Over Xmas, I went to wash dishes and the bottom of my dishwasher was full of water. It's an older model, and at first, I was just gonna try to self-repair it. But then after watching youtube videos, I said "fuck that. That's why I have a decent job. I'm gonna pay someone else to crawl around on the floor." but in the videos, the guy hit a "drain" button to test it out. My washer doesn't have a drain button!

So, I get online..the model is so old, there's no manual on the company website. But after 20 or so searches, I find a manual on a "parts replacement" website. And there, unlabeled on the machine, the drain function is spelled out. I hit the sequence of buttons, and the thing drains....wtf?

Then I remembered, I had a power blip the other night while I was asleep. I also did dishes the other night. and the blip must have happened mid-cycle on the machine. All I needed to do was drain the thing and run a new cycle.

So, I learned a new thing about my dishwasher and saved $150. Whee :D
Small update: I just spoke with the police through the non-emergency line. He had me inspect the bills, which I hadn't done yet. They're older, from 1988, So, if they ARE genuine, it may be they're just too old for the ATM to properly read. Even still, we both agreed that my first course of action is to go to the bank tomorrow and have them inspected. If they're counterfeit, then I can contact the police and we go from there.

EDIT: Oh, and I spoke with my building supervisor. I met the guy at the back door of my building, where there's a security camera. So might have footage of him.

Also found his Facebook page and screenshotted several pictures of him.

At this point, I'm leaning less towards fraud and more towards computer error.
So, I went to the bank today. They said the ATMs don't take paper bills, just the modern ones with plastic. At first, I asked if they could deposit it for me...but since I'm with Simplii, the CIBC teller couldn't do that. I thought since they were affiliated that I could do that, but apparently not. Instead, she swapped the bills I had for modern ones so I could deposit it.

Hopefully they don't come back as counterfeit because that would absolutely suck. Right now, my intuition is saying they're just older bills. Fingers crossed, I guess.


Staff member
I put my girlfriend on a plane yesterday to visit family for new years. I had to stay behind because I have work. So here I am, batcheloring it up with her son until the third of January.

I am druuuuuuunk.


Staff member
I put my girlfriend on a plane yesterday to visit family for new years. I had to stay behind because I have work. So here I am, batcheloring it up with her son until the third of January.

I am druuuuuuunk.
My wife and son are in Wichita. I'm also batcheloring it up. I'm eating pizza playing Path of Exile 2. Pretty much what I'd have been doing if she were here. Except my headphones are off and I'm blasting my music and singing along like I used to be able to.
I was sitting in front of my computer, eating a hot dog while watching videos.

I had nearly finished my hot dog.

When I brought what I thought was the last bite of hot dog to my mouth, I was surprised to find there was only bun. I thought I still had the end of the hot dog left.

Did I eat the end of the hot dog itself without noticing?

Did the end of the hot dog drop out of the bun while I was distracted?

Did the end of the hot dog drop to the floor and roll somewhere unobtrusive, and is now sitting in some hidden corner of the room?

Should I go looking for the tip of my hot dog?
I don't know what it is, but this word, which I quoted here in a post from MD in 2018, has REALLY come back around in my life this year. Everybody around me keeps saying things like "I was legiterally so pissed off." And you know what? I think it's my favorite portmanteau. I am legitimately, literally pleased by it. I am legiterally pleased.
I have no recollection of that or why I said it and I'm a little in awe that you dug it up.


Staff member
"So, when would you say you first started dissociating?"

Muppet Babies Theme, 1984 - "When your room looks kind of weird, and you wish that you weren't there, just close your eyes and make believe, and you can be anywhere!"
I don't entirely know how it happened, but I have somehow become the meme-dealer for my all-clergy D&D group. If there's a quip, I can find the meme for it.
I'm not sure if I'm proud of this accomplishment or deeply deeply ashamed.
Por qué no los dos?
Whats it like in Houston? I've been to Dallas before and was pretty impressed at what a massive city it was and the endless stuff there is to do there (entertainment wise).
I would describe Houston as the opposite of Dallas, not in things to do, but the city as a whole. Dallas has tended, as a whole, toward building roads and then filling in around the roads and having a city-wide plan on zoning. Houston built all the stuff, said to hell with zoning ordinances and then realized they needed roads to move people around. They’re both huge, physically. Many big cities grow up (taller and taller buildings) on a rather contained plot of land. Houston and Dallas just keep growing out. Little towns that were outside the fringes of the cities are now impossible to tell apart from the city other than a green sign along the highway saying you’re entering a different city/town.


Staff member
Whats it like in Houston? I've been to Dallas before and was pretty impressed at what a massive city it was and the endless stuff there is to do there (entertainment wise).
Houston has some nice museums and I've enjoyed attending the theater and symphony there, but I hate going there because the traffic is so awful. The airport in particular is a monument to failed planning, its use quickly outgrowing its capability. It's always under construction, never convenient, always a cluster of soviet brutalist aesthetic and construction shrouds. It is the absolute nadir of everything we all hate about what air travel has come to mean, and I have never once in the last 5 years NOT been selected for additional screening. Travel via George Bush Intercontinental, and you too can say "never before have I paid so much to be so inconvenienced and dehumanized."
New personal theory about ADD and hyperfocusing:

It applies to dating, too.

I realized this with the woman I met recently. Whenever I meet someone new and it feels promising, my mind goes into a frenzy of imagination, thinking of every possibility of what could happen with them. But after a successful first date, I get...overzealous. Wanting to hang out with them again soon. Wanting to exchange numbers if we're on a dating app. That sort of thing. I try to hold back that zealousness so as not to scare them off, but they're basically at the forefront of my thoughts at most times. Constantly checking for new messages, that sort of thing.

And it probably also comes across as desperate, which part of it very well might be. But it's also from a genuine desire to see them again and want things to work out. But given my history of hyperfocusing on other things, I can't help wonder if it might be related.
There's a car wash near me that likes to post funny sayings on their sign each month. This month's is, "Mom says don't forget to wash behind your mirrors," and I had to stare at it for a long time before I got it, because I have always pronounced "mirrors" as "MEER-ruhrs" and it took a while before I remembered that there are people out there who just pronounce it as "MEEEEHRZ."

Kidding aside, I misread that as Mongolian Owl Dance, and wondered why they didn't call it a Chicken Dance, since their head motion stability is even more legendary. Then I reread it and went "oooohhhhh right"
My belt has one belt hole that makes my pants too tight, and then other is too loose. Do I need belt and suspenders now!? Is that how this happens?