tech knowledge, which he has been relatively quiet on in the past.
So, the "big battle" scene from Civil War?I... can't quite remember what you looked like. A guy. Not Batou. And no, I wasn't a can of beans
I seem to remember tracking you down through your internet connection? Except we fought between runways at an airport... very little in this dream seemed actually to have any logic to it.
At least it's relatively badass. I can deal.Oh, and it was definitely a swordfight. Felt very "Soulcalibur"-ish.
Less use of props. Also wasn't near the terminal, it was out in the field, closer to the outer fence. There was some manner of... bunker? I wanna say with a server room inside or something? Anyway, out in the grass near the ALS.So, the "big battle" scene from Civil War?
And I woke up before I finished finding Dirona to deliver your hairpins. :/At least it's relatively badass. I can deal.
Last night I dreamed that I was at my college in class when @LittleKagsin showed up to give me a present. It had all of these pictures from my hometown on the wrapping paper. When I opened it, there was a book with a pictorial history of my hometown - which was weird since most of the pictures had my family members in them and they didn't go further back than the 1960s. I started to suspect this wasn't really Kags. When I went to find her, she was gone.