Guys, I just gotta share this somewhere.

Hetalia season 5 starts in January. The fandom is flipping out. It frikkin' hilarious to watch.

FIRST, they've changed studios for the new season...and the art is SUPER PRETTY. I approve this change while the fandom is at war over it.

Secondly, and this is the big one, there was a rumor of a certain 'pairing' happening in the new season...and this has caused glorious reactions. I have never seen so many girls panties get in a twist over something. Every comment or blog I read is dumber than the last. I feel cruel and hedonistic, drinking in these girls pain.

Over a rumor that I'm pretty sure I just traced back to fuckin' 4chan.

I love broken telephone.
In the event of getting addicted to heroin, I'm citing Allen who is Quiet as my source. Let it be known that he gave me full permission!
Look at you, Kags. "Where have all the good highs gone?" Every night you toss and you turn and you dream of what you need. You need heroin. You're holding out for heroin in the morning light. It's got to be strong and it's got to be fast and it's got to be fresh from that night.


Staff member
The level in Saints Row 3 that uses Bonnie Tyler as background music was freakin' epic. As long as you made the right choice.
The level in Saints Row 3 that uses Bonnie Tyler as background music was freakin' epic. As long as you made the right choice.
That level always confused me.

How does leaving your friends to die a horrible death get you more respect? Wouldn't your followers lose faith in you for choosing petty revenge over your posse?


Staff member
That level always confused me.

How does leaving your friends to die a horrible death get you more respect? Wouldn't your followers lose faith in you for choosing petty revenge over your posse?
Respect through fear?
Perhaps, if it wasn't a two lieutenants of a gang historically shown to value solidarity. To me, it wasn't even a choice - there was a time limit on Shaundi and Viola - the saints could always track down Killbane later, IMO.
I'm not on Google maps personally, but I know I was home when the satellite took the pic of my house.

(Depending on the zoom level. Some of the imagery of Morgantown is still a decade out of date until you move closer in.)
So yeah a thunderbolt came...I assume pretty close to my house. Why do I assume? Because my ears are still slightly ringing and when the bolt sounded something glass in my kitchen went *tink*. So yeah, South Jersey weather everybody.