They're not Christmas trees, dammit! They're Yule Trees! There were no pines in Bethlehem! Trees hung with apples were a Gaelic symbol to ask the Gods to send back fruit-bearing trees come spring! CHRISTIANS ARE STEALING MY GERMANIC RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS!
SANTA CLAUS doesn't exist! He's a cheap commercialized version of Saint Nicholas! American consumerism is stealing my traditional Christian festivities!
Christ was more likely than not born in January or August, given the appearance of the Star! The Orthodox Church at least has their festivities at a somewhat appropriate date! Leave end-of-December for those of us who want to celebrate the winter solstice! Or Agnostica! Or Chanoeka!
Christmas should be about giving to the poor, coming together as a family, and opening your house to the less fortunate! A proper Christmas celebration is to invite at least one homeless or pauper and give him/her a feast and a bed for the night, as The Lord made clear is our duty as Christians! A festival of decadence, waste and commercialism is the very antipode of what we should be celebrating! If Jesus came today he'd treat those "Christians" celebrating like the money lenders in Temple! Not in His Name!
...So, $1 from CG, and $1 from Wasabi, right? I've made money for charity in worse ways