Don't forget that one crime procedural where they beat stages in Prince of Persia like it's Mario Bros. to unlock files on a hard drive!
Here's a few of the best of the worst:
Here's a few of the best of the worst:
There are stores online dedicated to finding cute women's shoes but in men's sizes. Apparently there's enough demand.The clothing ain't gonna be the issue... how the HELL are you going to find Mary-Janes in your size?
I'm 30 seconds into this video and screaming. What? Why? How can you tell processor speed by looking at a computer case? Who talks like that? I feel like this scene was originally written about car enthusiasts, and they just did find/replace to change it to computers.Don't forget that one crime procedural where they beat stages in Prince of Persia like it's Mario Bros. to unlock files on a hard drive!
Here's a few of the best of the worst:
Likely for drag queens.There are stores online dedicated to finding cute women's shoes but in men's sizes. Apparently there's enough demand.
Show of hands, who read that as porno?I got picked to do the vo for some of our promo movies here. I did not want to do it, but hard to say no, too. I have, according to the managers, the most neutral accent.
If they're watching pornno, I don't really want to see their hands right now.Show of hands, who read that as porno?
Wow... I think Mr. Z would want to come over to try the poutine or the jalapeno mac!Every year Lays does a contest where they choose 4 flavours suggested by people. You guys in the US always get different flavours than we do in Canada. Well. the Canadian flavours are out and they are...something...else.
You're a gem. I hope you know that.The odd ones are the ones who don't admit that they do and think odd things.
Tried the Tzatziki based on your recommendation. I can see some appeal but it barely moves beyond sour cream an onion. The kettle cooking is certainly a benefit but I wouldn't say that they're a miracle of chip technologyI've mentioned on these forums that I love potato chips a great deal. Too much even. So, when companies put out a variety of new flavours, I try them all, because it's fun.
Every year Lays does a contest where they choose 4 flavours suggested by people. You guys in the US always get different flavours than we do in Canada. Well. the Canadian flavours are out and they are...something...else.
Here they are.
So, I bought a small bag of each and tried them all.
1. Bacon Poutine - These were by far the most popular. There was only a single bag of these left, whereas the other 3 had almost full racks. I thought they were the third worst of the bunch. The bacon flavour waaaaay overpowers any sort of poutine flavour and they were just boring smokey chips with a hint of that rotten milk taste that exemplifies potato chip cheese flavour. 4/10.
2. Cinnamon Bun - I just about spit this out. I was expecting some kind of deserty sweet chip. What I got was a taste that's best described as a churro that a fat man has sweated all over. Salty cinnamon churros. HORRIBLE. 1/10.
3. Jalapeno Mac n Cheese - These weren't terrible, but they weren't anything special either. You kind of expected them to be spicy, but they were milder than the mildest of jalapeno flavoured things. The cheese was again your standard potato chip cheese flavour. They're basically just cheddar cheese rippled Lays. 6/10.
4. Tzatziki - These were kettle cooked, so that was a nice surprise and makes them better than the rest by default (kettle cooked superior) but the biggest shock is how authentically like tzatziki sauce these chips tasted. I expected something that mostly tasted like sour cream and onion but I got a legitimate new flavour. I really dig these and though they're gonna lose to bacon poutine because snackers are fucking stupid, they are easily the best of the four. 8/10.
These might not all be winners, but they're a huge step up over the trash they tried last year.
Here's my post from the last batch of these:
Also, I didn't give those last set of flavours an out of 10 score, but if I were to have, I would have given Grilled Cheese and Ketchup a -1000000000/10. They were worse than Hitler.
Now what're you going to do with your new, expensive camera, huh?My cat shows not the slightest inclination of eating corn on the cob. THE INTERNET LIED TO ME
IT WAS BUTTERED.You have to add butter to the corn first.
Who writes stuff for the Halforums wiki? I forget. I'm still just tickled that I'm a genocidal war criminal.
You know, I know it's kind of a pointless thought, but I often wonder how I'm perceived on here and if you guys knew all of the crazy that goes on in my brain, what everyone would think of me? But, I mean, like I said, it's pointless because I much prefer to keep my mouth shut. Still, sometimes I wonder.
Then we'd better keep our head on a swivel since you are sure to inexplicably become evil after SMILING WARMLY AT SOMEONE WHOSE BACK IS TURNED TO YOU WHEN THERE'S NO ONE AROUND YOU NEED TO DECEIVE.With Hans on this one.
Nooo...You ever post something you're really proud of on Reddit, and then get depressed because you know almost no one's going to read it, because it's on a not-very-highly upvoted thread in a moderately-large-at best subreddit?
After that twist, I always read that moment as "Well, if I've got to do it, at least she's easy on the eyes."
Yeah, he sure seems to go whole hog for someone he's just trying to put one over on. Get that guy a crown and an Oscar.Then we'd better keep our head on a swivel since you are sure to inexplicably become evil after SMILING WARMLY AT SOMEONE WHOSE BACK IS TURNED TO YOU WHEN THERE'S NO ONE AROUND YOU NEED TO DECEIVE.
I'm... sorry. That was less about you and more about how much I hate that part of the movie.
I wish there was a small enough clip of To Be Or Not To Be on YouTube where Mel Brooks says, "I gave the greatest performance of my life, and nobody saw it."You never know who's watching that you don't see. You've got to stay in character even when you think nobody is watching.
Bacon Poutine and Tzatziki ones bought to sample!I've mentioned on these forums that I love potato chips a great deal. Too much even. So, when companies put out a variety of new flavours, I try them all, because it's fun.
Every year Lays does a contest where they choose 4 flavours suggested by people. You guys in the US always get different flavours than we do in Canada. Well. the Canadian flavours are out and they are...something...else.
Here they are.
So, I bought a small bag of each and tried them all.
1. Bacon Poutine - These were by far the most popular. There was only a single bag of these left, whereas the other 3 had almost full racks. I thought they were the third worst of the bunch. The bacon flavour waaaaay overpowers any sort of poutine flavour and they were just boring smokey chips with a hint of that rotten milk taste that exemplifies potato chip cheese flavour. 4/10.
2. Cinnamon Bun - I just about spit this out. I was expecting some kind of deserty sweet chip. What I got was a taste that's best described as a churro that a fat man has sweated all over. Salty cinnamon churros. HORRIBLE. 1/10.
3. Jalapeno Mac n Cheese - These weren't terrible, but they weren't anything special either. You kind of expected them to be spicy, but they were milder than the mildest of jalapeno flavoured things. The cheese was again your standard potato chip cheese flavour. They're basically just cheddar cheese rippled Lays. 6/10.
4. Tzatziki - These were kettle cooked, so that was a nice surprise and makes them better than the rest by default (kettle cooked superior) but the biggest shock is how authentically like tzatziki sauce these chips tasted. I expected something that mostly tasted like sour cream and onion but I got a legitimate new flavour. I really dig these and though they're gonna lose to bacon poutine because snackers are fucking stupid, they are easily the best of the four. 8/10.
These might not all be winners, but they're a huge step up over the trash they tried last year.
Here's my post from the last batch of these:
Also, I didn't give those last set of flavours an out of 10 score, but if I were to have, I would have given Grilled Cheese and Ketchup a -1000000000/10. They were worse than Hitler.