The Video Game Kickstarter Thread of the Future of Passing the Risk to the Consumer


Staff member
...dare I ask who is #1? I ain't searching for that phrase at work.
"Your Highness," The actual movie that line is from.

Although I get different google results than Dave, apparently, because I see us as the last entry on the first page. Or maybe it's changed in the last hour or so.
Did they ever actually SAY Minotaur penis? It's been a while since I've seen it. I mean, it was there, but did they SAY it?


Staff member
Did they ever actually SAY Minotaur penis? It's been a while since I've seen it. I mean, it was there, but did they SAY it?
I've never seen the movie all the way through but they indeed do not say it as far as I know. They SHOW it, but not say it.
And, finally, there's a Pathfinder videogame:

By former Nival staff... which leaves me a bit weary, but i guess HoMM5 wasn't that bad, and the lore and art where not their choices.
Well this has been quite the exciting ride:
Currently at $1734592 out of a goal of just $20000.

Some of those pins look absolutely fantastic.
EDIT: My favorite of the pins:


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Well this has been quite the exciting ride:
Currently at $1734592 out of a goal of just $20000.

Some of those pins look absolutely fantastic.
EDIT: My favorite of the pins:

View attachment 32404

They're beautiful, though not all are equally legible. Sadly I hardly ever play tabletop anymore, and my dice mostly go unused...And I'm still waiting on some dice I ordered on KS 5 years ago. Dammit! Tempting! But I'll pass.

Kingmaker started off a bit rocky, but I think the updates they've made have made it better. Still one of the most faithful representations of a tabletop setting in a video game.


Staff member
Pathfinder was a great game, but I thought it lost a LOT of steam when it hit the kingdom level.
And now they're promising to add HoMM3 inspired TB battles:

And the related pic even has the creature number under it...
The Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path had tactical battles in it. I wonder if they had begun work on that then, but never got it far enough to actually implement it.

Still hoping for a Summoner class implementation. The build your own monster pet aspect of the Summoner in tabletop has always intrigued me.
Well that one's stretch goals ended at around $900k, and the next one was New Race, which here is at $875k.

So i doubt they worked on it, but it might have been on their minds.

Especially since some of them where/are(?) former Nival employees, who likely worked on Heroes 5.
So it looks like my bank has KS flagged as a fraudulent merchant.

Guess i'll be buying the game after it comes out.
Looks interesting, though it also really looks like Settlers 6.5 (and I'm aware of number 7, thanks - I quite like it). I'm not really convinced a Q2 2021 delivery date is anywhere near possible, either, given where they are right now.
Former Konami Suikoden Team members are KSing a spiritual successor. Already at $2.3 million.

Friend of mine doing a GoFundMe for a Pen and Paper setting book.

Mmm. I kind of had decided not to back any new video games on KS because it would probably go Epic exclusive just before launch, but.... "We have confirmed with any potential publisher that we will not sign a contract with them that shuts off a key platform from our backers.". Tempting.
Mmm. I kind of had decided not to back any new video games on KS because it would probably go Epic exclusive just before launch, but.... "We have confirmed with any potential publisher that we will not sign a contract with them that shuts off a key platform from our backers.". Tempting.
If they had plans to put it in the switch I might have backed it. Since I don’t own a PS or Xbox (and I have no intention of buying either), I would be stuck with PC. For that real good nostalgia kick I would want this on a console.
Not exactly a video game, but I've kickstarted several things through these people before and the quality is always top notch. I already have a good capture card, but this looks like it could be a good low cost alternative to the absurdity it is to get one these days.


Creator of Final Fantasy Tactics wants to make a spiritual successor with the help of Playdek. Will also have the same composer as Tactics, FFXII, and Vagrant Story. 600k asking price though... I'm not sure they can make it.

Also, can someone sticky this thread? We post often enough and it's important enough that it shouldn't get lost in the shuffle.
lol, hey guys, I just got a playable alpha? beta? version of this after 7 years. And I am frankly shocked that I have gotten anything. The amount of drama that went on with this is amazing. And it's very barebones, generic tactical at this point.
lol, hey guys, I just got a playable alpha? beta? version of this after 7 years. And I am frankly shocked that I have gotten anything. The amount of drama that went on with this is amazing. And it's very barebones, generic tactical at this point.
I'm not surprised... Square Enix has been making overtures to Matsuno for years now, starting with re-releasing Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and hiring him as a guest director for the Ivalice Raids in FF14. I imagine he lost interest as soon as it looked like SE was interested in producing his works again.
So, a youtuber made his own TTRPG based on 5e, and the kickstarter for it made it's goal in minutes:

Man, Hasbro trying to fuck with the OGL just keeps making more actual competition for them... they really took the wrong lesson from 4e and it's GSL.