Hrrrm ... while I like that they're trying to do something different, it feels like any other ghost movie, at least from this trailer. Like, they may as well not be mutants from what we're seeing here.
Well, that'd certainly make the special effects cheaper.they may as well not be mutants from what we're seeing here.
Generic is the right word. When they said it was going to be a horror movie, I thought the horror would have to do with their mutations and powers.I feel like New Mutants will either be really good or really bad. A horror film where the protagonists have superpowers? That's an interesting premise. Now let's see if they can pull it off.
As for the trailer itself, yeah it just feels like a generic supernatural horror movie.
WE NEED LEADERS WE NEED LEADERS WE NEED LEADERSHeh, "Reagan-Bush '84"... I remember that on TV even though I was only 5... FOUR MORE YEARS. FOUR MORE YEARS. FOUR MORE YEARS.
...OKAY-this looks like it could be a really good idea, but...holy shit is that a rapid departure. Was...kinda hoping we'd just see Laura and her friends fighting crime and what not, but if it works than okay.
Teaser Trailer son. Have faith....OKAY-this looks like it could be a really good idea, but...holy shit is that a rapid departure. Was...kinda hoping we'd just see Laura and her friends fighting crime and what not, but if it works than okay.
The only problem there is the october 27 thing. I think that's the same day Super Mario Odyssey comes out.And it might not be a MOVIE trailer, but holy fucking shit this is awesome!
And also the day that iPhone X preorders start (assuming they don't run into any mfr difficulties oh wait oops)The only problem there is the october 27 thing. I think that's the same day Super Mario Odyssey comes out.
Man in the Moon was just a WEIRD movie... but good. WTF is this? Just how disturbed (or not?) is Carrey? Is he a method actor that goes WAY too far? Or... ???
So was his weird behaviour just a from of promotion for this documentary?
On the set of Man on the Moon, he refused to answer to his name and had to be refered to as Andy Koffman, both on and off the set. At one point he wandered onto the set with a bloody nose and claimed that Tony Clifton punched him in the face. Tony Clifton does not exist.Man in the Moon was just a WEIRD movie... but good. WTF is this? Just how disturbed (or not?) is Carrey? Is he a method actor that goes WAY too far? Or... ???
At the least the trailer has intrigued me. That may or may not be a good thing.
That looks like it's going to be hard to watch without some kind of cheat.Yes, this is actually happening, and it's being made in China.
Meh, LRR did this 4 years ago:There's a short film being made based on the game Papers, Please.
The LAYERS of BS in that video. The credits in particular are great.Heh.
I don't think Rampage looks bad, but probably middle of the road forgettable based on the trailer.Oof, that does not look good.
And yeah, The Rock needs to be a little more picky on his roles. Arnold had plenty of stinkers, but at least they were largely memorable stinkers due to his charisma. Rock's got charisma in spades, but the projects he's on are terrible. And he's basically the same character in all of them.
Aw, they should've kept Lizzie in their pocket for when you actually went to see the movie.
...this looks incredibly stupid...but I also kinda wanna see it.
Dude, dude, DUDE....could you IMAGINE the feminist outrage if she WASN'T in the trailer?! I was half-expecting them to forget her! If their's anyone their saving for the sequel its that weird bat guy you can turn into if you get that one power-up.Aw, they should've kept Lizzie in their pocket for when you actually went to see the movie.
Ow.their's anyone their saving for the sequel