[News] The USA Police State will never satisfy its lust for beating, gassing, and imprisoning minorities

Is riot ribs still ok?
Nope, the reports are that they've torn down the tents and thrown out thousands of dollars worth of food donations from PokPokPDX and all of the rest. It looks like they've also sealed the bathroom back off, after Riot Ribs spent all day yesterday cleaning it. Looks like it's time for us to buy RiotRibs a food truck. Fuck the PD.

Just be warned that the rest of the content on BlackSocialist's Twitter is a bit... anti-semitic following yesterday's Nick Cannon drama.
By law, the city of Portland has to give 24 hours notice before sweeping a park. They have failed to do so yet again, because fuck your laws.
Riot Ribs is reporting that up to a dozen of their workers have been arrested, all of their stuff has been confiscated and destroyed, including thousands of dollars in technology solutions - the police confiscated/stole/destroyed people's personal belongings, tents, phones, clothing, all of the grills, coolers, equipment, batteries, donations, EVERYTHING. The park is now closed for renovation, citing the "damage" that protesters did to the bathrooms yesterday (when they cleaned them) as the excuse for clearing the park. This comes three days after protesters in Coos Bay were arrested for damaging someone's fence by painting over "Fuck Jay Brown" (a local black female activist) and a noose. The homeowner wanted the noose and hate speech to stay, so someone else removing it was deemed destruction of property.
Everything from RiotRibs has now been removed or destroyed. 15 members of Riot Ribs were arrested. The cops stole over $1200 in cash from one person alone (I'm sure it'll go down as an asset forfeiture), and are charging the members of Riot Ribs with trespassing (in a public park), resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and interfering with a peace officer (sure wish we had some of those around). Two members have been released from jail so far. Everyone in the park was given eight minutes to clear out, and if they weren't out, they were subject to mass arrest.
Full press release regarding the Federal Occupation of Portland, Oregon. From the DHS Acting Secretary, Chad Wolfe.

Acting Secretary Wolf Condemns The Rampant Long-Lasting Violence In Portland

Some highlights:
This siege can end if state and local officials decide to take appropriate action instead of refusing to enforce the law.
Below is a snapshot of the lawless destruction and violence of the past several weeks that Department of Homeland Security and its subcomponents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, and Federal Protective Service have faced:

On 6/1/2020 Violent Anarchists graffitied the US Customs House.

On 6/17/2020 Violent Anarchists graffitied the Hatfield Federal Courthouse.

On 7/14/2020 Violent Anarchists set a container of liquid on fire. (This particular Violent Anarchist was a 12 year old boy. He was tackled by a group of cops, arrested, dragged away in handcuffs, and eventually released to his mother. He threw a cup of gas on a bonfire).
So, yeah - the Federal Government as of an hour ago has admitted that they are besieging the city of Portland, OR. That they have no intention of leaving. That they will continue to act against the wishes of the mayor, our governor, our congressional reps, and our senators. And that they apparently don't feel that the city which has the highest number of complaints of police brutality since George Floyd's killing have been doing ENOUGH.
Oh, that explains this morning's sudden violent park clearing.

We couldn't have Trump's head of occupied invasions seeing all those dirty, unwashed, houseless folx near the courthouse. They might get BBQ sauce on his suit.
They just can’t stand having Portland be a stain on their record, can they?

Trump is now attacking Lori Lightfoot for her failed liberal governance (but in his words, instead of coherent ones), and pushing for the same federal response teams to be sent to Chicago. Portland is their trial run. Rumor has it that the army refused to respond to Portland and that the federal forces that will be deployed from this point on are mercenaries from Academi/Brightwater, Elite CBP Agents, and ICE ERO agents. At this point, that's coming from only one source, but that source is a state health employee embedded with the protesters as a medic. And by embedded with, I totally mean "completely in charge of the medic response and currently working on setting up a mission-based occupation of the city."

Graffiti, the ultimate act of violence.

For roughly the cost of some home repairs in damage, the federal government has waged a war against the populace of Portland to the tune of millions of dollars and caused countless injuries (and some deaths).
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Tonight's protest is taking place at the Multnomah County Justice Center. The cops are already trying to declare this a riot, as the cops have decided that the chant "burn it down" constitutes a credible threat from the protesters that they are going to burn the building down. Unfortunately for the PD, there are several independent and mass media reporters on site who are reporting that there have been no chants of "burn it down" tonight. The cops have now advised everyone that if they set foot on the property they are subject to arrest and use of force. It's gonna go down in Portland tonight, y'all. Don't be terribly surprised if you wake up and this has become much, much, much worse.

Robert Evans of Bellingcat Media is reporting what sound like "very large drones" above the protest at MCJC/Laurelhurst Precinct/Sheriff's Station (yes, those are all the same place). There's also a large protest crowd forming at the downtown Justice Center near the Hatfield Federal Building. On a slightly hopeful note, the world's press have started to take note of the situation, and even Dan Rather is talking about it. It's so nice to be seen.
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There are now videos circulating Twitter showing the same snatch and grab tactics being employed on the streets of at least one California city. I don't know which.
Members of the press are currently having to provide emergency medical aid to drivers in downtown Portland who are being tear-gassed on the open streets by expired federal tear gas - Muzzle Blast OC, Flameless Tri-Chaser CS, and etc.
Cops in Portland tonight (actual cops, not the Feds) assaulted members of the press, members of the National Lawyer's Guild, members of the general public, broke a driver's window with a baton, and then t-boned that same driver with a patrol vehicle as they attempted to escape the sudden and violent attack on their vehicle.

Trump's gestapo are now snatching citizens from the streets of at least three cities in the US. One in Cali, Portland, and Miami.
While i dislike the whole compare-political-opponents-to-nazis thing we've got going on these days, arresting opposition leaders without reason, abusing them a bit, then dumping them back on the streets (preferably naked and in another town where they won't be immediately recognized) is very very literally straight out of the Nazi handbook from the mid-to-late thirties. As in, there were really books and pamphlets spread around by the higher levels of the party to help local groups set it up, either with police cooperation, or without being apprehended, depending on the area they were in.
It was very effective in cowing and silencing people, as a fear tactic.
Official media and military sources are now beginning to speak about the goings on in Portland in very specific terms and in very deliberate ways. They are deliberately using the term "disappeared," and "SS;" as in "leftists and/or civilians (depending upon the source) are being disappeared off of the streets of Portland, by Donald Trump's fascist SS troops." Sadly, Acting Secretary Wolf is still pushing the narrative that what he saw in Portland last night was pure hell and deserves nothing less than a full-scale occupation, and the administration's supporters are eating that shit up, hook line and sinker. While most of the fascist noise in livestream chat is coming from bots, the worst of it always comes from someone with an actual profile behind their screen name. Some of the shit I've seen has been so vile that I won't type it again, because no one deserves to have to read that content, regardless of who is saying it or why.
The current list of Federally Occupied Cities is as follows:

Columbus, OH
Miami, FL
San Diego, CA
Portland, OR

Citizens of these cities has provided demonstrable video evidence of Federal Snatch Teams acting within their borders. Also, please take @BErt Again's Twitter thread to heart. We've already had reports of the Proud Boys and other militias acting in coordination with the cops in Portland, before the Feds moved in to make things all much worse.
Has there been any sort of official "Why?" put forward to explain the choice of these specific locales?

In Columbus? Because the crowd hasn't gone away and it's been winning, getting significant gains from the government against the police, mostly because there is significant video evidence that it's been the police escalating the fighting. The people they've been trying to pick up are local leaders, activisits, and journalists to try and intimidate them into the stopping the protests.

It's not going to work here. We're a college town and these kids have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Sooo... how long until Atomwaffen et al. use this to start disappearing people?
There are concerns on the ground that this will be happening in Portland starting tonight.
Has there been any sort of official "Why?" put forward to explain the choice of these specific locales?

In Portland, it was five or six pages of "violent anarchists graffitied," or "violent anarchists threw animal seed," or "violent anarchists chalked the sidewalk." Combined with this fucking chad's bullshit posturing for his boss, and constant complaints that Portland is under siege (by Antifa) and that the city police forces and governor won't enforce the laws and quell the protests.

@AshburnerX sounds like he's got the right of it for Columbus. I remember back on day two or three listening to Tim Brown stream and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was still out there. That was one angry ally.

It's just a guess, but I would hazard that the reasoning for San Diego and Miami is because they're both border towns that see significant amounts of immigration (both legal and otherwise), predominantly of brown people that the president hates. And Cubans, who he can't tell from Hispanics.

A lot of stress is being put on the fact that anyone within 100 miles of a physical US border is in danger of having the CBP respond, but I keep remembering last year when a comedian from Portland was arrested on a bus near Spokane by CBP, and the reasoning given as to why CBP was able to make an arrest legally that far from the border was because Seattle International Airport constitutes a border crossing, and everything within 100 miles of that point is also in patrol range for CBP arrest squads.
A lot of stress is being put on the fact that anyone within 100 miles of a physical US border is in danger of having the CBP respond, but I keep remembering last year when a comedian from Portland was arrested on a bus near Spokane by CBP, and the reasoning given as to why CBP was able to make an arrest legally that far from the border was because Seattle International Airport constitutes a border crossing, and everything within 100 miles of that point is also in patrol range for CBP arrest squads.
Using that logic, everywhere is in patrol range. :Leyla:
In Austin, TX tonight, the mounted cops are hitting protesters with their horses and intentionally trampling their feet. Because that's fucking humane - horse hooves on human feet, but thank the gods for steel toed boots on the one reporter at least. Cops specifically targeted the main streamer from Austin, Hiram Gilberto Garcia, and have taken him down and arrested him. He is a verified member of the press. They arrested him for resisting arrest, and beat him down live on stream. The pigs weren't smart enough to turn his camera off, so we got a nice clear shot of him being held down on the ground, hands zip tied behind him, with two officers kneeling on his back to keep him down. Elections in November? We'll be lucky if there's an America at this rate.
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