Bed Bath & Beyond is one place. I know.
Unfortunately, BB&B doesn't seem to believe people with a foreign billing address might want to send something to US citizens through a wedding registry. It demands US billing information.

Any other place us poor foreigners might overlook a registry, and/or have a charity of choice? :p


Staff member
It really did fly by! I love you guys too. :) I'll post pictures when I get back home! Hugs and kisses to all my pals in the computerbox!
I just got a job cataloguing artifacts for a local museum for the summer and now I don't have to work at Wal Mart!
Early this week, former wrestler and now fitness instructor Diamond Dallas Page threw out a challenge: do his YRG yoga every day in July. Well, I accepted that challenge...and he added me as a friend on Facebook. Eep. So now, I gotta see about keeping up on it. Here's what my workouts have been like so far this week:

Sunday: 3.6km run in 25 minutes.
Monday: 3km walk (dropped off by my folks in another part of town as they were leaving from their visit)
Tuesday: 20-min. YRG yoga, plus 4km bike ride.
Wednesday: Lots of biking. Not sure how much altogether, but likely around 10km.
Thursday: 20-minute YRG. BANG! Plus, 4km bike ride.
Friday: 4km bike ride.
Saturday: 40-minute YRG. BANG!

("Bang" is DDP's catchphrase.)
I hate to admit it, but I agree. Of course, a lot of the push he received in WCW resulted from being friends with Bischoff. I felt he still proved himself, but that's how he got the push in the first place, from what I understand.[DOUBLEPOST=1341713159][/DOUBLEPOST]And if this is the sort of work he does now, I'm totally okay with it.



Staff member
You know, I watched that Diamond Dallas thing when someone posted it on FB, but I guess I'm missing this inspirational thing that everyone's talking about. It just looks like an infomercial to me.
I hate to admit it, but I agree. Of course, a lot of the push he received in WCW resulted from being friends with Bischoff. I felt he still proved himself, but that's how he got the push in the first place, from what I understand.[DOUBLEPOST=1341713159][/DOUBLEPOST]And if this is the sort of work he does now, I'm totally okay with it.

I love stuff like this. Thanks. As a PT and fitness instructor, it's always wonderful to see people overcome handicaps.
You know, I watched that Diamond Dallas thing when someone posted it on FB, but I guess I'm missing this inspirational thing that everyone's talking about. It just looks like an infomercial to me.
*Marks off the "Fade didn't like it!" spot on his Halforums Bingo card.*

Wahoo! Bingo! What do I win?
Since I moved back to Fredericton, I've spent a good deal of time biking down the very steep hill to downtown and back up to home. However, I was unable to actually bike up the hill. I've had to stop, get off, and walk up the hill. This is about 2.6km (about 1.6 miles) entirely uphill.

Well, today, guess who managed to bike up the entirety of the hill? This guy! Booyah![DOUBLEPOST=1341784320][/DOUBLEPOST]And ladies? I think this proves beyond a shadow of doubt that I have more than enough stamina to...

*thunk! passes out*
Since I moved back to Fredericton, I've spent a good deal of time biking down the very steep hill to downtown and back up to home. However, I was unable to actually bike up the hill. I've had to stop, get off, and walk up the hill. This is about 2.6km (about 1.6 miles) entirely uphill.

Well, today, guess who managed to bike up the entirety of the hill? This guy! Booyah![DOUBLEPOST=1341784320][/DOUBLEPOST]And ladies? I think this proves beyond a shadow of doubt that I have more than enough stamina to...

*thunk! passes out*

I'm drinking beer and watching the Doctor Who marathon.