The Jay Show - Interview # 3 - Gusto

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It's been a particularly rough couple weeks so it'll be nice to cry on the internet while I'm being recorded.
That was a lot of fun. Having a co host was a much more conversational interview, but that made it like 75 minutes long. :)


Staff member
YES! I am very excited to hear this... I haven't heard any. It's probably time for a Jayshowathon this weekend.
Ah, I love these so much. Thanks so much for putting work into this - to everyone involved!

It makes me wish that I was independantly wealthy so that I could fly us all somewhere and have a huge party.
I wouldn't say that you sound like Brian...

I might, however make an argument for Charlie the Unicorn's Canadian cousin ("aught-seven, aught-eight?")

This is in no way a bad thing.

It did rather seem like y'all were more recording a conversation for archival purposes, rather than recording The Jay Show. I think, as suggested in the other thread, it might have benefitted from a constraint on the time.

That being said, this was very enjoyable - the bamboozles were FANTASTIC (the kindergarten class/football team one literally made me spit-take onto my dashboard. Well-played.)
Finally got around to listening to it. Good stuffffffffffff and everyone was around the same volume, which was super swell.
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