Apparently in the Dragon Ball Super manga they acknowledged that Super Sayain God Super Sayain is WAY too long. What is it now?! Super Sayain Blue, and YES its pretty much a joke name.
In this case, I'm pretty sure the callers want our Spanish radio station, and don't want to waste their time talking to someone who doesn't sound like he speaks Spanish.What kind of weird radio station are you running?
This is of course, the entirety of said greeting.Fun fact, my voice is also the outgoing greeting on our "we're closed, call back later" phone system.
We've had several changes that should affect what I've recorded, but nobody's given enough of a shit to actually make me change the message, and I give even less of one.I used to be the voice of our office VOIP phone system. I hated whenever I had to change/update the announcements, because if I made a mistake or mispronunciation, I had to start the whole thing over. And they were never short!
Not for me, yet, it isn't. I'm probably gonna be at work at least 2 more hours. >_<It's Friday!!!!!
I always weigh myself after my morning wizz, and only take it seriously on Tuesdays.Water weighs 8 pounds a gallon. It's easy for water loss or retention to swing your weight a good 10 pounds either way.
They keep saying this, but it's still pretty dry.HEY FELLOW TEXICANS
Get ready to get wet. Brace yourselves for more reports of Houston sinking below the waves.
Odd, we're practically flooding, here.They keep saying this, but it's still pretty dry.
Fortunately I live in a section of town with decent drainage... except for the lawns. Those are all bowl shaped for some reason, and will be full of stagnant water for a week or more, spawning all the mosquitoes you care to think about and a whole lot more.Are you going to need to take a boat to get home?
Hah, ok, that explains it... looking at wunderground's 12 hour weather radar, looks like H-Town got bypassed FOR ONCE. Everything in central Texas up through northeast Texas got drenched. Poor Corsicana and West got shitslammed. I45 and I35 had to get closed.They keep saying this, but it's still pretty dry.
It takes a shit-tonne of rain to close an interstate.Hah, ok, that explains it... looking at wunderground's 12 hour weather radar, looks like H-Town got bypassed FOR ONCE. Everything in central Texas up through northeast Texas got drenched. Poor Corsicana and West got shitslammed. I45 and I35 had to get closed.
Judging from twitter, they have achieved that in Austin.It takes a shit-tonne of rain to close an interstate.
Starbucks. Prescription strength relief for Writers' Block, now available over-the-counter.Snapped this at Chapters/Starbucks while writing. Got about 1,000 words written. Not bad after not writing anything in ages.
I'd already written about 700 words and was just starting on Chapter 9 when I decided to snap the pic.I only see maybe two words on that screen.
They would have been more titillating if it was a title.
YouTube celebrity is it's own peculiar circlejerk sometimes.While looking at Youtube suggestions:
"Top Fifteen Youtubers that tragically died"
...I'm...I'm pretty sure that list didn't need to exist...or at least be a top fifteen list.
And it's not nearly as rewatchable as "Top Fifteen YouTubers who HILARIOUSLY died"While looking at Youtube suggestions:
"Top Fifteen Youtubers that tragically died"
...I'm...I'm pretty sure that list didn't need to exist...or at least be a top fifteen list.
SOMEONE dedicated their time to picking out all the times we yelled at Terrik to make a video. Just saying.I just find it kinda ghastly that its a "Top fifteen", meaning they went through a SHIT done of Youtube deaths and picked these fifteen out of several. Someone dedicated their time to this, and that disturbs me a tad.