
Staff member
Every time someone draws a female character with a dark upper lip and a bottom lip the same color as the face, all I see is a moustache. E.g. Kim Possible really needs a shave.


Staff member
Every time someone draws a female character with a dark upper lip and a bottom lip the same color as the face, all I see is a moustache. E.g. Kim Possible really needs a shave.

Unhappy pouty Shego?

Or roguish happy Shego with an amazing Magnum PI 'stache?
Aye. Crushes are like that.

Also, watching this game is making me want to go to France so I might meet one of these pretty young Arabic women.
On one hand, people are assholes with the things, on the other, most people now use their phones as their cameras while on vacations and unlike a camera, when some stranger you get to take a picture for you runs off with your phone, they have SO MUCH of your information at their finger tips so I can kind of understand their use.
Those things were a menace when at Disneyland back in May. They had already banned them on the rides at that time, but were allowed in the park. Got bowled into by a couple of people that weren't paying any attention to what was around them them, only staring up that their little phone. There are tons of people that are more than willing to take someone a picture, even park employees that their only job IS to take pictures of people. My wife was handed a dude's phone at World of Color (night water/light show) to take some pictures while he proposed to her.

She is off the right of this photo, and source of the flash. Don't know who they are, don't know where they are from, never saw them again after this show.
You were there?! Damn dude.
Well, not really. I'm in the same city as the concert venue, but that's it. I'm not really a concert person, so there was very little chance of me actually being there. :p (For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about: Taiwan Formosa Water Park explosion injures hundreds)

Still, though, it's kinda crazy around here these days. The hospitals in Taipei are a bit overwhelmed, and patients are being transferred to other hospitals around the island. The first death occurred yesterday, and the death toll is probably going to rise, given how we have people with burns on over 90% of their body.

The thing that boggles my mind is how no one saw this coming. Seriously, who's the dumbass who thought it'd be a good idea to fill the air with dense powder, given the high temperatures and people smoking and all the electrical devices and stuff nearby? Even I know that's explosive.
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Staff member
Something's changed.. Google Now's voice inflection is ever so slightly altered. I use voice commands to send texts all the time at work. "Ok google, text Mark never mind you're good to go."

Google now always responds by crafting the text then asking for verification: "Do you want to send this?"

But today, there was a slight upward emphasis on "want" and "this." As if she was asking, "This? This is something you WANT to send somebody? Something you want somebody to actually read??"

No sass, please, Google Now Lady.
Something's changed.. Google Now's voice inflection is ever so slightly altered. I use voice commands to send texts all the time at work. "Ok google, text Mark never mind you're good to go."

Google now always responds by crafting the text then asking for verification: "Do you want to send this?"

But today, there was a slight upward emphasis on "want" and "this." As if she was asking, "This? This is something you WANT to send somebody? Something you want somebody to actually read??"

No sass, please, Google Now Lady.
I noticed they removed the three default voices from Waze, also. Now "Samantha" is no longer an option, I have to be happy with "Jane." Jane sounds like she's about 10-15 years younger and really wants a promotion.



Staff member
I noticed they removed the three default voices from Waze, also. Now "Samantha" is no longer an option, I have to be happy with "Jane." Jane sounds like she's about 10-15 years younger and really wants a promotion.

hah, you made me google that stuff, and I found the threads on waze.com complaining about the disappearance of Samantha, and comparing Jane to a drunk valley girl.


Staff member
This might shed some light... seems Samantha sounds suspiciously similar to Siri.

Is "Jane" the same voice that translate.google.com uses when you click the "say this out loud" button on an english phrase? Because that's the voice I've had on google navigation all along.