For me, that was my great grandma, Willie Mae. And I don't think she had hatred towards other races, but that it was because she grew up in the deep south in the early 1900's and honestly didn't know any better than to not say certain things. Like a black-colored dog wasn't black. Oh no, it was a "cute little ni***r dog!" And the rest of us next to her would be mortified and try to correct her, but she'd just be like "But it IS a cute little ni***r dog!"
My Mexican grandma isn't racist, she's just a little kookie sometimes. My White grandma is one of the most religiously intolerant people I've known. My Dad's Christmas present from her one year was a letter telling him that God told her that if he didn't start making us go to church again, we'd all be going to Hell. Thanks Grandma, Merry Christmas to you too!