
Staff member
I'm embarrassed because my face is blue and will be for the rest of the day. A kid was upset because she couldn't get paint off of her face, so I put some blue dots on my cheeks to cheer her up. Oil-based.
I'm embarrassed because my face is blue and will be for the rest of the day. A kid was upset because she couldn't get paint off of her face, so I put some blue dots on my cheeks to cheer her up. Oil-based.
I've heard that Mayo can get oil paint off your skin, you could try that. :) Or baby oil, if you don't want to put mayo on your face. But, both should work.


Staff member
I've heard that Mayo can get oil paint off your skin, you could try that. :) Or baby oil, if you don't want to put mayo on your face. But, both should work.
Now the teachers are mad at me for using up all the Miracle Whip. Thanks a lot, Kags.

Kidding. A teacher gave me some make-up wipes. That took off most of it.
Fact: Soap molecules have both a polar end and a non-polar end, which allows them to be soluble in both water and oil.
I call your embarassment and raise you a 'freaked out, screaming, because I thought my hoodie string was a spider, sitting on my chest'.

But, I am sorry about your back! I hope it's not hurt for to long. :(
Something similar happened to me too yesterday.While playing Metro:Last Light, while crawling through the Spider tunnels the edge of my pillow moved and touched my in the back of my neck.I jumped like 10 feet and screamed xD
I actually dont mind Spiders that much.But if you are playing a scary game with Spider-Scorpion Hybrids and something touches you unexpectedly you would probably jump out of your skin too.
You know whats a good jerk name? Craig. I have no idea why, but whenever there is an antagonist in a TV or movie named Craig it makes him seem more despicable. A good tag to an antagonist is adding the word "Director" to their name. If a character has the word "Director" in their title, chances are they have a hidden room where they keep their cloning pods.
Heh, my local cafe had a music night where one band would BUTCHER his songs.

I just made my self a half a pot of coffee plus! Its where you take half a pot of coffee, pour that into the water kajigger, and use that for your next pot of coffee! Gotta tell ya, its a kick!
How hard is it to clean the water kajigger after such an operation?
Not hard at all actually, just use water! And for those just chiming in- DO NOT USE SOAP! I've had soapy coffee at a friend's house, you will want to die afterwards. Also you will want to punch your friend for serving soap infested coffee.


Staff member
Not hard at all actually, just use water! And for those just chiming in- DO NOT USE SOAP! I've had soapy coffee at a friend's house, you will want to die afterwards. Also you will want to punch your friend for serving soap infested coffee.
Ugh, tell me about it. I'm not a coffee drinker, but even in my declining years I just learned the perils of soap and food - as in, I came home from the grocery store with my fabric softener in the same bag as the bread. I had no idea that the plastic bag around bread was so... permeable. Anyway that was some really awful sandwich.
Not hard at all actually, just use water! And for those just chiming in- DO NOT USE SOAP! I've had soapy coffee at a friend's house, you will want to die afterwards. Also you will want to punch your friend for serving soap infested coffee.
Use vinegar. A few run-throughs of vinegar (mixed with water), followed by a few run-throughs of water, and you have yourself a nice, clean coffee maker.

Do be warned, it smells horrible
yes because when you boil off the water in the vinegar you are basically concentrating acetic acid, which is NOXIOUS...we had glacial acetic acid at school for stuff, it was terrible!
I love the smell of vinegar, so its all-right by me! I'll have to do it when my mom isn't home though, she's got the nose of a blood hound.

I remember I when I first had soap infested liquid, I think I was eight. My parents told me I needed to clean my thermos so I did. The problem-I DID NOT RINSE PROPERLY! Imagine a child of eight drinking cranberry juice that vaguely tastes like diet soda!

That is also why I don't drink diet soda, I had it once and immediately recognized the soap like taste.
Of course it was, it's the only accurate one of the three. Using Windows 8 makes you feel like slamming your head into the table.

It also symbolizes Microsoft's design strategy. Rather than realize the importance of inner beauty, they're just going to slap a bunch of flashy stuff on the outside and hope you don't notice.
I went to a Mexican convenience store today, they had a peach flavored soda named "Okey". It was DELECTABLE! Damn do those people know how to make a soda! However when I tried looking it up to see if I could find it in stores I found-

....what am I looking at here? I have never been more weirded out by a soda can. Anyone here ever have it?
I never had it, but I remember seeing it in stores. It never made it out of it's test markets.

The vast majority of HFers are too young to remember this, anyway.