Almost a year later and I'm STILL using the Christina Aguilera GPS voice. It still makes me cackle when my state-of-the-art EV sounds like a vacuous sophomoric starlet trying to sound like an entry on "I'm 14 and this is deep."If there's only one "song," sure. Just like celebrity GPS voices.
Man, I like the cool beat I get when I brake and accelerate like a complete fucking dipshit. Holy shit, pedal to the metal ruUUUUUUUUUUUUUULES!This would be neat for exactly 15 minutes, and then turned off and never used again.
Yeah, that was the other thought I had, things that encourage you to alter the way you drive can be dangerous and lead to accidentsMan, I like the cool beat I get when I brake and accelerate like a complete fucking dipshit. Holy shit, pedal to the metal ruUUUUUUUUUUUUUULES!
Fast music already makes me want to drive like an idiot.
God damn it, I just watched the video, he shows directly how cool swerving like a dipshit would sound.
Obstacles are inefficientGod damn it, I just watched the video, he shows directly how cool swerving like a dipshit would sound.
I am 100% behind anything that reduces an individual's need to rely on some kind of resource that might be subject to shortages, either natural OR artificial.[solar panel article]
Incredibly misleading title though....It's 1000x more efficient than using pure barium titanate. It's not 1000x more efficient than using modern silicon based solar panels. More efficient, yes, but not by that degree.![]()
Groundbreaking solar panels are 1000x more powerful than traditional panels
Solar cells currently in use are mostly silicon-based, but their efficiency is limited. This has led researchers to explore new
I am so close to getting everything protected so that all they need to do is Press Button 1, Press Button 2 and Press Button 3 and the only order that matters is to press 3 last!!!No such thing, unless you literally lock all cells except for two, allow only positive integer number input in those two and only output their sum in a third, uncopyable cell.
So you already know what's going to happen.I am so close to getting everything protected so that all they need to do is Press Button 1, Press Button 2 and Press Button 3 and the only order that matters is to press 3 last!!!
Yeah, Homer cornflakes.So you already know what's going to happen.
But Y2K didn't exist and was a hoax I tell you!Paging r/softwaregore!![]()
Self-pay gas station pumps break across NZ as software can’t handle Leap Day
“We’ll add it to our Outlook reminders…”…
Always wear a condom.I'm going to be travelling (and sitting in airports) a lot this weekend and also have a project that is critical. Normally, I don't use public Wifi. What are best practices if I wanted to connect to the internet?
What VPN do would you recommend?A VPN would be a good idea. Even better would be to hotspot your phone and use that instead.
Since you're mostly concerned with security and privacy and not the ability to obscure piracy, I'd say either ExpressVPN or NordVPN, or if you're not looking to pay money, ProtonVPN.What VPN do would you recommend?
I've recently started doing a bit of ebay selling on the side and for the first bit was just printing off my labels via inkjet but eventually, I grabbed a little shipping label printer and it's been great for that but also the typical this thing didn't fit/wasn't what I was expecting return. It was only like 100 cad and then 500 labels was 25$, granted I had a business use for it but still it's been a life saver a few times already.When my girlfriend moved in, she brought with her an epson inkjet printer. I chortled as such a contrivance from the times of yore.
But let me tell you, I have had to print out an INORDINATE number of UPS return labels in the last few months.
Senior Request Incoming.
I have 80 pictures of various sizes and aspect ratios.
I need to print them all on 2"x 2" squares(so 15 to a page I guess).
In Excel I can figure out how to resize them all to 2" by 2", but that ruins the aspect ratio. Or I can lock them all to either 2" height or width, but that means some will still be either too wide, or too high, to fit. Plus, I have to manually get them arranged.
I assume I should be able to somehow get them to import into Excel as one picture per cell, and then lock the cell sizes so the images auto-resize to fit in, but I can't figure out how.
Alternatively, if someone has an easier way of doing this, feel free to tell me.
I'm sure I should be able to do this but I'm sick as can be and it's 1 AM and my brainpower is gone.