I know this was done in response to death row people abusing it, but this always felt cruel. You’re literally about to kill a guy. If he wants a pizza, let him have a pizza.
It is completely a Christian kindness to give to the condemned. But for some reason the Gov decided to punish all the others.

but the food did not cost Texas any more money. I eat for free a couple of time a week because there so much food that goes to waste.


Staff member
The handle broke on my favorite small saucepan. We've had these pots & pans since the kids were little so they've gotten a little worn although they are still non-stick because we have never used a metal utensil in them. Still good and now it's a water dish. Anyway, I thought I'd surprise the wife so I ordered a new set of pots & pans. i sent her a screen print of the receipt. She sent me back a different screen shot. Of the receipt she got for ordering new pots & pans the day before. So now we'll have two new sets.

I figured we can hold on to the new set and keep it in the box until the new set wore out or we could gift it as a wedding gift or a bridal shower. Something like that. In any event, we're getting new pots & pans!
I changed from system razors to a classic safety razor. Needed a bit of figuring out how to use it without cutting myself. I will never buy system razors and their overprized blades ever again.
I changed from system razors to a classic safety razor. Needed a bit of figuring out how to use it without cutting myself. I will never buy system razors and their overprized blades ever again.
I switched to a safety razor years ago. I will never go back. I've tried a few, and in my opinion the Henson's the best one out there.


Staff member
I keep a beard because I am too lazy to shave, but I do have a trimmer, because if my beard gets more than 1cm long I absentmindedly start plucking out hairs one by one until I end up with baby-smooth bald spots in it.


Staff member
I get home this morning from work and have to take a shower since it was a particularly “getting dirty” night. When I get out my wife noticed something that’s been bugging me but I haven’t said anything. Right at the top of my bellybutton there’s like this soft lump that feels like a jello-filled balloon. It doesn’t hurt but I can absolutely feel it up against my shirts & stuff. We looked it up and it’s probably an umbilical hernia. It’s not painful and there is apparently not much I can do for it.

Why can’t I get wrinkles or go bald like a normal old person?!? Why am I getting the weird shit like umbilical hernias or skin tags?
I get home this morning from work and have to take a shower since it was a particularly “getting dirty” night. When I get out my wife noticed something that’s been bugging me but I haven’t said anything. Right at the top of my bellybutton there’s like this soft lump that feels like a jello-filled balloon. It doesn’t hurt but I can absolutely feel it up against my shirts & stuff. We looked it up and it’s probably an umbilical hernia. It’s not painful and there is apparently not much I can do for it.

Why can’t I get wrinkles or go bald like a normal old person?!? Why am I getting the weird shit like umbilical hernias or skin tags?
My dad would get those. I think he had a procedure to remove it a few times when he was younger, then he gave up and accepted it.
I absentmindedly start plucking out hairs one by one until I end up with baby-smooth bald spots in it.
It's called "tricotillomania."

My problem is that if I don't keep the ends trimmed, I start nibbling the tips of the ones that overlap my lip, leading to an uneven edge which is technically not tricophagia as a mania.

  • Brofist
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Staff member
It's called "tricotillomania."

My problem is that if I don't keep the ends trimmed, I start nibbling the tips of the ones that overlap my lip, leading to an uneven edge which is technically not tricophagia as a mania.

I do the same thing!
I get home this morning from work and have to take a shower since it was a particularly “getting dirty” night. When I get out my wife noticed something that’s been bugging me but I haven’t said anything. Right at the top of my bellybutton there’s like this soft lump that feels like a jello-filled balloon. It doesn’t hurt but I can absolutely feel it up against my shirts & stuff. We looked it up and it’s probably an umbilical hernia. It’s not painful and there is apparently not much I can do for it.

Why can’t I get wrinkles or go bald like a normal old person?!? Why am I getting the weird shit like umbilical hernias or skin tags?
I had that type of hernia. It can get to be a dangerous thing. If the size of the hernia grows enough, the rip gets bigger, you can actually have a loop of your small intestine push out and possibly have issues with blood flow. Mine required surgery to stitch the hole together with a piece of mesh behind it to make the area stronger. Haven’t had any issues since. Keep an eye on it to notice it it’s getting bigger. I went about 4 years after ripping my abs before it got bad enough to require surgery.
...if my beard gets more than 1cm long I absentmindedly start plucking out hairs one by one until I end up with baby-smooth bald spots in it.
It's called "tricotillomania."
TIL Mr. Z has this, too! He is always absentmindedly pucking his stubble like one would chew their nails. Lately I see his hands going for his eyebrow, and I have to yell at him those may not come back!
Rather tell you what is possible to than to just keep the info to myself. It wasn’t a bad surgery, worst part about it for me is I had abdominal spasms after coming out of the anesthesia, that was painful, but not everyone has that type reaction.
Lately I see his hands going for his eyebrow, and I have to yell at him those may not come back!
I have one eyebrow hair that has suddenly decided to give up telogen this Summer or something, because it now hangs down far enough to get tangled in my eyelashes ARGH SO ANNOYING and when I find which one it is, it is GONE.

I have one eyebrow hair that has suddenly decided to give up telogen this Summer or something, because it now hangs down far enough to get tangled in my eyelashes ARGH SO ANNOYING and when I find which one it is, it is GONE.

I have pretty long eyebrow hair, they regularly hand in front of my eyes and have to flick them back. Since I'm otherwise well groomed, they're the longest hair on my body. Tried trimming them but they just looks weird, so picking the worst culprits is really the only way to go
TIL Mr. Z has this, too! He is always absentmindedly pucking his stubble like one would chew their nails. Lately I see his hands going for his eyebrow, and I have to yell at him those may not come back!
My sister had a classmate back in secondary school who'd pick at her eyebrows if she was stressed.

Unfortunately, exams are stressful situations, so what she'd end up doing was writing her exam with her right hand while unconsciously plucking at her eyebrow with her left hand.

By the time exam season ended, she literally only had her right eyebrow remaining.


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Someone asked me tonight what's the first thing I'd do if I were rich. I'd love to go into a packed bar and scream, "Drinks are on me!"