Well my mom gave me a wireless mouse today. The only problem is that I can only use it ON my laptop...or on my arms for some reason. Fleh, I got it for free though. I just wish I didn't have to click it five times to click something.


Staff member
Its one of those deals where you plug the USB into the computer and your supposed to be able to move it any where. However, I can only MOVE it on my laptop. Its also probably cheap, as it has the name of my mom's hospital on it.
Yeah, but not all wireless usb mice are the same. There's RF and Bluetooth. I tried a wireless mouse once that used bluetooth to connect, and it was very suboptimal. You had to "wake" up the mouse by clicking or moving it back and forth before it would actually start to respond, most of the time. Was absolutely unacceptable. Most good wireless mice are not bluetooth.
Sounds like it's just one of those cheap promotional mice. You should go buy some nice Ruger firearms with lots of ammunition, and shoot the shit out of it.
Sounds like it's just one of those cheap promotional mice. You should go buy some nice Ruger firearms with lots of ammunition, and shoot the shit out of it.
Sounds like a good idea. Cos seriously, my crappy built-in lap-top mouse is LEAGUES above this thingamajig.
Sounds like a good idea. Cos seriously, my crappy built-in lap-top mouse is LEAGUES above this thingamajig.
Pick yourself up a couple cases of refreshing Coors while you're at it, and invite some friends over for a party. If can't get enough people together, check out Adult Friend Finder. I hear it's a great place to find adventurous young adults.
Pick yourself up a couple cases of refreshing Coors while you're at it, and invite some friends over for a party. If can't get enough people together, check out Adult Friend Finder. I hear it's a great place to find adventurous young adults.
Sweet. Fun fact, it took 10 clicks to rate your post informative.
I think this brings about an even more important question that whether or not the mouse is using RF or BT frequency. If it's so damn useless, why are you still trying?
I think this brings about an even more important question that whether or not the mouse is using RF or BT frequency. If it's so damn useless, why are you still trying?
Because I just got it today and I wanna see if it does that thing that machines do where they start out being hard as FUCK to use, and then after a second or third try they are usable.
Don't listen to this man, Guinness is where it's at.

A fine idea. might i suggest you purchase one at Amazon.com?
Guinness??? Guinness doesn't have the blue mountains to tell you when your beer is the perfect temperature! Support America, buy Coors.

A hammer? Pshhhh. Be a real man, buy a gun.
Shakey and BErt, you really should both go to Walt Disney World, Epcot specifically, do the self paced Drinking Around the World game. You get a different drink in each country in the World Showcase.
Arabia is not represented in World Showcase. The countries represented are Canada, France, United Kingdom, Morocco, Norway, Germany, Mexico, Japan, China and USA. They are actually staffed by people from those countries.
Shakey and BErt, you really should both go to Walt Disney World, Epcot specifically, do the self paced Drinking Around the World game. You get a different drink in each country in the World Showcase.
That would be fun. I went to the Coke store in Vegas and did their around the world for sodas, it's just a tray of samples. Almost threw up with a couple of them, but some of them are pretty good actually. They had a mint flavored soda that I would love to have here.
That would be fun. I went to the Coke store in Vegas and did their around the world for sodas, it's just a tray of samples. Almost threw up with a couple of them, but some of them are pretty good actually. They had a mint flavored soda that I would love to have here.
Did you have Beverly? It's a Coke product from Italy that most people hate. Rather bitter. They have a shop in Epcot called Club Cool that is Coke stuff with several sample stations, always fun to catch first-timers there with a little joke.
That would be fun. I went to the Coke store in Vegas and did their around the world for sodas, it's just a tray of samples. Almost threw up with a couple of them, but some of them are pretty good actually. They had a mint flavored soda that I would love to have here.
Epcot has that with Coke also, and yeah some of them are horrible. Others are pretty tasty, though.
Did you have Beverly? It's a Coke product from Italy that most people hate. Rather bitter. They have a shop in Epcot called Club Cool that is Coke stuff with several sample stations, always fun to catch first-timers there with a little joke.
Yes! I couldn't remember the name of it, but that's definitely it. It was fun to watch new people come in and try the sampler. You always knew when they got to Beverly.
Yes! I couldn't remember the name of it, but that's definitely it. It was fun to watch new people come in and try the sampler. You always knew when they got to Beverly.
This one time, at World of Coke in Atlanta...

Guide: You should try the Beverly.
Me: Okay.
Guide: evil laugh
Me: Do you do this to everyone?
Guide: :ninja:
So I'm introducing myself to the kids and parents of a class I'll be taking over shortly.

Me: Introducing myself ...............and like your last teacher, Ron, I am also from the U.S.
5 year old student: (In Chinese to his parents) Isn't the U.S. our enemy?
Me: .......
Parents: .......
Chinese teacher: You shouldn't say that. Steve can understand Chinese. You should say "friend"
Parents: We're so sorry.
The only reason I don't use Google+ is because I would have to violate Google's TOS to do so.
It's a bit of a Catch-22.
