The Super Dooper Canadian Thread (now with 47% more Canadian Bacon)

Yes. I deliberately didn't include Rolos & KitKat, since those are actually Nestlé products produced by Hershey in the US and Nestlé can go drown in a gully.

Being a Canadian in a grocery store trying to avoid American goods.

Step 1) Avoid all products that feature a maple leaf in the logo or on the packaging.
No, the fuck wads that run the stores are slapping little Canadian flags all over the place. It's deceptive marketing. You need to take your time, read the label and throw the American goods in the bin like a decent person.

And this is why I love provincial run liquor stores. They just took the American booze off the shelf.
That seems counter-intuitive.
It's overly reductive and not 100% but we have a lot of shit here, not made here or from here, covered in little Canada flags. And now it feels like HCGLNS says above, that they're slapping little stickers willy nilly to try to sell whatever they want or can because our grocery corps are fucking awful.
No, the fuck wads that run the stores are slapping little Canadian flags all over the place. It's deceptive marketing. You need to take your time, read the label and throw the American goods in the bin like a decent person.

And this is why I love provincial run liquor stores. They just took the American booze off the shelf.
This is telling me I should go to Canada for heavily discounted American products from stores trying to clear their inventory.
Yes bye where ya at. Yeah, no, yeah. Best don a bunnyhug eh?

Translation into the Kings English.

"Wonderful, which city will you be visiting? You should probably check the weather and dress appropriately. "
There was a sexy Canadian posted in the NSFW board who brings up a good point— Would Canada accept California as a province? Surely It’d be no different than Alaska being way up there as part of the States. You’d just have a little outpost to visit down here without technically leaving the country, I think it’s win/win :awesome: We have almonds and bears to offer
No, the fuck wads that run the stores are slapping little Canadian flags all over the place. It's deceptive marketing. You need to take your time, read the label and throw the American goods in the bin like a decent person.

And this is why I love provincial run liquor stores. They just took the American booze off the shelf.

Suck a dick eh. Prepared in Canada don't mean shit.

Made in Canada and Product of Canada are the only ones with legal meaning.