The Tech Random Crap Thread

Just signed the papers on friday to get a 14.4 kw solar array put on my roof, and a 13.5 kwh battery. In 4-6 weeks, the problems of the Texas power grid will largely be somebody else's problem.

Did end up spending way more than I thought I would on it, but at least I got 2.99% on the loan, so the payments will still be less than electricity costs.
I'm seriously considering cutting down the big oak in the front yard so solar can become a viable option for me.
Shouldn't need to, depending on how much other house/yard you have. Don't forget you can make up the difference with wind.

The oak covers much of the sun-ward facing roof. There's no suitable yard for wind.

according to every online calculator, and the guys who've done the door-to-door sales pitches, this is really the only place for me to put panels without cutting the tree down:
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The oak covers 80% of the sun-ward facing roof. There's no suitable yard for wind.

according to every online calculator, and the guys who've done the door-to-door sales pitches, this is really the only place for me to put panels without cutting the tree down:
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Could you...relocate the tree instead of just cutting it down? I'm a big proponent of not killing trees (as much as I am a proponent of solar power).
Could you...relocate the tree instead of just cutting it down? I'm a big proponent of not killing trees (as much as I am a proponent of solar power).
The tree is infected with some variety of shelf fungus. All of the oaks in the yard are. I've lost big portions of them every year when the fungus eats away enough of a limb for it to fall under its own weight, and I had to completely remove a dead oak from the back yard. While I'd prefer to keep the tree, I imagine it's only a matter of time before the whole big bastard comes down on the house, so I'd rather be proactive about it. But this big tree probably has at least year or two left in it before I have to give that serious consideration.

This pic is my girlfriend getting lucky that a big limb missed her car by inches last year


Staff member
Reddit showed me a hell of a headline from CNN "Inflight ‘raw dogging’: The bizarre new travel trend that’s creating a buzz"

I'll save you the link, and the click. It's just going a whole airplane flight without entertainment. No movies, books, phone, etc. Just looking out the window, mindfulness and meditation, but it gets an edgy name because of toxic masculinity.
That’s usually me. I’ll fall asleep during takeoff, and doze on and off during the whole flight. As long as I can get a window seat that is. Something about the noise and vibration of the plane just puts me to sleep.
I've heard it used for like a decade to describe doing anything without help in a comedic way.
Same, but this tweet was the first online reference I remember that used it specifically to describe the behavior during airplane flights, and I'm assuming the association, er, took off.

While raw dogging is obviously a crude term for having sex without protection, I've heard it used for like a decade to describe doing anything without help in a comedic way. Like if you learn someone doesn't do drugs, you'd say "you're really just out here raw dogging reality?"
What a foul thought.