The reaction was obviously out of proportion, but...Yeah. Shouldn't be infringing on someone's personal space, especially an artist, especially when they've already had trouble with it in the past.
His rider explicitly states security is to prevent ANYONE from getting on stage with him, though. So...Security fail. Depending on how it's worded, he may well have a case to take them to court for damages and stuff.
Not real sure where this goes yet... My boss just told me he's retiring, and they're not replacing him. Which means we're going to be shuffled around under someone else. I hope we don't get pushed under the customer service umbrella. I talk to customers, but it's not a call center type job. I'm going to try to push for getting tucked in with the development/project management area.

I know my job is secure, but where it goes from here has me nervous.
I've been nervous about my job since 2010. Join the club.
I just don't want to go back to a call center job. This will probably be a good thing in that it may push me to start actively working towards learning the skills I need to get into the job I actually want. I've been lazy lately, because I like where I'm at right now.
Had to call the slime-encrusted nightmare that I work for to tell her that I was leaving work sick (running a fever, shivering and teeth chattering at the desk, yellowed skin tone, purple lips). She said that was alright, but she first had to over one thing: that it had been brought to my attention that I had been visiting entertainment and social media sites from the work computer and she wanted to make a really big deal about it. So now I have another citation in my file.

Right now I'm drafting my letter of resignation, whether I get the full-time position at a different college or not.


Staff member
We got a brother/sister cat pair for Christmas. I took the male (Mulder) to be neutered yesterday, and now the female (Scully) is hissing and batting at him. He must smell strange to her or something. It was at the Humane Society, so maybe he came back with the Thetans of many destroyed shelter cats glommed onto him.
That's really common @fade. Mulder no longer smells like himself, so Scully doesn't recognize him anymore - hence the aggression. She thinks it's a new cat in her territory, so the impulse is to fight. Things will go back to normal in a day or two, in case you were curious at all.


Staff member
That's really common @fade. Mulder no longer smells like himself, so Scully doesn't recognize him anymore - hence the aggression. She thinks it's a new cat in her territory, so the impulse is to fight. Things will go back to normal in a day or two, in case you were curious at all.
Yeah, I figured it was something like that. Also, Mulder was being really aggressive, most likely because he had a bunch of pent up energy after being caged all day.
So, Jun comes up to me and and says that I ought to wash the dishes today. Its the day after Chinese New Year, you see.

A traditional way to greet someone for the new year is to say "恭喜发财“ (Gong Xi Fa Cai) Essentially wishing someone to be happy and prosperous.

Jun says, that day after Chinese New Year is especially important, and the husband should wash the dishes so that we can be prosperous for the rest of the year, essentially changing 恭喜发财 to 公洗发财 ( also pronounced Gong Xi Fa Cai)---except this time, the meaning is "(A) husband washing (dishes) for great prosperity."

