There can be no forgiveness for an error of such magnitude. You shall forever be stained... How dare you, how dare you read threads in a nonchronological manner. Where the hell do you think you are?haha, sorry, I looked at threads in the wrong order. Just saw the bad
Yeah, Bones! Get it right or pay the price! [/end "Salute Your Shorts" quote]There can be no forgiveness for an error of such magnitude. You shall forever be stained... How dare you, how dare you read threads in a nonchronological manner. Where the hell do you think you are?
Finally, someone else who knows what Salute Your Shorts is! I keep trying to explain to people that Gravity Falls is like The X-Files combined with Salute Your Shorts, and I usually just end up with puzzled looks.Yeah, Bones! Get it right or pay the price! [/end "Salute Your Shorts" quote]
I watched salute your shorts all the time as a kid.
Along with Pete and Pete.
Hey Dude, cut it out with the nostalgia.Aw man, I haven't thought about those shows in a long ass time. "Artie, the strongest man- IN THE WORLD!"
Today at work I had to google "oil cleavage products". It was my risky google search of the day.
And no, it has nothing to do with boobs.
Hope they don't ship yeh off to Pensacola.I decided to start my kids' Christmas break early. On Friday a bunch of kids got sent home with a stomach bug. We dodged the bullet there, so why chance starting their time off with being sick. It's only 2.5 days. Plus this could be our last Christmas in Hawaii (thanks Navy). We're going to bake cookies, do crafts, and enjoy some sites without it being crowded.
Where do you all want to go? Norfolk might be nice. I remember that you all were in Sandy Eggo before.Looks like it could be either Norfolk, San Diego, or some place in South Carolina.
Norfolk sucks. Only decent part was it was only six hours to home if I didn't have duty over the weekend.Where do you all want to go? Norfolk might be nice. I remember that you all were in Sandy Eggo before.
We want to stay here. He's only got a bit more than a year until retirement, so we really thought it would be easier to stay. Of course there are no billets open for him here. All four of us really feel like Oahu has been "home" and none of us want to leave. The advantage to VA is that we'd be closer to my parents and some of our friends. The disadvantage to VA is that we're closer to family that I'd rather not be around - even with a few states between us. San Diego? Btdt and moving to Hawaii made me realize how very unhappy I was there. Sure my in-laws are just up in Anaheim, but my husband kind of feels the same way I do about his extended family. South Carolina? I have no idea.Where do you all want to go? Norfolk might be nice. I remember that you all were in Sandy Eggo before.
What's my new Middle Earth name?Sometimes I worry about myself, but then I remember that I'm having fun and I don't care:
That friend that I have those insane/silly conversations with? Oh, we've just spent the last hour giving ourselves and our friends names from Middle Earth. (We all took a quiz to see what sort of being we were) And it's ridiculous and pretty stupid, but I couldn't be having more fun! And now, they must be changed in my phone! Re-name all of the things!!
You don't have one yet cause I don't know what you are.What's my new Middle Earth name?
You are Figment the Pez, Dispenser of proper attire.What's my new Middle Earth name?
You must post a link to said quiz so we can all get our Middle Earth names. I, Emrys, Queen of the Doomweasels, command it...we've just spent the last hour giving ourselves and our friends names from Middle Earth. (We all took a quiz to see what sort of being we were)